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Skyrim using Steam?


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One thing is true Windows Live can be disabled. For me XFire is the best but many would disagree. I like G4WL a lot better. For GTA 4 all you had to download is Xliveless.dll which is totally legal because its from mods that require you not to cheat online so they disable online. G4WL also was cancelled out by the fose which it's scripts cancelled it out. G4WL at least can be done away with when playing a game Steam can't. I have T1 and I hate Steam as well. My accounts got corrupted on Steam at least twice within a month. I rather not so the other times. I probably had over 20 accounts that got corrupted. You may say "Well, it didn't happen to me so it must be just you." Not true I have friends and online Steam community members had it happen. Only reason they do this stuff is they get payed off by the companies, I love Bethsoft but seriously not everyone wants it. Steam has too many codes and scripts wrong with it I know that because my friend works there and tried to fix it for them but they wouldn't allow it since he wasn't part of that department. Still people can hate Steam all they want and even Bethsoft can't do anything about it. It's there choice can't force them. But still there is some areas Steam does have good though I have to give to give them credit for their new Security. It's awesome.
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yeah me too. i'm gonna buy it anyway on xbox but i bought a 1,000 computer state of the art. and its terrible because of my slow internet. what a paradox? awesome computer, horrible internet.
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yeah me too. i'm gonna buy it anyway on xbox but i bought a 1,000 computer state of the art. and its terrible because of my slow internet. what a paradox? awesome computer, horrible internet.


i dont see the point the only thing steam would do is download patchs and maybe DLC's if you buy them nothing else. on 360 it'll also patch the game and if buy if buy the DLC you still need to download them. so i fail to see your point on how bad steam is. you still need the internet on the 360.

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I have to agree that steam will be a bad idea with Skyrim. Any time there's a game out that's not done by valve and is available as retail CD or download on steam I always go with the retail CD. I just hate dealing with steam but I like the games that valve makes and are the only ones I feel work best on steam. I understand companies wanting to better protect their games from piracy and make you authenticate the game online, but seriously why through steam? If someone doesn't have, or doesn't want steam, then for them to play the game they HAVE to install steam and have an account just to play a game they don't have on steam in the first place. If the game will require online authentication why can't bethsoft do what EA does and have you authentic with them instead of a different company?
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If the game will require online authentication why can't bethsoft do what EA does and have you authentic with them instead of a different company?



you want more company's to do what EA did by making origin?!? srsly? origin is a steaming(get it) piece of poo compared to steam. plus every company making a steam or origin has to be the most god awful idea. if hate the idea of taking 5 secs to sign in to play every game you own on steam, you'll hate the idea of having to sign in to every different company's authenticater to play a game.

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Why defend Steam?


I used to have it launch auto when I started windows, but what's the point of having it run in the background if im not even playing games?. So I have it set to only launch when I want to play NV.


9/10 times the steam launcher freezes on the "Connecting to Steam" screen and never connects, hanging there indefinitely. I have to force quit and restart it, and half the time it keeps doing the same thing as many as three times in a row, so I end up having to unplug my internet. Steam is pita : (

Edited by FavoredSoul
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Why defend Steam?


I used to have it launch auto when I started windows, but what's the point of having it run in the background if im not even playing games?. So I have it set to only launch when I want to play NV.


9/10 times the steam launcher freezes on the "Connecting to Steam" screen and never connects, hanging there indefinitely. I have to force quit and restart it, and half the time it keeps doing the same thing as many as three times in a row, so I end up having to unplug my internet. Steam is pita : (


Problem is, it differs for everyone. I've never had a problem with it. No freezes crashes, and I can just close the little ads that pop up when I shut it off. Some people have never gotten it to work and thus want to murder it.

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There we go again. Get a better internet connection and stop blaming Steam. If you bough the game on retail, you can still install it using the DVD, but you'll need to activate the game on steam. Nothing more. You can also use Steam on offline mode, you'll just need an internet connection to activate the game first. You could sue the company all you want, but you'd be losing money, that's for sure.


This is false.


Steam forces you to update the game as soon as it is activated. It's mandatory. There's no real reasoning behind it. Sure, if you can afford to download the 1+ gig patches it's no big deal, but a lot of people CAN NOT get a better internet connection. Me included.


Offline mode is fine for the most part, but it can be pretty iffy. Just Cause 2 saves mess up if you're not connected, and even the launcher itself is prone to a lot of freezes. Not fun.

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Steam blows big green rhino. It's useless and a memory hog. I have the updates for Steam and New Vegas disabled and every time I reboot there is Steam, chugging away trying to update things I don't want it to. And Steam doesn't prevent pirates. Look at the banned pages here and the number of people listed for admitting they have torrented versions of the game. The only thing Steam is good for is making modding more of a headache than it already is. I hope Skyrim doesn't require it.
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Get a better internet connection and stop blaming Steam.

As far as an 'internet connection' goes: where I live it is extra expensive (nearly the same as the

cost of electricity - with a 5-20GB cap on traffic per month), and broadband here runs much slower than in other countries.


Steam forces you to update the game as soon as it is activated. It's mandatory. There's no real reasoning behind it. Sure, if you can afford to download the 1+ gig patches it's no big deal, but a lot of people CAN NOT get a better internet connection. Me included.


Offline mode is fine for the most part, but it can be pretty iffy. Just Cause 2 saves mess up if you're not connected, and even the launcher itself is prone to a lot of freezes. Not fun.


Perhaps you should look better. But then again, why blame Steam for a handful of games that have problems? There are a LOT of games avaliable on Steam. It's not a valid argument. I'm not saying I want to have Steam as Skyrim's DRM, but if it happens, I won't be mad about it either.

Edited by Yoshh
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