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Problem with naming enchanted weapons/armors


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So, I have problem with naming enchants in Skyrim. My spacebar isn't working there, and name's coming back to the original if I name something with more than one word. For example I can do "Helmet", "Armor" etc. but I can't add adjective or my nick to it. Any solution? I haven't modded anything that changes or messes with enchanting, so mods aren't problem here, just FYI.

Edited by lemistio1
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So to clarify, you can add a custom name, but it can only be one string of characters?


You could make it 'Abcdefghijklmnop', but not 'Abcd efgh ijklmnop'. Do I have that right? I think I do.


Silly question: if you create a Word document, does your spacebar work when you type in that Word doc?


if you can do that, my first suggestion would be to un-assign your spacebar in your 'Controls', and try again. I have had conflicts with assigned functions that effectively disable a peripheral.

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You could make it 'Abcdefghijklmnop', but not 'Abcd efgh ijklmnop'. Do I have that right? I think I do.

Yes, it's like this.

My spacebar IS working, I've meant it doesn't save the name, just goes back to previous one when I hit enter :tongue: It doesn't matter if I place it before name, in the middle or in the end.

Reassigning didn't work.

Edited by lemistio1
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