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Got a weird thing going on with Cait. She is my primary companion and I also have Curie and Piper along for the ride. Just for a change I decided to take Preston along as well , and naturally Cait shouted about "that do gooder!" but to my surprise she keeps her distance all the time now while Curie and Piper are in my face as usual. If I ask her to pick a lock she won't do it (even though she offers to).

Anyone else had this happen ?



If you have more then 1 companion, you prolly use a mod to make that possible. I'd look there for any probs... or ask the creator of that mod.



There was no clash before I added Preston. I can only assume it is something to do with Preston being the first available companion? I don't like dumping companions but he will have to go I guess.




Or maybe it isn't Preston, but the fact you reached the max number of companions. That this happened to be Preston, would then be mere coincidence.

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Got a weird thing going on with Cait. She is my primary companion and I also have Curie and Piper along for the ride. Just for a change I decided to take Preston along as well , and naturally Cait shouted about "that do gooder!" but to my surprise she keeps her distance all the time now while Curie and Piper are in my face as usual. If I ask her to pick a lock she won't do it (even though she offers to).

Anyone else had this happen ?



If you have more then 1 companion, you prolly use a mod to make that possible. I'd look there for any probs... or ask the creator of that mod.



There was no clash before I added Preston. I can only assume it is something to do with Preston being the first available companion? I don't like dumping companions but he will have to go I guess.




Or maybe it isn't Preston, but the fact you reached the max number of companions. That this happened to be Preston, would then be mere coincidence.



I think the mod I use lets you have 15 companions at once ? I dismissed Preston but it had no effect after 5 game days and she just pretty much stood around doing nothing so, though it broke my heart, I dismissed her. There's no point in dragging dead weight around. I have picked up T0-R1 as a companion again so that's it for now.

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I can't seem to travel with non-romanceable companions for very long. Especially Hancock. I don't know why. Maybe it's the romantic in me.


But why does no one like MacCready? I was so excited to see him all grown up from FO3! I normally play as stealthy little thieves anyway. So he fit the bill for that. Plus he makes me laugh, and says the cutest things when he's romanced. Buuuut while I steal everyone's stuff behind their back, I'm a goody-two-shoes to their face. Can't help it. So that's why I ended up dragging Hancock along with me for the most part of the game, and after I romanced him, I even put that wedding ring on him to show my commitment.

I like Danse too, but only because, I must admit, he's not bad on the eyes (ignore that last comment about commitment-- Thank you Beth for making the Sole Survivor polyamorous!)

However, I love all the other companions as well (even Preston in all his 'anothersettlementneedsyourhelp glory), but I haven't really touched them since getting them up to max affinity. I don't know. I can't seem to stay away from Hancock for very long. Something about peeling skin and noseless-ness really tickles my fancy I guess.

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I can't seem to travel with non-romanceable companions for very long. Especially Hancock. I don't know why. Maybe it's the romantic in me.


But why does no one like MacCready? I was so excited to see him all grown up from FO3! I normally play as stealthy little thieves anyway. So he fit the bill for that. Plus he makes me laugh, and says the cutest things when he's romanced. Buuuut while I steal everyone's stuff behind their back, I'm a goody-two-shoes to their face. Can't help it. So that's why I ended up dragging Hancock along with me for the most part of the game, and after I romanced him, I even put that wedding ring on him to show my commitment.

I like Danse too, but only because, I must admit, he's not bad on the eyes (ignore that last comment about commitment-- Thank you Beth for making the Sole Survivor polyamorous!)

However, I love all the other companions as well (even Preston in all his 'anothersettlementneedsyourhelp glory), but I haven't really touched them since getting them up to max affinity. I don't know. I can't seem to stay away from Hancock for very long. Something about peeling skin and noseless-ness really tickles my fancy I guess.


You my dear.. are weird...:)

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I did hear a funny comment by Curie yesterday to a Raider. "Ah 'ello, zere you are" in a lovely tone as though she was greeting an old friend. Next thing she blows his head off with her Gauss Rifle ! :laugh:

Gawd, don't get me started on Curie ... "Wunce agen eye av survived ze encounter" .. Well of course you did you useless french ninny! You spent the whole time floating about in the other room! ... " Oh, eye em injured" ... Huh?!? What do you expect ME to do a bout it? I've still got 4 Supermutants to deal with, and YOU are the frackin doctor!


