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"Someone was spotted leaving Vault 111"


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So, I was listening to Diamond City Radio, and the kid mentioned that someone wearing a jumpsuit was leaving vault 111, was this supposed to be me they were talking about? or someone else?
Because I'm level 33 in the game now, I think it's a little too late for it to be making references to me being spotted leaving the vault, admittedly though, I haven't progressed far in the story at all, as a matter of fact, I've ignored it, but I've at least gone to Diamond City, met Piper and have been told to see Nick, You think this wouldn't be relevant anymore.

All of this aside, because chances are high I'm just hearing something that was supposed to be heard much earlier in the game, but, How cool would it be for this to be a thing? through DLC or something.
Another Vault 111 survivor escaping the vault several levels after you have, maybe tie in to the Army life thing, and have them become a fairly strong adversary for you to encounter, or just a story line about them or something, Like, maybe them knowing your character Nate from the war time, and if you're playing Nora he references her husband rather than her...

Just, throwing ideas around.

Would really like if there was something about this in the vanilla game though, that'd be super cool.

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Travis repeats the same stories over and over throughout the course of the game. It could be a year later in game and he's still talking about you leaving the vault. I find it funny that he only mentions YOU leaving the vault, but then again I guess the last people to leave it before you did so 60 years prior, so he wasn't even alive at that time.

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actualy there WAS and empty pod in the same cryo room you where in. maybe somebody else got out BEFORE you did? it would be an interesting story

Edited by Dracula420
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actualy there WAS and empty pod in the same cryo room you where in. maybe somebody else got out BEFORE you did? it would be an interesting story

Oh yes that's a hanger, either someone didn't make it or left before you.

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You know IIRC they do mention that everybody made it in the vault. Fairly sure they even talk about a close call I don't think anyone failed to make it.

I think that close call was the family that waited until the last minute. I also think that family was yours that they were referring to.

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You know IIRC they do mention that everybody made it in the vault. Fairly sure they even talk about a close call I don't think anyone failed to make it.


Wait, where did you hear/read this? I do recall Howard saying during the E3 presentation: "..you then emerge 200 years later as the sole survivor of Vault 111".


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You know IIRC they do mention that everybody made it in the vault. Fairly sure they even talk about a close call I don't think anyone failed to make it.

I think that close call was the family that waited until the last minute. I also think that family was yours that they were referring to.


But the point is all of them are occupied in the lore. We need to start counting bodies of vault dwellers now.

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