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Just what is Freedom?


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It is hard to understand what freedom is, when you grow up in a world that freedom is a watchword that is painted over everything, Like a familiar pet, you don't see any changes in it, as others morph it and shape it to their desires. You simply acknowledge it always being their and continue with your lives.


But leave this place for awhile and then return and the stark reality of what has changed is a shock. You noticed that your once pudgy little pet has become a cadaverous reflection of it's former glory. Your once familiar room is now so small you hardly recognize it.


It Is hard to appreciate freedom, unless that freedom is tested.


I've noticed that the ones that truly appreciate what freedom is aren't the people who live in it. We who do so are just bickering amongst ourselves over trivial matters. Those who actually appreciate it are those who see it for the first time and embrace it, because what they have known, is nothing like it.

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Every person is born with complete and utter freedom; it is their discretion to express it, however.



I don't see how. Most people are born a complete and total invalid. The only freedom they have is to die of neglect. If, when they grow older they neglect themselves and what is around them then they don't grow up, but remain a child that quickly looses any freedoms because society as a whole will institute their own structure around them. The prisons are filled with people that expressed their versions of freedom.



Total freedom never works, unless it can be supported by something.



I have all the freedom to become a male model as long as food stamps are involved.

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The Englishman loves liberty as his lawful wife. He owns them, and even if he did not treat with peculiar tenderness, so he knows it but in an emergency like a man to defend her. The Frenchman loves freedom like his chosen bride. He throws himself at her feet with the most extravagant protestations. He beats up for her, to life and death. He committed a thousand follies for her. The German loves freedom like his grandmother.

Heinrich Heine

Too bad one can't freely chooses where he / she is born!

One should not wait, until the struggle for freedom is called treason.

Erich Kästner


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Every person is born with complete and utter freedom; it is their discretion to express it, however.

I don't see how. Most people are born a complete and total invalid. <snip>


What I meant, was that a person is not born with social and political laws hardwired into their brain; those things come over time.


In other words, a person is born to this world with absolutely no bounds, until society (and the laws of physics :rolleyes: ), tell them otherwise.

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Every person is born with complete and utter freedom; it is their discretion to express it, however.

I don't see how. Most people are born a complete and total invalid. <snip>


What I meant, was that a person is not born with social and political laws hardwired into their brain; those things come over time.


In other words, a person is born to this world with absolutely no bounds, until society (and the laws of physics :rolleyes: ), tell them otherwise.



I know what you mean, man. I don't think you take your words to the logical conclusion. Being an invalid doesn't necessarily mean a physical abnormality. Being unaware is an intrinsic part of being a child. This is a total state that works both ways. being unaware of both your restrictions and capabilities doesn't make you free. It makes you an invalid.

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