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Lucky Eddie aimed his varmint-rifle, a copy of a type of basic but reliable weapon imported from the west of the old USGA Colonial Territories of Mars. The improved scope, his own design, allowed him to focus better in on the forehead of a typical semighoul bandit. He fired the varmint-rifle and the bandit died instantly, falling backwards out of sight as she died. Bandits came out of the Wastelands or the Rimlands, that lay between the Havenlands and the Wastelands, and were tough but so were those, like himself, who were Rimlanders. He worked the bolt of the varmint-rifle, breeching another bullet, and fired at another bandit. The man dropped his crossbow and fell out of sight from the same heap of blackened rock that the woman bandit had fallen back from. The bandits, with their crude body-armour and mixture of mostly basic weapons, must have been desperate to attack the better armed and armoured Rimlanders.


Semighouls were ghoulified but not fully so and showed less damage, had more resistance to sunlight than ghouls but also had less of the special abilities of ghouls. They still had some vulnerability to UV, such as in sunlight. Hence these bandits were trying to storm the Megaton Western Outpost in the long Dusk of a New Mars light-dark cycle. Most of the bandits turned to be semighouls as was proven when, hands in the air, the others surrendered. They came out even as they dropped weapons, tools used as weapons, backpacks and backsacks onto the ground. With them came some lean, tough looking dogs and stripecats, the stripecats being something like smallish tigers. Obedient to their masters, the stripecats and dogs lay down passively.







Lucky Eddie went out into the twilightish light with other Megatonfolk and some Borderguard soldiers of the United Citystates of the Rimlands, the UCR. Megaton, though only a small city at best, was classed as the primary city of the Citystate of Grand Megaton. People were welcome to build up the populations of the UCR Citystates because of problems with fertility, bad births, mutations, and fairly high rates of death amongst citizens. Lucky Eddie had no real desire to act the bodyguard except that he admired and trusted the Assistant Mayor just as he loathed and distrusted the Mayor. He was part of a growing number of Megatonfolk who were realizing how tricked they had been by the Mayor before he had taken office at the last election.


In his fleximetallic body-armour and with his varmint-rifle, Lucky Eddie was now acting as a bodyguard of the Assistant Mayor to Megaton, a woman who had far more courage than the Mayor himself. There were other Megaton Militia, like himself, along with some regular Megaton Guard soldiers in their combat fatigues and super-Kevlar body-armour. The Megaton Guards were equipped with standard UCRDF M16B3 autorifles with M203 grenadeshell launchers except one who had a M60E2 enhanced general purpose machinegun that had attached to it a handlong missile launcher. In comparison the larger number of Militiaguards were poorer armed and armoured but they had better local knowledge because they were locals. The Megaton Guards had been sent from academies in one of the much bigger and more sophisticated UCR Citystates. These soldiers annoyed locals by being arrogant and over confident of themselves; they failed to listen to the locals enough when it came to getting advise about local conditions.


With the Mayor came two assistants, one human and one an auman, a genetically engineered vat-grown humanoid or vat-clone. Aumans were actually non reproductive but this one was shapeformed as an attractive young woman, was an auman-woman. She looked human except for a slight too much smoothness and shininess to her hair, skin and eyes. The human was the daughter of the Mayor but was of much finer character than her father. She was also blood related to Brown Family, one of the Founding Families of Megaton, through her mother. Her father's family, the Edgels, were a Founding Family but were more known for their infamy than their positive contribution to the history of the city.


The bandits were soon eagerly signing an agreement that would allow them to settle into a small outpost-settlement where they could prove themselves as citizens. Small numbers of them could visit Megaton's outer zone to buy goods and services, to get work, to sell goods and services. A part of the agreement was that the new settlers would provide some basic tribute payments to the Citystate, that they would provide at least some Militiaguards, and that they would keep the laws, rules and regulations of the UCR. Every so week they would be visited by a group from Megaton including a Deputy, a field-doctor, a nurse, a teacher, a trader and a government clerk.







