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Greyditch burned as the giant fire-ants came swarming through the settlement, sweeping over the defensive walls, sometimes dying on the metal spikes and being entangled in the barbed wire. The normal workers and soldiers, the winged flying drones, could not jet out fire but the big flamer-ants could do so and did so with terrible results. People screamed and burned, their guns exploding in their hands. Others fell back as they shot at the giant-ants with shotguns, rifles, crossbows, bows or even basic musket-guns. Some thrust with pikes or threw spears. Survivors fled out of Greyditch, going out through the main gate and taking what they could with them for survival.


The scientist who had experimented on the giant-ants, who had created the flamer-ants by accident, was remorseful but determined to keep going with his experiments. He fled along a utility-tunnel alone except for a protectron robot that had difficulty keeping up with him. Doctor Lesko was his name and he was a demighoul survivor of Doomsday, that is one of the ghouls who had the immortality but none of the outward marks of a full ghoul or their vulnerability to bright, hot sunshine.


Doctor Lesko would soon be responsible for the deaths of at least two thousand people but all he could think of was the need to continue his experiments so as to make all giant-ants return to their older, smaller size and to become more harmless. Doctor Lesko suffered a form of mental illness, from a form of obsessive behavior that sometimes struck ghouls, even demighouls. He kept moving towards his new laboratory that he had been setting up in the Upper Subways close to the Subway Entrance near Greyditch.


In the rush to escape, the survivors left behind one boy who hid in one of the strange coin operated safety chambers for one or two people known as Pulowski Preservation Shelters. Though considered as a joke and a means of making a quick profit off frightened people by many, before and after Doomsday, there was a mystery behind the PP-Shelters that refused to go away. But young Bryan Wilks had no interest in such matters, especially at that time, and neither did his dog Dandy who was in the shelter with him.


Bryan and Dandy were fearfully listening to the giant-ants outside, busy dragging off dead people, livestock, working pets and even plants, to their nest, when they vanished with a sparkling shimmer to leave an empty PP-Shelter behind.







The zhouls came charging, enraged and in great pain as they always were. It was this burning pain that helped keep the zhouls in a terrible frenzy. The young man sat on an old ruined double-couch and peacefully watched them come as if not at all concerned by any possible threat. It seemed that the small swarm of zhouls would fall upon him and rip him apart.


Almost as one, in confusion, they stopped and stood staring at him in wonder. Their pain was gone. They felt wonderful for the first time in centuries. They felt elated and crooned strange noises in pleasure. Then, almost as one, they crouched before the young man, arms folded tight around lower legs as they often sat crouching, and they studied him in more wonder.


He smiled. "Yes, you first." He pointed to a zhoul who sparkle shimmered and transformed into a young slimly muscular woman in green energy armour including a helmet. She had exotic and more standard weapons. "Are you ready to go to the Underworld?"


She nodded and vanished with a sparkling shimmer.


The next zhoul became a soldier-worker in dull, dark red-brown multirole power armour. He had both weapons and tools along with devices that could be used as both. On his back was a power armour backpack, armoured as was the suit.


Then there was a powerful red-brown humanoid creature with natural bullet resistant flesh, enhanced senses and enhanced physical abilities. Not all zhouls wished to return to being human or wished to become elementors. They just wanted to become stronger, faster, more damage resistant versions of their old selves, with out the constant burning pain. They were hulkmans. They came with body-armour, some weapons, other equipment and supplies including backpacks.


Every one of them, this time, chose to go to the Underworld, to start a new life there. They chose during the transformation otherwise any who chose otherwise came out different, they reappeared as Marslands humans but with some equipment, supplies and other items for survival. None them came out with special abilities or as did those who had chosen to go to the Martian Underworld to where the Ancient Martians of the Underworld Circling Circle would guide them and serve-support them. Yet they were always generally enhanced of mind, body and spirit.


The next zhoul became a woman prime psyker, one of high focused psychic and psionic abilities. She wore light body-armour of dark blue and under it a useful jumpsuit of light blue that was like a vault jumpsuit in design. On her back was a backpack and in one hand a multiple purpose psyker-focusi device. She just nodded and vanished to go to the Underworld.


He converted all of the zhouls. None remained as humans to stay in the Wastelands.


Then he waited for more zhouls to come charging at him. It would happen, of course, because he was reaching out to bring them to him in numbers that were small enough to work with efficiently.

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Brazen Emmie and the Stahl Twins, Karen and Keela, went down into Inner Megaton, now much bigger and expanding its use as people moved in to take advantage of the huge bunkerplex, now empty and basically equipped. There they met other UnityNeo such as Rosa, who was UnityMain before the reality transformation. Rosa was still in the Sisterhood of Compassion, one of the Orders of the Way of the Light, but she was disturbed by the changes that had taken place to most of the OWL.


