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Something is wrong with my setup


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Trying to use WB, OBMM and Mod Organizer.


Now. I first set up Mod Organizer. It took some effort on my part, but it was doable. Everything seemed to be fine. It would literally treat mod installation just like MO on Skyrim. I simply download with manager from the Nexus. I install through MO easily. Very, very simple stuff. But i go and try the same with the Unofficial Patches, for example. And they apparently aren't working. Their ESPs appear in the right panel. They don't appear in the left panel at all. I open the Oblivion launcher. and the Unofficial patches are not in the Data Files section. I'm assuming if they're working correctly, they're supposed to appear in Data Files in the launcher.


I'm still perplexed by this. I have no idea why all other mods work just as they would with Skyrim through MO. But The unofficial patches don't work. They just simple are not working. I have already run into a couple of bugs in the standard game that are fixed by the UOPs. Interestingly, the Keys for the UOPs are in my inventory. I've already dealt with the vampire face bug. And now the Deepscorn Hollow bug.

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Just stick with wrye bash as your manager for oblivion. MO and NMM arent designed to work with oblivion it as relased before they were around. Most mods for oblivion are designed for OBMM or WB.


I love and use MO for skyrim too but for oblivion save yourself the headaches and just use wrye bash. Mod installation is simple and headache free.

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Just stick with wrye bash as your manager for oblivion. MO and NMM arent designed to work with oblivion it as relased before they were around. Most mods for oblivion are designed for OBMM or WB.


I love and use MO for skyrim too but for oblivion save yourself the headaches and just use wrye bash. Mod installation is simple and headache free.


I've been using Wrye Bach alongside MO. It is showing the Unofficial patches ticked off. And guess what? I've gotten the vampire face bug again! YIPEE! My chick vampire looks like an ugly dude now.


I think something that i should have asked a long, long time ago is this: (IF someone actually knows this for a fact). Is there a way to tell if the UOPs are working? I see the UOP keys in my inventory in-game. And yet i get this face bug.


Also. Apparently the vampire race disabler bug can help with this. I installed it through MO. It is showing in the left panel. Yet i can't find this VampireEffects section in my .ini file. It isn't there.


I'm thinking something is going wrong during my installations. I have no idea. All i know is that this is the most frustrating and problematic game to mod by a huge margin.

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Like i said in my above post stick to WRYE BASH. Using multiple mod managers leads to issues.


Also in the STEP guide when installing the unofficial patch they say to uncheck the face fix......its included in the bash patch.


If i were you id start fresh and use wrye bash.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like i said in my above post stick to WRYE BASH. Using multiple mod managers leads to issues.


Also in the STEP guide when installing the unofficial patch they say to uncheck the face fix......its included in the bash patch.


If i were you id start fresh and use wrye bash.


Alright... will do. I'll go ahead and assume that the STEP guide is best to use to learn Wrye Bash? Because i really need some more know-how on that. Also, for the vampire face fix in the Bashed Patch; in order to actually make it work, i'll have to first activate it, then build the bashed patch? Again... i'm basically next to clueless about WB. Furthermore, the nomenclature of things really doesn't help. "Bashed patch" may mean something to experienced users, but for me, it means basically nothing. I seem to always run into install instructions with terminology that isn't explained at all.


EDIT: Oh yeah, another thing. Which version of QTP do i have to use? Should i just go ahead and use the OMOD version? I'll take it i can only use OBMM with that one? Is it ok to use WB and OBMM? Before, someone told me to use the Redemized version. I'm not sure why. And on the redemized version's page, it speaks of a Shivering Isles texture pack. And i could've sworn when i had QTP installed before (OMOD), the Shivering Isles were retextured as well.


It's moments like this, when you have to look at your options, that drives me nuts.

Edited by Prenihility
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The bashed patch is simply a "mod" that Wrye Bash makes out of all the resolved mod conflicts in your load order, that is then put at the end of your load order so that it's resolved conflicts will be the "winner" in the load order contest (mods lower in your load order win if they try to edit the same thing as a mod that is higher in your load order).


A good source for information on WB is the two readmes found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder after you have installed WB (Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html).

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Well, i'm gonna go ahead with the OMOD version of QTP. The redimized one seems to be altered, and well... screw that. Wrye Bash's manual says that it can be converted into a BAIN compatible package, and everything seems to be quite simple. I have no clue why i even used OBMM back in the day instead of just WB. GG.


EDIT: Some entries in WB are orange/yellow. Anneal option isn't working. And Auto Anneal has been set. I'm trying to install OBGE v4 and the game can't remember my video settings. Perhaps because it's crashing whenever i exit. I have opened the console and typed 'save ini' but it still doesn't seem to want to remember video settings. It's what's recommended for the OBGE v4 install.


Maybe i'll be able to play this whoopty-ass game by next year, who knows... Nothing but problem after problem, after problem. FFS.

Edited by Prenihility
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