Lucky Eddie looked up into the sky were the two natural moons of Mars were seen through the gentle shimmering of the World-Bubble. The far bigger artificial moon was only half lit up, an artificial half moon. Up there were also the tiny lights of Skynet stations, platforms, satellites, drones and ships. That is those Skynet devices large enough to show through the energies of the World-Bubble. Skynet was a constant background to normal life, a promise of threat, but not an active part of life thanks to the World-Bubble that kept it outside of the atmosphere of the Red Planet. Unlike too many others, he was not one to take safety from the dreaded Skynet as a given; no, he like a few others were concerned that one day Skynet would find a way down through the not so perfect World-Bubble.


It was no surprise when Assistant Mayor Elaine Harrington, of the Harrington Founding Family of Megaton, called him to come to meet the bandits. That he was a psyker, one gifted with special psychic abilities through the Forced Evolutionary Virus, the FEV, was known only by a minority of people including the Assistant Mayor. Lucky Eddie was soon doing a psychic sweep of the bandits. Of them he picked out two that were dangerously unstable men and one criminally sociopathic woman. The stripecats and dogs quickly began to adore him. As banditfolk came in from hiding, he soon found himself holding a little boy against his hip, the boy being quite happy to be held by him.


So far nobody had guessed he was anything more than a basic psyker, or so he assumed.

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These stories are written to be read any time, in any order, with out interfering with the main stories.


The adult deathclaws were normally savage with against outsiders, tough with each other but were more tolerant of sub-adults and even more so with cubs. The big alpha male was lazing in the middle of the cave chamber while two cubs were toying with one of his ears. He winced slightly every now and then as they used their growing claws with over excitement.


Non-alpha males were able to breed sometimes with fertile non-alpha females and lately it was happening but the big alpha male did not care. He just wanted a nap and the cubs were making that hard to achieve while amusing him at the same time.


Yes, deathclaws had feelings and were not just mutated living killing machines. It was just that they felt like killing much of the time.


More darkness and more cold were coming. The deathclaws' instinct told them that much but they could also 'sense' change coming. The deathclaws would hibernate as much as possible during the long three months of darkness that made up winter, or Winter-Night.


A cub raced off to piddle in a spot where it had been trained to do so for cleanliness of the nest-caves.


The chamber was but one used by the deathclaws but they shared the space with others. Small spineclaws lived in peaceful co-existence with the much bigger and more powerful deathclaws. The spineclaws ate ticks and other pests infesting the deathclaws and each other. The spineclaws ate deathclaw poop, making the nest-caves more hygienic and when a threat came to close to the nest, the spineclaws gathered around the deathclaw cubs to help protect them. Deathclaws never tried to eat spineclaws, partly because of the spines. Spineclaws also made for wonderful scratching posts at times though the spineclaws did not seem to enjoy this so much.


A couple of spineclaws wandered amiably past the alpha-male, changed their mind and ambled over to search him for juicy ticks and other things to eat. The big deathclaw moved to make it easier for them to reach his ears, a very sensitive spot for infestation.

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He sat with surprising stillness on the battlements of the Outer Wall of Megaton that was made of carbon fibre, zero-gravity refined metal alloys and other materials taken from supersonic airliners and a big surface-to-moons aeroshuttle. The landscape was broken but there was some greenery of tough genetically engineered and mutated plants. Ugly, gnarled thorntrees were common as were great big mushroomtrees that looked like heavy skin covered giant mushrooms. Tentacle vines hugged the ground along with tangler-grass. Some large wild molerats were foraging for food, being omnivores. Mostly they were harmless unless cornered or protecting their young; exceptions were rogue adult males.


Middle Megaton was based in a huge crater made by a great blast of a 'clean' fusionic warhead or Z-warhead. Outer Megaton stood as a wide ring of land around Middle Megaton and between the Outer and Inner Walls. A pair of huge constructor robots stood close to the Outer Wall and a whole aircraft fuselage was overhead along with two huge fanjets. Up there dwelt Professor Brown and his people along with a large AI-supercomputer called AI-Megaton. Inner Megaton was underground in the huge Megaton Bunkerplex that had been partly exposed, and even opened, by the fusionic explosion.