UnityNeo had set up a set of offices, workshop rooms and other facilities under the false premise of being a research archival group for the OWL. While they did carry out such functions, they also worked hard to find out just what reality changes had taken place and what 'side effects' that such changes had caused. They spent much time and effort studying the OWL but not exclusively so. Already they had found some disturbing patterns, some troubles facts.


Rosa used a basic projector to project some coloured 2Dphotos up onto a white area of wall, the room being in semidarkness. There were rows of faces of important members of the various Orders of the Way of the Light. Amongst them was Mother Compassionate Sasha Tyrone, the adoptive mother of the Tyrone Triplets, but there were those with more authority, power and influence than her. Rosa spoke. "The Orders of Compassion, Protection, Reconstruction, Healing, Learning, Teaching, Fair Trading, Search Rescue, Law Investigations, Welfare Service, Support Transportation, Missing Persons, Women's Services, Ghouls' Services and Secondary Administration have been downgraded, have been labelled as Lesser Orders of the Way of the Light, or the LOWL. Some Orders, such as the Seekers of the Way of the Light and the Guardians of Truth, have been swept into oblivion. As you know, these particular OWL were important in searching for deep, dark secrets and for keeping the OWL themselves bound to the Coda of the Way of the Light. The individuals you see up on the wall have all lost power, influence and authority, are all in the LOWL. Before the reality transformation they were amongst the most powerful and influential of the VIPs in the OWL. The changes are not coincidental but a deliberate strategy."


Rosa operated the 2Dprojector and put up a new set of faces. "Meet the VIPs of the Middle Orders of the Way of the Light, or the MOWL. All were already in the OWL but none had any real power or influence. Many were on probation, were under investigation, for various crimes and-or negative attitudes. Now all of them have important positions in the Orders of General Administration, Logistics, Transportation, General Security, General Supervision, General Coordination, Planning Support, General Defense and three that are still being formed. Note changes in names and the bringing of Orders down from more important levels in the OWL."


Then she brought up a third set of 2Dphotos. "Most disturbing are these. These VIPs control the OWL as it now stands and yet all were unknown, perhaps did not even exist, before the reality changes took place. Now they run the Higher Orders of the Way of the Light, or the HOWL. That such a hierarchy could or should exist in the OWL is... is against the very nature of the Coda of the Way of the Light except that the COWL has vanished as if it never existed except in the memories of a few of us and as the desires of a few OWL radicals. The HOWL are the Orders of Central Administration, Central Regulation, Central Security, Greater Defense, Treasury, Consultation, Faith Discipline and at least three to be finally completed and given names. The names of some of these are enough to be disturbing."


Then she showed a large tree diagram of the various OWL as 'now' arranged into HOWL, MOWL and LOWL. Yet there were some others, called False Orders of the Way of the Light such as the Orders of the Reformers, the Truth Seekers, the Resisters and some others to be named because other Orders lose their status or other supposed radical and-or rebellious groups are named as the FOWL.


Rosa went on speaking. "The FOWL are the Orders pushed out of the OWL, many of whom had been important opposition or regulation groups, or are groups that have been so named. The moves are clearly meant to disempower these people and to define them as targets of further action. Now we come to the SOWL, the Secret Orders of the Way of the Truth, that are most disturbing of all because they go totally against the COWL that speaks above all of transparency of action and decisions, of honesty, of truth. The SOWL are the Orders of Faith Discipline, Special Operations, Special Administration, Special Treasury, Termination, Confinement, Reeducation, Special Research and Development and some others either hinted at only or still being constructed to be named."


It was not a good picture that was drawn, not at all. Some dark force had turned something very good into something quite bad. Yet did that mean there was no hope?







Rosa smiled. "Yet there is hope for amongst the OWL, especially amongst the LOWL, who make up the greater numbers, but also in the MOWL, there is a strong up swell of both passive and active resistance against the hierarchy, against the growing autocracy, the hypocrisy, the corruption, the vanishing of people and other events. The FOWL have named themselves the Reformation Orders of the Way of the Light, the ROWL. A resistance cell-network is expanding rapidly through the OWL, including sections of the HOWL."


She paused before going on. "The big question is why make all these changes to the OWL only to have them be undone because abrupt interferences with reality often lead to abrupt backlashes? I am not the only member of the new Resistance of the Way of the Light, the RWL, the cell-network itself, that wonders if the changes were not meant to last over long but only long enough for a series of actions to be carried out of dark consequences. UnityNeo is at the heart of the RWL and the ROWL. We 'sense' some dark, secretive force behind what has happened, is happening. Also we have detected Iceminds and other false humans amongst the HOWL. Trouble is there are plenty of so called normal humans willing to sell out to these dark forces, even many who grew up in the OWL from birth."


