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Having some trouble with the gerald_basic xml files

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It may just be me who is a big noob to this, but i am trying to download several mods that enhances gerald. Such as: increased combat regen, no vigor needed to block and strangely enough does the lowered marked-prices-mod.

All of these mods have a xml file named gerald_basic, and every time i try to merge the folders, i have to replace the previous file, because they have the same name.


Does anyone know how to resolve this problem, so i can enjoy these mods at the same time?

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Being new myself I would either call up both files-side by side in win7- compare lines and do a lot of copy and paste operations or web search file compare and merge utilities (there's many free ones) either way keep the lines in common and decide which to keep when different.
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Forget the previous comment. i found out that i had just extracted the mods to the wrong location.


But the main problem is still that i can't use 2 mods, that has the gerald_basic files, at the same time. And i don't dare to change it because i wouldn't know what text changes what.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am sort of in the same boat as I downloaded the xml file for the weightless mod and i put it in the cookedpc folder but there is no cookedfolder/items like the directions said to put it in. anybody know exactly where to paste it or what to do because the instructions for it are rather simple yet i cannot find it :/
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