Sometimes he was struck by an odd melancholy, as he was during that three month long dusk of Autumn, also known as Fall. Then would come nine months of freezing darkness of Winter, of night. Then would come three months of Spring, of morning. Then would come the bright hot daytime, of Summer. Summer was called 'daytime' so that the term 'day' was kept for the whole long light-dark cycles. He could not track down a 'rational reason' for this depression that troubled him at times. Perhaps there was no rational reason, or so he reasoned, perhaps he had some kind of mental illness. He hoped not! Life was far from good in the Rimlands for the mentally ill.


He looked out over part of the Rimlands, at the distant ruins of the city of Springvale inside its big semitransparent citydome. Dirt and some damage from Doomsday had made it loose its old transparency. Roboremotes (dumb robots guided by AI-supercomputer networks), along with even dumber remotes, had once cleaned and maintained the citydome consistently. He sketched the great big dome with amazing speed and accuracy, capturing not just the look of it but the 'feel' of it. His sketches were sold by Moira Brown at her shop, the CRATERSIDE EXOTICA EMPORIUM. This was not to be confused with the bigger shop that sold more standard stuff, the CRATERSIDE SUPPLIES MART. Most of the Brown Family Elders had never quite forgiven Moira for her setting up another shop though she sold largely a rather eccentric range of goods and services that were not in direct competition with the main shop.


Something glinted strangely inside the city. Then it happened again. He frowned and picked up the walky-talky even as it happened for the third time.







He spoke into the compact walkie-talkie that had only a fairly short range but which only needed one since such units were only used inside Megaton. "Sam Jackson, I see flashes in Springvale beneath the dome there."


Sam Jackson was a Megaton Guard Lieutenant who was one of the few officers of that force that Lucky Eddie actually had any real respect for. He listened to the locals, heeded the advise of those who should heed and he was brave enough to disagree with his superiors even when it got him into trouble, as it sometimes did. Sam Jackson was a black man of no obvious ghoulification but Lucky Eddie knew he was a demighoul, a ghoul who looked like a norm. Sam Jackson did not know that Lucky Eddie knew his secret.


Sam Jackson responded. "Militiaguards noted the flashes. Typically the Megaton Guard sentries either failed to see them or dismissed them as being not important. What do you think that they are?"


"A number of possibilities come to mind. Modified energy tools adapted as weapons, METAWs, could be in use. I hope not." Lucky Eddie saw yet another flash. "Could be the firing of powerful portable shoulder-cannons or other such weapons. If so, there is quite a nasty battle going on down there in Springvale. Could be somebody fighting over the spring again. Good water source with very low toxins and rad counts. If Megaton did not already have its own good supply of pristine water, we would be going after that one."


METAWs were classified as one of the worst kind of MTAWs, or modified tools adapted as weapons. Such as bandits normally did not have the skills to make such devices or the wealth to buy them. Nor could they maintain them very well. Marauders were more dangerous and Raiders were even more so. Gangers, slavers and mercenaries were a mixed bunch. Scavengers were of all kinds but officially registered salvagers tended to be better armed, armoured and skilful. Yet amongst them all, and others of the Rimlands, only a small minority could gain access to powerful enough MTAWs to show as flashes through the Springvale citydome.


Sam Jackson asked him something he did not want to hear. "Are you willing to go take a look down there?"


Lucky Eddie was very good at being a stealthy scout, an explorer, a scavenger, a survivalist and a killer. He was young but he had already killed more than his fair share of typical Rimlands fools or worse than that. The Regulators, the law enforcers who dealt with special classes of criminals and other threats, had paid him a small fortune in bounties over the years but never had any regrets because he was did more than expected.


"Okay but I would rather be reading a nice book with Kitty on my lap and both Gingergirl and Heroboy lying at my feet." He slipped lightly and smoothly off the battlements to drop to the walkway. He took up his varmint-rifle and was soon moving towards ground level of Outer Megaton. "I will need some special equipment."


Sam Jackson sighed. "I will do what I can."