She became quiet and the room was full of quietness as people tried to absorb the information and to work with it in their own ways.


Then Brazen Emmie spoke out. "How did you get so much high quality intelligence data, Rosa?"


Rosa gave Brazen Emmie a puzzled look. "From various RWL network-cells, from passive resisters willing to risk giving information, from ROWL units capturing and questioning certain individuals and from mistakes made by the enemy."


Brazen Emmie smiled. "Very good work, especially since you have managed to gather so much high quality information in such a short time. I am impressed."


Rosa smiled at Brazen Emmie. "Why, thank you, Brazen Emmie."


Brazen Emmie sighed. "Who and what are you, really? UnityNeo? Yes and no! UnityMain as linked to UnityMind, UnityMentality and UnityNetwork? Yes and no! You are not the original Rosa! Where is the original Rosa? Where is the original Sasha, my adoptive mother? What about all of the others who have been replaced during the reality changes? What you said here was true enough but not the whole truth and a half truth can be more misleading than an outright lie. Unity is behind the changes in some way but what does that mean? I can 'sense things' that are there and impressions that 'things' are left out that should not be."


Keela frowned. "UnityMain is active in the Underworld, not up here, so what do you speak of, Brazen Emmie?"


Rosa looked confused. "I am Rosa Tyrone, daughter of Sasha Tyrone. Why are you speaking such nonsense?"


Which was when Sweet Ellie and Ronald came in with the real Rosa and the real Sasha Tyrone. The other Rosa looked shocked and then collapsed towards the floor but, acting with amazing speed and strength, Brazen Emmie caught her and held the clone gently but firmly in her arms. "The false Rosa is no criminal, no monster but has been program-conditioned falsely for she is cyborged. There is much to do. Much to investigate."






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Sweet Ellie and Ronald had found the real Rosa and Sasha Tyrone captive in sleeper-capsules down in the depths of Holy Megaton, along with other captives that they had also freed. All had been replaced by clones during the reality transformation, as the Tyrone Triplets had come to suspect. Sweet Ellie and Ronald had found a whole hidden area that the Children of Atom did not seem to know about for it was sealed off from and hidden from the rest of Holy Megaton.


Lucky Eddie kept searching the Subway Station and found some useful stuff but nothing like his major find in that one chamber. So he returned to the others and they studied the data he had found that would lead to the Wonder Nine Chamber, except that in this case it was called a Wonder Thirteen Chamber. They met inside the Eternal-TARDIS which was an ancient device of the Timespace Lords given over to the Eternal Guardian after some changes. The Eternal-TARDIS was quite powerful but if they used its unique powers they could far too easily attract the wrong kind of attention. The reality transformation had brought them the amazing device because of some force that had been in the fight to control the reality changes.


They found the location of the Wonder Thirteen Chamber. It was below the now real Springvale School of High Achievement but deeper and both better concealed and more heavily secured.


Megatonfolk had adopted the SSHA students as young citizens and the school would now teach others as well, including adults, using both more traditional ways and the SVR capsulechairs. Other facilities in Megaton-Springvale were now being fully utilized or soon would be, such as a big holomovie theatre, a 3Dmovie cinema, a sports-fitness complex, a fire station, a police station, houses, apartment blocks, two small manufactories, another bigger school, a small zoo, a museum, two art galleries, shops, offices, two computer centres, three vehicle repair stations, a small mattercator plant and a small solar power station with its armoured solar arrays outside of the dome.


The Orders of Steel in Exile had a strong outpost in Megaton-Springvale, taking over a fortified National Guard base that was mostly underground. They also had a large outpost away from New Megaton but inside Greater Megaton. They had taken over a struggling outpost and the people already there soon became grateful for it for their lives improved greatly. While elite forces, like the Brothers and Sisters of Steel, used power armour, the larger Guard of Steel used enhanced combat armour. The Guardsmen of Steel were the backbone of OSE military and security forces. A large garrison of the Guard of Steel was soon established in New Megaton.


The OSE had become well established in the DC Citadel, their home base in the Rimlands but were fighting various forces in other areas. Already they were taking on some large gangs, had skirmished with Talon Mercenaries, had encountered wild supermutant groups wandering the Rimlands in increasing numbers and firepower and had taken on rogue robots infected with the berserker computer virus. In the growing darkness and cold operations had become increasingly limited. The last of the huge air-convoys had arrived from the far west.