And why on earth would you want to saddle yourself with more than one?!?!?!?


You know that the companions in Fallout 4 are only there as a joke by Bugthesda right? They looked at all the video's and meme's of Lydiot and all the hate mail they got about Seranoying, and they thought ... tehehe, "you know what we should do for Fallout 4? Take everything that players detest most about Lydia and Serana and companions in general, and make that the default AI for ALL companions! ... It's Bugthesda trolling us I swear!

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In terms of character and story they all have pro's & con's - at least they have some depth to them and some of the stories are interesting - 1st couple of times round.


As for do they serve any purpose - ABSOLOUTELY NOT - the AI is hopeless - their essentially less than cannon fodder in terms of useful ness in battle - I keep em around for the occasional funny comment or observation - I don't hate the characters - I hate the fact they're as much use as a bag of spuds.


In New Vegas - I forget the Vault number - the one that was flooded and full of ghouls - I used to take as many canine companions as I could find - set em to aggressive and wander in - they'd clear most of the place out and I'd follow pressing the occasional button - opening a door here and there but the dogs did 75% of all the killing - now I do 99.9% of all the kiling and they keep asking to talk to me at the dumbest times - I say - can we do this later, then immediately ask again if I have time to have that talk. I've a few mods installed that improves things slightly - but a total rework of the AI is needed - if somehow I've missed one and someone knows of one I'd love to be educated here.


Why Strong? You always know where you stand - just how I wish it was in real life.


EDIT:- Talking about New Vegas Companions - I remember the first time I had Boone with me - I was still pretty low level and learning the game - think I still had a bog standard laser rifle - but I'd given him a Sniper Rifle to use. He was the one doing all the killing - he was killing enemies and threats I didn't even know existed. Anyone facny porting Boone?

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I can't seem to travel with non-romanceable companions for very long. Especially Hancock. I don't know why. Maybe it's the romantic in me.


But why does no one like MacCready? I was so excited to see him all grown up from FO3! I normally play as stealthy little thieves anyway. So he fit the bill for that. Plus he makes me laugh, and says the cutest things when he's romanced. Buuuut while I steal everyone's stuff behind their back, I'm a goody-two-shoes to their face. Can't help it. So that's why I ended up dragging Hancock along with me for the most part of the game, and after I romanced him, I even put that wedding ring on him to show my commitment.

I like Danse too, but only because, I must admit, he's not bad on the eyes (ignore that last comment about commitment-- Thank you Beth for making the Sole Survivor polyamorous!)

However, I love all the other companions as well (even Preston in all his 'anothersettlementneedsyourhelp glory), but I haven't really touched them since getting them up to max affinity. I don't know. I can't seem to stay away from Hancock for very long. Something about peeling skin and noseless-ness really tickles my fancy I guess.


You my dear.. are weird... :smile:


Sorry - Off Topic slighty - Just love the signature - I'm gonna die gaming cause there ain't no way I'm stopping.


EDIT - HIS SIGNATURE IS "The day you stop gaming, is the day you start dying..."


Might as well comment whilst I'm here - I don't mind McCready and again - I was fairly pleased to see all the FO3 characters appearing or mentioned. Hancock rocks - mine & his world outlook tie up nicely and so does his history in a tiny fashion - Danse - great story. Piper - I'd rather know the truth too, Preston - noble and mods available to shut him up, codsworth - modified he can be deadly and he does say some funny lines, Cait - how did you get hear from Ireland - you came over on a boat with Colin Moriarty - was this before or after your parents sold you into slavery? - never mind you don't want to tell the truth that's up to you - Curie - so sweet you'd just have to take advantage of her - Deacon - can grate on your 42nd play thru but he was probably me favourite first time round - Nick, not a bad bloke at all + unlike the rest of the companions he actually occasionally asks how your coping - the rest juts take take take - Nick - he's the least selfish and X6-88 - Complete bore fest - apparently being a Courser or the Courser training included robing them of a sense of humour. A32-1 From FO3 was absent a sense of humour too.

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