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LordWushin, I hope it remains interesting. :thumbsup:



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Jasmine, in her light survival power armour, was fighting for the lives of herself and the rest of her group who had escaped from the oppressive, regimented life of LV0101/A3 that was hidden beneath the small mountain roughly north of Springvale. She aimed her 10mmSC smartpistol and fired off a single caseless smart-bullet. It ripped easily through the fleximetallic body-armour of a Springvale ganger. The man died instantly and he dropped close to a slowly decaying wreck of an atomic sedan hovercar that was parked on its four folded down wheels. Other gangers were there, hidden amongst the ruins, with mostly primitive cased bullet firing guns and MTAWs. Mostly these seemed to be nailgun tools adapted into nailrifles by removing some of the safeties and upping the power of them. Yet she had seen at least one cutting laser-torch adapted as a rather nasty laser-sword.


Gangers were tightly territorial and did not often welcome strangers. To make it worse, these gangers were already busy fighting a more powerful threat and had assumed that Jasmine's group were part of that invasion of Springvale. Her attempts to convince them otherwise had failed totally. In her group were five other LVCs, LifeVault Citizens, two vaultdroid androids and four vaultbot robots. Unfortunately only one of the robots was a combat model or guard-vaultbot and neither vaultdroid, both shapeformed as identical women, had anything but basic security survival programming and virtual reality training. There were also three small pets that were unlikely to add to the defense capacity of the group.


Like the jumpsuit beneath it, the survival power armour was blue with the code LV0101/A3 on the chest, upper back and shoulders. With it came a helmet and the suit itself covered her from neck to toes. Previously she had found the power armour to be rather confining but soon after leaving the sterile security of the LifeVault, she had become glad of its protection. That is not as much against the environment itself as against more obvious threats. Ganger nail-bullets had dented it lightly in one place but it was not the gangers that she really feared.


DJgirl huddled down clutching her smartpistol and trying to pick up any communications traffic with her radio gear. She dreamed of being a DJ one day but was a brilliant techie and was very good at adapting software, firmware and hardware to her desires. Eggsie the neobaby was sleeping in DJgirl's lap, the safest place for her to be for the moment.


Jade, Jasmine's half-sister, was tough and used to being on the run from the LV0101/A3 Government. She knew how to use her pulselaser-carbine very well. Unlike laser-guns. that were either adapted from laser-tools or were vintage weapons, pulselaser-guns were designed as more advanced weapons. Such weapons were only commonly found in the TekVaults or so went the stories for no deeply hidden TekVaults had been found, or had opened up to the surface, since Doomsday.


JohnTe, WendTe and SophieTe were triplets, being two females and one male. They were obviously nervous, had not taken too well to being outside of the LifeVault, but were fighting well enough anyway with smartpistols except for WendTe who was using a tubepistol to fire off grenadeshells.


There were also DoubleView, Seesha, puppy dog Licketty, a pet purple radroach named Yucks and a pet palmspider named Furryfree.







When the gangers suddenly faded away into the background, retreating not from Jasmine's group but from the greater threat, Jasmine prepared to fight to the death. Preparing to fight, Jasmine was surprised when these Brothers of Steel sought instead to talk with her.


So came moving out of the city terrible power armoured figures that moved with surprising agility, speed and lightness despite the greater bulkiness of their assault power armour. They bore the symbol of the Brotherhood of Steel and they carried heavy pulselaser-rifles, heavy pulseblaster-rifles, 3B1-rifles or quad-launchers. Except some had older type heavy machines adapted for use with their assault power armour and one even had a smaller bullet firing, multiple barreled, minigun. She knew about the Brotherhood of Steel from stories gathered by scouts who had gone sneakily to the surface from LV0101/A3. They were one of the Orders of Steel but they were not supposed to be in the DC, the old District Centrolumbia, that had become that region of the Rimlands. No, they were spoken of being in the far west and mid-west of the old USGA Martian Colonial Territories, USGA standing for the United States of Greater America which had come to include colonies in orbit, on Luna and on Mars.


Sarah Lyons was the Knight Officer of these soldiers. She was a Brother of Steel, despite her gender, though there was also a Sisterhood of Steel. She was beautiful in a hard fashion, her eyes full of dark experience. She had removed her helmet to speak with Jasmine and did so in the old internationalist language, Esperanto. "The Orders of Steel in Exile are coming here to the DC to set up a new home. Unlike the Orders of Steel in the west, we are interested in helping people and, unlike the Orders of Steel in the mid-west, we have not become corrupted with power. If there are other Orders of Steel surviving out there, we do not know of their fate."