With two of the five air-convoys had come two groups that were not OSE but were firm allies of the OSE. They had been rejected by the orthodox Orders of Steel and the New California Republic because of their natures but not by the OSE. But neither of these other two groups came near Greater Megaton.


The increasing tensions in the UCR were slowed by the growing darkness and cold. The unique threats of the long winter dark were coming out to play. The United Citystates of the Rimlands Central Government had or was withdrawing all of its forces back to its firmly controlled settlements and territories. All nation-states would be doing such things for the long winter dark cold times always closed things down for many. Even many creatures, even the most powerful of surface dwellers, would not move much but would gather in large numbers for protection, including those that normally did not do so.


The OSE were becoming established as quickly as possible and were already starting to limit operations. New, larger operations would not begin until the start of the long dim warming time of Spring.


Old Joe McDonald went pacing across the land as if the darkness and cold meant nothing to him but he was careful not to draw too much attention to himself. He was seeking to discover what other changes the reality transformation had made in Greater Megaton.


Jasmine had to wait until she set out to find her father but she used the time well, assisting the Tyrone Triplets and making many preparations for her coming mission.


As for Clever Oddie, Amazon Essie and Sour Ellie, they continued to deal with the ancient artifact and with trying to get the other people with them back to their version of Mars.

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I have been reading this for a while but haven't got around to posting. I LOVE IT! It is really an excellent story you got going. I new idea and storyline in a way. Keep going!
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Thanks for your positive feedback, LordWushin! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



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Clever Oddie, Sour Ellie and Amazon Essie worked on studying and understanding the ancient artifact with the assistance of Bishop the android and Ripley the starship pilot-navigator. Bishop the android was quite brilliant in a narrow 'logical' fashion and Ripley was creatively brilliant but the triplets were geniuses. They worked together well and it turned out that Ripley had a good strong knowledge of hyperspace physics and astronomical navigation. Bishop had a great deal of knowledge in his databanks. The triplets were the only ones with real knowledge of Ancient Martian artifacts despite the fact that the Other Mars also had Ancient Martian artifacts, including ancient abandoned cities.


Clever Oddie studied the ancient control panel that glowed softly with an alien touch-screen dotted with Ancient Martian datasymbols. Then he tapped three of those datasymbols in a sequence even as he spoke to the others. "The settlement on the Other Mars, the one you came from, is also known as Megaton but is not based in a crater. Instead it is based in an abandoned nuclear missile complex that was part of your War of the Worlds."


Ripley answered. "The Tripoza Martians invaded the Earth in green comet-ships but many were destroyed on the way by the United Nations Aerospace Force, the UNASF and Skynet. Our version of Skynet, that is, which is not as sophisticated or as treacherous as your version of Skynet, from what you say. Our Skynet is just a whole lot of big human and computer co-operated battle-stations and smaller weapon system platforms. The Tripoza came in huge mechatripods and floating hovertripods protected by powerful force-bubbles and deflector-screens. There were also alien tripoc infantry and smaller battletripods along with enslaved mindcapped hivaca bugs, humans and dogs. They lost but only after sowing death, destruction and disorder across the Earth."


"When the Martian Invasion failed, we thought it was because of micro-organisms and a lack of Tripoza immunity but that was not the whole truth. Scientists decoded Tripoza data-records and it turned out that somehow the Ancient Martians had struck at the Tripoza Martians but we do not know how it was done. The Ancient Martians even destroyed many comet-ships as they were launched from Mars. Earthfolk were able to study the Tripoza technologies and though we could not, would not, copy them as they were, we gained many new breakthroughs. They were in antigravity drives and boosters, in artificial gravity fields, in new regenerative-rejuvenation medical processes, in True Artificial Intelligence, in androids such as Bishop here, in new construction materials, new designs in.... well it was a huge transformation. The population of humanity had been decimated, largely by the Black Fog and the Red Plague unleashed by the invading Tripoza. We gained an antifog solution and vaccines-antidotes for the Red Plague. So the human population still has not reached its old numbers and perhaps that is good for the Earth used to be over populated though it was a very dark solution."


"We have encountered no such Tripoza Martians on or in our Mars." Amazon Essie responded to the alternative universe woman, whom she was starting to like very much. "Our human population suffered heavily from the Earth Doomsday and then the Mars Doomsday along with our Earth Doomsday unleashed Red Plague that killed or created ravers or ragers."


Bishop spoke then with a voice tinged with curiosity. "The Tripoza Martian brought Red Plague that did the same on our Earth. The ravers and ragers attacked Tripoza Martian forces. Terran scientists later learned that the Tripoza Martians were too clever for their own good. They unleashed the Red Plague but failed to understand that it would quickly go out of their control. The ravers loved to strap powerful bombs onto the ragers and send them running into Tripoza ranks, destroying their lesser military units. In turn the Tripoza Martians wiped out most of the ravers and ragers so that we free humans did not have to deal with them. As for the Black Fog, once we created armoured suited soldiers able to fight inside it, we used the fog to ambush even the big mechatripods and low flying hovertripods."


