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Just a quick thanks


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Just a quick thanks to the members who have been helping me out on the forum. I was pleasantly surprised at how helpful and understanding the people I've met here are. Some forums unfortunately seem filled with arrogant and judgemental users who get easily triggered if the person they are dealing with isn't intimately knowledgable and experienced at the coding of the game/app in question (..and fail to realize that not everyone is a programmer, or has spent most of their lives digging through the guts of some program). Others seem to excel at misreading your posts (and giving you answers that don't relate to what you are truly asking), giving short, annoying answers (like 'why would you want to do that?!' and 'I never had that problem', or just generally going all aggressive in your face, when you are trying to be polite. Granted, they obviously hear the same questions over and over... yet that's to be expected in a forum, when new users can appear continually.


But the gang here, so far, has been really great, and I really appreciate your help.

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For sure!


Only problem with the whole 'read the instructions' thing, is sometimes the procedures they outline are bordering on being as complex as making the game yourself! Plus, in some cases, the authors of the readme (if they even supply one!) assume you have the knowledge of a game coding... so things that they figure are common sense (and sometimes don't even mention) are hardly obvious to others. For me to say 'just make that jpeg image a tiff' is really quite straightforward to many people... but mention that to my mom, and she'll just look at me with a confused (and, admittingly, uninterested) look. She woudln't even know how to start Photohop (or even know what it is), let alone know how to save a file as a tiff within it! ;)


Good group here so far, though! (And it's nice to see that it's not all people 20 years younger than me!)

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Thank you ... the pleasure has been mine (some people are nicer to help than others). Once you can, after you've ventured a mile or two into this great forest called 'Oblivion modded' don't forget to glance back every now and then and see if anyone needs help getting on the right path (something I believe you would have done without any encouragement).
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Definitely... I usually only jump in when it's something I'm pretty sure of... or, at worst, I'll throw in several disclaimers that what I am saying is just a theory, and that I'm not sure...


Over at the Arma2 forum, I try and help out when I can (even though I'm hardly technical regarding that game too).


I sometimes have a bad habit of posting a question, then (with embarrassingly bad timing) figruing/finding out the answer very soon after that... but, I post the solution... to alert people that I figured it out, as well as to provide an answrer to those who do a search for the same issue.

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You'll fit in just fine here. I think finding the right question to ask is just as, or even more important than finding the right answer. Answers to questions I've never even dreamed of are pretty easy to dismiss out of hand. When I can get my head around the question I'm open to hearing some possible answers.
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While we're thanking people, I'd like to thank all the kind and patient people who have helped me since I joined. I'd be playing vanilla without you.


ladlon, welcome to TESNexus. I hope you will stay with us. :)

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