Surprised by this burst of honesty, Jasmine responded much the same. "We have escaped from LV0101/A3 that lies buried beneath that small mountain that is roughly north of here."


Sarah looked surprised in turn. "Was life not safe and secure down there?"


Jasmine snorted. "As long as you liked living in semi-isolated pockets of heavily regulated timetables and a thousand and one regulations, rules and laws. Also conditions are slowly but steadily becoming worse in LV0101/A3 but the government refuses to allow anybody to leave the vault or to enter it. The last exception was my father, my mother and myself who were allowed into the vault for reasons given that never quite made sense to me. Dull metallic environments, rationed time in the garden domechambers, rationed time in the super virtual reality holidays, rationed everything except that the elites seem to have less rationing, more luxuries and their children nearly always take the top positions in government, scholarships and civic rewards and awards."


Sarah gave an odd smile. "Still, most Rimlanders or Wastelanders would willingly move in anyway, if given the chance to do so. I suggest we leave here because it is too dangerous thanks to our enemies in the area."


Jasmine nodded. "We fought the gangers."


Sarah grimaced. "Not those fools! I am talking about something far worse. I am talking about supermutants.""

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These stories are written to be read any time, in any order, with out interfering with the main stories.


The robotic Thunderbike roared along the slowly decaying self-repairing highway, it was decaying despite its smart-materials, as 20mm shells exploded too close to the machine for comfort. Talon Mercenaries, not their standard thug-mercenaries but some of their elite Talontroopers in light-battle power armour, were trying to kill the three heroes for Thunderbike was a True AI.


Argyle, in the sidecar, cursed loudly and fired his 12.7mm heavy machinegun as he faced backwards. The sidecar was designed so he could change directions in a big hurry. Three very well armed and armoured enemy battlebuggies were being driven very expertly. Talontroopers got elite equipment and supplies along with programming and training.


A handlong missile shot through the air but Thunderbike shot it in mid-air with his rear weapon-turret pulselaser. Riding the motorbike in cyberlinkage with Thunderbike's TAI, Herbert Daring Dashwood zigzagged the machine in a clever fashion. The armour of the massive atomic motorbike was pounded with 20mm shells for a moment, causing the machine shook badly.


Then the Thunderbike turned abruptly to the right and shot along a previously hidden track. Even as it did so the trap closed as Ironside Mercenaries launched anti-tank missiles at the battlebuggies. The first two battlebuggies exploded violently and the second spun on itself, starting to surge away at once. It was too late as a third missile struck the battlebuggy and was destroyed.







Thunderbike came to a halt and both Argyle and Herbert were soon stretching. Even as they did so, Ironsides Mercenaries in assault power armour came pacing out of the surrounding wilderness. They came with 3B1rifles and other heavy weapons. Their weapons and armour were much like those of the Brotherhood of Steel but this was no coincidence since they used to be a Chapter of the Brotherhood. They had been part of the large Chapter that had included those who later became the Outcast Brotherhood who were also in the Rimlands. Other fragments of the old Chapter also existed there being the Scavengers of Steel, the Guard Mercenaries, the elite Citystates Guard of the UCR and those hidden in different ways.


The Rimlands Brotherhood Fragmentation had many reasons but most were secretive or lost to history.


Yet one reason was obvious for all of the Ironsides Mercenaries were ghoulified as ghouls, semighouls or demighouls. How and why this had taken place, the Ironsides would not say, but it was darkly whispered that they had been betrayed by individuals in their own high command and struck by a trap set up by the Talon Mercenaries. The ghoulification had apparently been accidental, the trap meaning to cruelly kill the then Brothers of Steel with radioactive sickness.


Knight Captain Broshona took her helmet off to expose a semighoul face, partly scared down one side. She grinned. “Good ambush, good kills.”


Herbert sighed. “Will you Ironside Mercenaries ever grow tired of revenge?”


She shrugged and touched the mutilated side of her face. “Would you? Anyway the Talon scum have been hunting the three of you for years now, along with all of your friends and allies. Don't do the pious with me, Herbert. You set up this ambush, remember.”


Herbert visibly relented. “Okay, well said. I say we go to the settlement of Jagged Hill.”


