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Geck crash on weapon edit (was fine 10 hours ago)


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So last night I was doing some editing into the geck... New project I am starting mostly edits a lot of weapons. Well last night I edited a bunch of weapons no problem, now today when I turned my PC on and opened geck as soon as I right click a weapon and press edit the geck crashes. It was fine a few hours ago, I didn't change anything all I did was shut down my PC. So far I have tried running geck with admin rights, and geck power up.... Same effect. I can edit everything else it seems just weapons cause the crash. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the geck, verifying it's cache through steam, nothing has helped.




Also on another note all together, anyone ever merge .45 auto with 10mm? I would like to do this but I am not well versed in how NPC's get the correct ammo for the gun they have when they spawn, vendors selling it, etc.

Edited by leot486
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Not sure I can be of help, but I did just read that running Skyrim's Creation Kit while having Steam in Offline mod helped prevent the CK's knack for crashing. Maybe that will also be of help for the GECK?

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