Sour Ellie was obviously curious. "Did your hivaca come from your version of Venus?"


Bishop was the one who answered. "Yes, as I suspect the hivaca you know, came from your version of Venus."







With a sparkling shimmer gateways formed around the rim of the chamber, being twelve of them. All of them showed translucent scenes through shimmering curtains of energy. The twelve shimmering gateways were arranged 'as twelve hours on a clock face' with 'north being 12 O'clock.'


Firstly was a forest filled landscape with a medieval style castle like city in the distance!


Second was Megaton-Springvale and Megaton from the outside.


Thirdly was a great broken city that looked as if it had experienced a great catastrophe!


Fourthly was a very much Martian urban landscape of Predoomsday type appearances.


Fifthly was a low hulking concrete and metallic structure surrounded by large sharp red plant growths.


Sixthly was a deserted appearing metropolis of perhaps World War Two vintage of the 20th Century of Terra!


Seventhly there was a hellish environment of savage oppressive towers often joined by strange bridges and an ocean of hot larva!


Eighthly was a utopian appearing sight of science fiction aspects where protective domes covered amazing gardens, where monocars shot through transparent tubes, where young colourful dressed adults appeared to be involved only in hedonistic activities.


Ninthly lay a vast fairly stark, fairly green cave chamber stretching into the distance that was topped by a thick cover of cloud (somehow she knew it was underground though not how she knew this),


Tenthly there was the metallic interior of some kind of space-station that seemed unused except for some big metallic containers strapped somehow to sections of the walls.


Eleventhly there was a big rock chamber that was partly altered with prefabricated sections.


Twelthly there was a thick green fog ridden glistening beautifully dangerous jungle landscape.


Behind, and to one side of these shimmering gateways, the normal doorways were now full of energy curtains. Yet also there appeared a large disk shaped platform that rose out of the floor, emerging from it as if more forming into existence than having existed before. It stopped a metre above floor level and had four ramps leading up to the flat platform top, the wide ramps being in the four main compass directions. The disk shaped platform was three metres wide.




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The zetans sent a single mothership and three big saucerships, each about half the size of a mothership, along with saucerboats and other vessels. With them came a single monstrous greytari mothership, at least three time bigger and nine times more powerful than the zetan mothership. The enemy fleet was bolstered by human enemies of the treacherous Solsystem Confederation. From the Saturn Moons they came in huge blocky battlestars, each equipped with many fighterships, many fighterdarts, many batteries of projectile and energy weapons plus battle-drones. Backing the battlestars was a huge deathstar, a monstrous double sized battlestar like vessel. As battlestars carried fighterships, it carried attack-destroyers and dropships.


Even as Captain Kirk led the SFSS Enterprise into battle along with its squadron of smaller fighting ships and the special gunships, he had to admit that with out the assistance of the Timespace Lordites and the newer members of the Solsystem Federation, his forces would not have stood a chance of anything but total destruction. He cyberlinked and was soon dealing with a battle with enemies that the Solsystem had never dealt with in any great way before. At least not the old Federation.


Belter, Venetian and other ships attacked the enemy, including five majestic globes of TimeLordite hyperships. Space filled with smaller fighting craft and robots. Energy pulsebeams and pulses zipped back and forth. There was dreaded silence except inside craft when energy or solid things striking the vessels caused internal noises. The lack of atmosphere gave everything generally a rather disturbing appearance. A Confederation systemship exploded, spilling outwards chunks and garbage, along with dead, dying or other figures in space power armour. The survivors were luck for the Solsystem Federation was merciful to such while its enemies tended to be merciless, including the rather ruthless interplanetary corporation based Solsystem Confederation.


Two fighterships exploded close to the SFSS Enterprise, far too close for Kirk's liking.


The great space battle raged on.







"The sudden massive space attack against us here is no coincidence. Somehow the great enemy learned about our plans to send a large taskforce down to the surface of Mars. By forcing us to divert away our space forces against this surprise offensive, we do not have the space force to attack Skynet and to divert it so we can send the planned taskforce down to the surface of Mars." Graham Maharg stood before a newly named Solsystem Special Operations Council made up of individuals he had already dealt with. "Yet the great enemy has failed because of strange new events that have taken place."


He meant the appearance of the shimmering energy gateway inside the moon of Deimos. The gateway had appeared in a huge cave chamber partly built up with fabricated parts. So far it had allowed only non living things to go through as Federation people had communicated with those in the big gateway chamber. There were three triplets, soldiers, androids, other humans. Some came from that Universe and others from an Alternate Universe or so it seemed.