The tough and able officer nodded in agreement. “We were going there anyway. First though we rest, eat and do what ever else needs to be done.”


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The greenest, the environmentally friendliest, the most fertile of areas which are also the most heavily populated by human survivors of Doomsday. Dominated by the 'new super-powers' of the MarsEnclaven, the TekOrder, the Free Haven Republics (FHR), the United Citystates of the Havenlands (UCH), and the Clansfolk Unification Imperium (CUI). Each of the Havenlands is heavily guarded at the borders and none are easy to get into and even out of. There is an official cold war between all of the super-powers but, unofficially, trade and treaty talks do take place between some of them.


Between the Havenlands and the Rimlands are the great, roughly circular shaped Ring Mountain Ranges that rise amazingly high into the sky and which have few passes and other ways to get through them.




Less environmentally friendly than the Havenlands but more so than the Wastelands, the Rimlands are dominated by the 'super powers' of the United Citystates of the Rimlands, (UCR) the DomniCommonwealth, the Syndicates Coalition, the Atomicus Holy Empire (AHE), and the Free Ghoul Alliance (FGA).


Between the Rimlands and the Wastelands are the Barrier Mountains, the Barrier Marshes and some more open but still savage areas.




From harsh to savage environmental conditions. Largest areas of Known Mars. Many powerful forces in action such as the Orders of Steel, the Shadow Pact, the Ape Empire, the New Order Republics, the Republic of Steel and many others.






Exotic environmental conditions of SkyContinents and SkyIslands. Skyland Empire and the rebellious Skyland Commonwealth and Skyland Republic.




Bunkerplexes, Bunkers, ShelterVaults, Shelter-Basements, StoreVaults, SafeVaults, Shelter Subway Networks etc.


LifeVaults, UtilitiVaults, StoreVaults, SafeVaults etc.


TekVaults, ArkVaults, CoreVaults, StoreVaults, SafeVaults etc.



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Lucky Eddie wore fleximetallic armour painted with antireflective stuff to help stop him being discovered by accident. He took a lightly armoured backpack filled with some equipment and supplies along with some special items. The same were in pouches and pouch-pockets. The special items were often not known of by others. He carried his varmint-rifle with a special zoom night-scope, a secondary .44 magnum autopistol, some hand-grenades, some hand-rockets, a selection of blades and some other items, not all of them weapons.


Lucky Eddie picked up some odd, interesting smells, sounds and other sensations from the Rimlands even as he went to one of the ways still open into Springvale through its citydome. He picked up the territorial cry of killclaws, smaller cousins of deathclaws that moved in small packs. Though for some reason such creatures seemed reluctant to attack him, Lucky Eddie preferred to avoid them on most occasions. Even the massive deathclaws and mutabears were less aggressive with him so that sometimes they allowed him to tend to their injuries. He did not tell the other Megatonfolk about this healing of what they considered to be monsters only worthy of death. There were quite a few things that he kept to himself and a few he shared with only a small select folk, not always the same ones.


Outside of the domes, the ruins tended to be much more damaged or even totally gone. Yet he slipped around the huge smart-concrete slabs of a building that was literally sunk into the ground. He picked up the scent of a pack-family of mutated organodrones, the descendents of organodrones used in the early Terraforming processes of Mars during the so called Age of the Golden Dawn. In theory the organodrones were sterile and should have died out but instead had mutated, reproduced and had mutated again. The Organodrome Program was not the only one that had not gone as planned.


He whistled softly a special tune and a small organodrone soon popped out into the open, stealthily that is, and happily chirped at him. The organodrones were all hairless, were lightly smooth and shiny, having been first vat-born as were the aumans such as the assistant to the Assistant Mayor of Megaton. They were of many shapeforms and this one was like a squat chimpanzee with shortened arms and a tail that was long and snake like. Lucky Eddie passed over a small bag of preserved radroach balls, the organodrone took it and then began a special but limited conversation. It took a special kind of experience and skill to get information out of organodrones and not many peoples even knew it could be done.


