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I choose instute. Brotherhood of Steel enemy of my now.


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HELP I choose instute. Brotherhood of Steel enemy of my now. But i dont want like this. i need go back and change that. but i dont have save file :(. Can anyone help me how to fix that?


I can't find old save to change that. is there no way?

SPOILER : I want to save Paladin Danse

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So a hurr hurr we got nuclear bomb and even better the big badass robot, fear us peasants! faction is better?

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So a hurr hurr we got nuclear bomb and even better the big badass robot, fear us peasants! faction is better?

Which peasants does the BoS threaten in FO4? I know that the Institute has kept the Commonwealth gripped with fear and paranoia for ages, has wiped out entire settlements for tech (Institute Point), and is responsible for kidnapping and replacing those same "peasants," often experimenting on them with FEV.


And the BoS has done what, again? =0[.]o=

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This belongs to spoiler section then I guess.

Institute ceased FEV research some time ago or so we are led to believe. University Point was wiped out by Kellogg and HIS synth squad Institute gave him, it wasn't like he ever cared if they know tbh. Though I meant it more as a joke given BoS like Institute doesn't hesitate to use whatever they have at their disposal. Commonwealth treats BoS much like the Institute although being branded as lesser evil of the two. Given BoS does not risk their soldiers and rather go for nuclear explosion solution. Institute has a backdoor you know:P BUT every single factor playing against the people struggling in the wasteland throughout US has one thing common. Vault-Tec. Technically neither of factions within fallout universe is inherently evil. Oh I forgot people that are replaced are killed by the way. People that dissapear are "recruited".


Edited by k361
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Concerning the original topic, I do not believe it would be feasible to use console commands to change your allegiance in such a manner so late into the game. To do so may very well break your game.


As for the inevitable argument between the Institute and the Brotherhood, often a source of contention among players doing a second game, I for one believe that both factions have good and bad qualities to consider.


Brotherhood of Steel



In a world as wretched as the one depicted in Fallout, the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel can be seen as a force for good in their own way. They have dedicated themselves in part to exterminating the hostile mutants that have plagued humanity since the aftermath of the Great War, which is a boon to common citizens. They have also shown little interest in ruling large amounts of territory and prefer to let individual communities govern themselves. As a faction they rarely use deceit, and their actions and motivations can be taken at face value – with them you know what you get. The average Wastelander usually has little to fear from the Brotherhood, and the East Coast Chapter’s policy of open recruitment (while limited) works in part to maintain the Brotherhood’s relatability.


That said, the East Coast Chapter has also shown a more zealous focus on the Codex than in Fallout 3. Their disdain for nonhumans fosters racism to normal ghouls (who many members believe can “go feral”). The Brotherhood is also hell-bent on exterminating all synths regardless of actual affiliation with the Institute and show no desire to investigate such. Which brings us to ask why they are in the Commonwealth to begin with? The area would have drawn their attention inevitably due to the Super Mutants running rampant. But the primary reason given is that they hate that the Institute has created the Synths and vow to destroy them.


So it stands to reason that even if the Institute is was actually nice and cared for their synths, the Brotherhood would still have sought them out to destroy. As Preston Garvey says, they are the shoot first ask questions later types. They are also keen to continue their mandate to confiscate dangerous or valuable technology, which will invariably lead to the kind of self-destructive conflicts that had damaged their West Coast brethren.




The Institute



It is hard not to admire what the Institute has managed to accomplish given their meagre beginnings. Unlike the Enclave, which had accumulated the resources needed to survive the Great War quite comfortably, the Institute was largely formed from the survivors of Massachusetts Institute of Technology who hid in the university’s basement. Starting out as students and professors just digging to survive, the Institute has established an unparalleled infrastructure and even advanced the boundaries of scientific accomplishments far past those of the old world. The Institute itself is a marvel of engineering, with a manufacturing capacity almost without equal. Their crowning achievement, the creation of synthetic organisms, could benefit mankind in innumerable ways if properly employed - along with countless other innovations.


Of all the technologically advanced factions in the Fallout Universe, the Institute is the least expansion oriented and has no interest in governing anyone but themselves. While ruthless to others in their own defense, and to those that stand in their way, the Institute usually does not actively seek out confrontations with others. One could make the argument that the Institute is largely defending its own interests amidst current hostilities from the Railroad and the Brotherhood and is not actually the aggressor.


Needless to say the Institute has a great many faults. Their isolationist attitude is borderline extreme, to the point that they act like a foreign county separate from the rest of the Commonwealth. They do accept new members from the surface who exhibit uncommon intelligence or needed skills, but the Institute otherwise mirror Vaults in how detached its society is from the rest of the world. Many Institute members harbor a disdain for “surfacers” which is only at times tempered by pity. Having to build on the hard-scramble beginnings of their forebears has also made some denizens of the Institute quite selfish and self-centered.


Despite the fact that almost everyone of note is a doctor there appears be no regard for ethical codes such as the Hippocratic Oath. The individual divisions will often carry out experiments on the surface that adversely affect common people (though the actual amount of such experiments is debatable). The Institute has been known to attack settlements, even those of the player, for at times unknown purposes. Most infamously, the University Point Community was wiped out when the Institute sought to locate a secret military testing facility that had been found. However it is worth nothing that a different outcome may have come about if the Institute had not used Kellogg to “negotiate” with the settlers. Oh and yes, relying on ruthless psychopaths to get your work done is also frowned upon (based on the legal principle of respondeat superior).


Then of course there is the issue of the Gen 3 Synths. Many in the Institute adamantly regard them as not being people, and those who believe otherwise are not in a position to change minds or attitudes. The Gen 3 Synths are important for the continued maintenance of the Institute and as a labor force for increasing its size underground. I would equate this situation to the system of slavery in the American South before the U.S. Civil War – people knew the system was unjust but also relied on it too much. I can only begin to estimate the actual amount of abuses that go on behind the scenes as alluded to in passing conversations alone.


Lastly, the apparent creation of hordes of Super Mutants in their FEV Lab. I won’t even bother to go further on this point…



Edited by CyrusAmell
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