Graham Maharg described the situation and then spoke more. "Like myself, the triplets are aspects of the Eternal Guardian, they being Sour Ellie, Amazon Essie and Clever Oddie. There are SecurityTroopers who are now androids, an android called Bishop, a corporate executive called Burke, Solar Marines and one Ripley, a starship pilot-navigator. They are now trapped in the gateway chamber that serves also as a transdimensional stabilization point. Only three of the gateways are operational and only so far as allowing non-living things through but not positronic brain using androids or such as replicants. We have supplied the trapped group with equipment, supplies and some special items such as robots. They are able to send non living items to two different variations of the settlement of Megaton on two Alternate Mars. Ironically both have some link to nuclear weapons. The trick in future will be to find some way to free the trapped from the gateway chamber, to activate the gateways in such a way as to allow the living to go through. Yet what are the risks of doing such?"


Nobody, amongst the special leaders behind the big curving counter, responded except for some nodding in agreement. There was much to take into account. A soft shudder ran through the chamber as a huge railgun-cannon fired a projectile from Deimos towards a large enemy vessel taking part in the huge space battle. Enemy ships were far too close to the outer moon of Mars for the comfort of anybody there, including those in the chamber.


Voton reinforcements had arrived in the form of three motherships, nine saucerships and a fleet of saucerboats and saucerdarts. Voton technologies were like those of the zetans but were more sophisticated and advanced. Votons tended to be defensive aggressive only but when they did get aggressive, they could easily match zetan aggression.


Which was when Skynet launched a huge and nasty surprise from the other moon of Mars, Phobos, being a fleet of huge super-HKs and super-HCs. That is massive space going HunterKillers and HunterCarriers, the later holding thousands of smaller but still big and powerful HunterKillers. With them went other forms of Skynet attackers from drones to special vessels full of terminator cyborgs to robotic fighterships.


Another shudder came but this time a big railgun-cannon was hurling a deadly projectile towards Phobos, the home base of Skynet.

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Through the newly materialized and, to some extent, open gateway the people of New Megaton were able to send and accept non living items from the group in the Gateway Hub Chamber, as it had come to be called. Locals were amazed and impressed. They were more so when items came through another gateway from the moon of Deimos way outside of the World-Bubble that surrounded and isolated Mars, even the Martian Skylands of Martian low orbit. They looked upon the people from an Alternate Solsystem, such as the Solar Marines, with amazement. They learned of the existence of the hivaca with understandable horror.


Even as the great space battle raged around the Martian Moon of Deimos, and out from there in deeper space, the Solsystem Federation was able to send some resources to Greater Megaton. In turn they got samples of organic, cultural and other items for their people to study. As for the other Megaton, that was actually called Mars Megaton on many occasions and so a way was found to distinguish one alternative Megaton from the other.


It was disappointing to know that no true android or other True-AI could go through the transdimensional gateways of which only three were operational and not totally so.


"So the Solsystem Federation is working hard to Terraform Terra, the old home world, but with some difficulty." Lucky Eddie was in the Eternal-TARDIS where an advanced duplication-multiplicator unit was copying holotapes, books, datachips and other items sent from the Solsystem Federation, from Deimos. The device produced two identical copies of each original and the original came through fine. A duplicate-multiplied item could not go through the same process but the original item could do so. "Good to know, especially now we are gaining memories from past incarnations that existed through out centuries of history on Terra."


The Eternal Guardian had begun to 'sense' increasing, approaching, danger to New Megaton. So was UnityNeo and other, wilder, psychics in the settlement.


UnityNeo was causing people to waken as part of itself. Mayor Elaine Harrington had just recently awoken as UnityNeo and was still trying to come to terms with it. Moira Brown was happy to be part of UnityNeo as was Professor Brown. Yet most Megatonfolk were still their same old selves with out any strong sign of change.


UnityNeo knew about the Eternal-TARDIS to some extent and was happy to gain a small but steady stream of duplicate-multiplied equipment and supplies with an emphasis on what Megatonfolk already used on a regular basis and were experienced and trained with. Thus there were varmint-rifles and bullet filled magazines instead of energy weapons, kitchen knives instead of laser-blades and so forth. Stimpaks were produced along with MREs, cans of baked beans, electric handlamps, robotic teddy-bears, holotapes, books, manuals, tools, repeater-crossbows, repeater-bolts, sugar, salt, wholemeal flour, herbs, chess sets, duct tape, magnifying glasses, binoculars, 3Dtelephones and much else. Organics could be duplicate-multiplied but not living organics as living organics.