Thus he learned that 'big-uglies', or supermutants, were in the area along with some strange ones in armour that had done tried to do no harm to organodrones. Supermutants of varied kinds were sometimes active closer to the Lamplight Mountains, and the infamous Lamplight Caverns, but had never before been reported leaving that area. This was most disturbing information. He took out three very small homing data drones, or HDDs, and after giving them the necessary warning, he sent them scuttling back to Megaton on small legs, six legs per each HDD. He had designed the HDDs himself from fairly basic robotic materials. They were only dumb-bots but could do the job very well.







He found a working airlock that was largely hidden by mounded rubble and dirt. It was a medium sized one meant to take groups of people, up to medium sized vehicles and so forth. Even as he slipped through it, he was careful to try not to make too much noise, to use only secondary airlock doors and not the main ones. The mid-airlock chamber had long been looted even of some fixed items but he got some so called 'dirty water' from a tap that was actually cleaner than much of the water one could get out in the Rimlands wilderness. That he had ghoul like resistance to toxins and high radiation was something else he liked to keep to himself.


Springvale ruins were still surprisingly intact thanks to the citydome, smart-materials and semiactive microbot network-systems. Some buildings were better than others and five of the security-safety airlock entrances still functioned. Not long before Doomsday, Mars had gained the early version of the World-Bubble and until then had no viable atmosphere. Many surface settlements needed domes, hence the citydome over Springvale. Yet the citydomes had been kept going for a number of reasons including practicality. Soon he was moving through streets, laneways and open courtyards where big cluster-block, geodome and pyramid-block structures were the norm. Hovercars, wheeled electric run-a-bouts or ERABs, jetcars and other machines dotted the area, many still being in secure recharge-storage bays; these were generally in better condition than the ones outside. The ERABs, along with electric wheeled robocabs, were most common. The very same thing could be said for robots and roboremotes of various kinds.


Gangers liked to use what vehicles and robots they could, naturally enough, and sometimes sold salvaged units to others, including folk from Megaton. So he was not surprised to find a burned out, lightly armoured hovercar that had been 'battle pimped'. Around it were dead gangers, some showing the malforming effect of living inside such as the citydomes whose nature had changed thanks to Doomsday. Which was why most people chose not to live in surviving dome-settlements.


Close examination of the hovercar showed that it had been wiped out by energy weapons and by a single strike of a handlong missile. This did not automatically indicate supermutants had done it, for such weapons were used by too many so called elite groups. The dead massemoth supermutant, on the other hand, was a very good clue that it had been supermutants that had done it. Massemoths were the smallest, the most regular size, of shapeform, of supermutant but they were still too damned large and hulking. They were much taller than the standard height of Rimlanders with only some exceptions. This one had been looted of useful items by its comrades, as had the dead gangers.







As Lucky Eddie stood there taking audio-visual recordings with a smart-camera, various creatures raced forward to devour the dead gangers. They were less keen on the supermutant corpse except for such as the radroaches. One of the savage wild-dogs had obvious traits of having descended from a genetically engineered pet breed. The creatures somehow 'sensed' that Lucky Eddie would not even attempt to hurt them. When he was about to go, the small purple haired dog came hopefully up to him, limping slightly one one leg. Lucky Eddie was not surprised, somehow, that the dog could somehow 'sense' hope with his being there. Anyway this one was way of fulfilling the Secret Mission, the one who did not want to know much about, the one he had been born with. He touched the dog on the top of her head and then the dog took an offer of an odd nature. From a locked, armoured pouch he took a strange metallic band, that he had made himself, and put it collar fashion on the canine. Seconds later the animal vanished with a soft sparkling shimmer. Seconds after that, in its place, appeared a neat cubebox with a sparkling shimmer.


Lucky Eddie put the twenty centimetre wide and high cubebox into his backpack. But he was not to get away that easily. Soon three more dogs, a wounded radroach and a wild stripecat had been sent to that other place that he did not want to know about, did not know about, except that he called it the 'Secret Sanctuary'. Now he had more cubeboxes and the backpack was stuffed full though he gave out some more preserved radroach balls and some preserved meatballs to critters who could not get close enough to the dead gangers or supermutant.


Then he was on his way again, pausing only to send a damaged radscorpion to 'Sanctuary'. This time he spent energy and made three cubeboxes vanish into something else he did not really want to know about, at least not too much about, that he called his 'Hidden Inventory'.

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