The Eternal-TARDIS was only partly functional, was locked in 'time space terms' into one 'relative position' as driven by normal time change. This was because the Eternal Guardian was exiled to to that Alternate Solsystem, to that version of Mars, because of ancient crimes it had taken part in. Back then it was not known as the Eternal Guardian, which was the title given to it, many as one as many, after it was given its new duties as part of the redemptive duties it was to do on-in Mars.


A big old molerat scuttled past him on its way to the animal toilets chambers. Yes, there was one for molerats. The Eternal-TARDIS was becoming a sanctuary for an increasing number of entities from humans to molerats to ghouls and even such as tamed deathclaws. Old Joe McDonald was somehow sending lifeforms in from parts of Greater Megaton, along with more non living items of a wide range. He sent some brief messages stating that something very disturbing was happening out in Greater Megaton, away from New Megaton.






Sweet Ellie was sitting with the false Rosa, now called Rosalee, who was helping Sweet Ellie sort through some modular storage containers brought out of a recently reactivated and opened up 3Dsector of the Eternal-TARDIS. The container had not been opened for a very long time and the items found inside were a collection of ivory-stone tooth-rocks from a very different kind of world from any in Solsystem. Rosalee smiled happily and, picking one up, sniffed softly at it but then she grimaced at the sharp acid smell of it.


Sweet Ellie gently but firmly took the tooth-rock from Rosalee and put into into the container before closing and then lock-sealing. The lid melded into the rest of the box so that it became part of it. "Sweetie, I will get you something nice to have."


Rosalee smiled happily. She had regressed from the shock to her program-conditioning when she had suddenly been confronted by the real Rosa Tyrone. Now she was at home in the Eternal-TARDIS. A puppy clambered into Rosalee's lap and made himself comfortable, getting a kiss and a cuddle for his daring. Rosalee did not speak much since her crisis.


A big deathclaw, much healthier than it had been when it had been rescued and much more peaceful, came into the big chamber pushing a special designed cart. In it were some deathclaw cubs looking dangerous and yet strangely adorable in their own way.


Sweet Ellie spoke to her brother. "Perhaps one day they will try to Terraform this world again but this time they will do a much better job of it."


Brazen Emmie came into the chamber leading a column of brainbots, big and cylindrical of main body, moving along on tracks, with secondary brains 'exposed' in armaglass domes on top. In truth the 'real' or 'prime' brain of each brainbot was buried inside an armoured capsule deep in the main body. Those who assumed they could destroy a brainbot by destroying the secondary brain, soon got a rude shock. None were sure why the secondary brain was exposed in such a way. The people who had decided to make the traditional brainbots in that fashion were long dead or ghoulified or vanished mysteriously along with countless others.


Brazen Emmie was grim. "Something big and nasty showed up at the edges of the outpost settlement of Jack-N-Jill Hill. Only the concentrated firepower of two dozen armed humans and two protectrons, sent it off but it was not really hurt." That was not good news at all. Jack-N-Jill Hill was some distance from New Megaton but was an important Greater Megaton Settlement. It was a mine for exotic regenerating biometallic nodes that were said to have been created by the Ancient Martians. It was also a garrison outpost for the Greater Megaton Guard and was important in other ways.


"Then it has begun?" Lucky Eddie looked around from the exotic machine he was attending to. "I thought it would not be so soon."


Brazen Emmie nodded. "Not so soon here in New Megaton but what about the rest of Greater Megaton?"



Edited by Maharg67
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Non living objects were coming from one energy gateway, from the Martian Moon of Deimos, and through another gateway to the DC Rimlands and to Megaton-Springvale. The energy gateways would only allow certain amounts of mass of items through before stopping to recharge, or so it seemed. Items began to go back the other way as well in the form of Predoomsday artifacts, medical samples to be analyzed and also such as air and water. The Solsystem Federation had efficient ways to cleanse water and air that were valuable products for a moon based set of settlements and bases. They were also valued to as supplies to such as spacecraft, spacestations and bigger artificial orbitals. The gateways themselves removed any chance of dangerous infestation or infection.


As for the Alternate Mars and Mars Megaton, there had been no sign of anybody moving on the other side, not even any native Martian creatures or introduced feral Terran creatures. This was disturbing and yet there were also no signs of the dreaded hivaca from the Venus of that other version of Solsystem. Just what was going on was a great puzzle. They sent through three heavily armed and armoured exploration robots supplied by the Solsystem Federation but they lost telecommunications contact as soon as they went through the ancient alien gateway and then seemingly vanished.


Ripley, Bishop, the Solar Marines and even Burke and Newt, were all concerned about what was happening to their home solar system. Yet there was little they could do even with the assistance of the peoples of the Solsystem Federation and Greater Megaton.


The first armed armoured exploration robot returned to park outside the gateway on the other side and to pass through a set of data. Its explorations had been fairly quiet for it had run across little more than long abandoned military and settler places, quarries and yet it had gained clues and glimpses of something more disturbing. There had been more battles. Two landed Solar Marine dropships had been surrounded by dead troopers. Yet the evidence, such as it was, did not point to hivaca bug type attacks. Nor did the scene of over a dozen dead hivaca bugs, a mixture of hunters, warriors and soldiers along with some winged drones.


It was Ripley who suggested what the attackers could be. "We often just call them the 'predators' or the 'hunters'. They have a colony on Venus or so our people think. They are the predavories. You also have them on your version of Venus. They took some rather gruesome trophies from the dead bugs and the dead marines. They always take the bodies of their own. That is their way. The males go on the hunts and may have been the ones to seed our Mars with hivaca. Their females are bigger and rule them but do not normally leave the actual colonies or motherships or on their hidden home worlds."


Predavori motherships? It was not a comforting idea. "Do your predavories have hunterships?"


Ripley scowled. "Yes! They vary in sizes and range but all are stealth capable to a great degree, are heavily armed and armoured. Predavori technologies appear to arise from captured knowledge and back engineered devices. For there are predavori females and bonded-males who work on the scientific, technological and engineering side of things. Hence predavori hunting stealth armour with those damned shoulder-guns and other tricks. Yet there is another branch of male predavories who are hot hunters, who are not warriors protecting the colonies, motherships and home worlds; they are ones who are called the finders. They seek out different artifacts, alien technologies and other things that we are not sure of. I know this because I met a woman who traveled as a 'human predatori' for some time. She observed hunters meeting warriors and even finders on Venus, that is our Venus. That is until she was abruptly told to leave by a hulking female predavori."


It was then that another exploration robot returned to the gateway but this time it was battered and scorched, having gone through some kind of savage battle. The data it brought soon confirmed that a very large force of predavori males were active on that other Mars but, very strangely, amongst them were far fewer but larger and more physically powerful females.







They could see folks in the big cave chamber inside Deimos, a chamber with artificial gravity equal to 'Earth Standard'. There stood Graham Maharg who was observing as yet more equipment and supplies, along with valuable data, was sent to that chamber. Most of it was to be sent onwards to Greater Megaton. All of the gateway chamber group were there simply because they could no longer leave the chamber.


Then the seemingly impossible happened. Graham Maharg remained in that other place but also came through the barrier, as a 'copy' of himself, an extension. He did this by materializing on the disk shaped platform, which was one reason why it was there, with a sparkling shimmer. This new Graham Maharg stopped to look around himself and then turned to face Clever Oddie, Sour Ellie and Amazon Essie along with Bishop the android and Ripley.


He smiled and spoke. "Call me Gregory Maharg. I am also Graham Maharg but having a different name might just make matters of practical communications easier." He turned to Ripley. "Do you understand your real nature?"


Ripley gave him an odd look. "I am just a human born and raised on Earth, my version of Earth, in one of the underground supercities on an Earth left largely decimated by the Martian Invasion."


"No, you are more than that and you are a key reason for the predavories being close to Mars Megaton on your version of Mars." He gave her an odd smile. "Sometimes I think the more I know, the more I am amazed by the surprises that the Multiverse can produce. You are a clone, you always were, as are your two sisters and two brothers. The Weyland-Yutani Corporation created you but it was always just the puppet of another, more ancient, better hidden and very alien force. Your version of the Solsystem was created along with our own as the product of amazing powerful reality distortion effect. You were meant to be a pilot-navigator for the very first starship to leave your Solsystem but it was never launched. You did a series of missions as pilot-navigator for WYC mining exploration ships. You were on the clamp-carrier systemship WYCS Nostromo, carrying a large refinery module and a great amount of refined fuel, from one of the Jovian Moons to Earth, when you were diverted to a world that did not officially exist in the solar system. It did not for you had been secretly transshifted to yet another Alternate Solsystem. There you found another crashed U-ship and many hivaca eggs but no active hivaca. The U-aliens destroyed many of the hivaca before they were finally killed."


Ripley gave Gregory Maharg a confused look. "What has all of this to do with anything happening now and what am I supposed to be? A clone of what?"


Gregory Maharg shook his head. "That is where our knowledge runs short. We suspect you were cloned from another version of Ripley, perhaps one that came from yet another Alternate Solsystem. She was human but you are part human, part hivaca and part something we do not understand. The samples sent to use that were taken from your body, well we used them in various sorts of studies, some of which I will not speak of. Ripley, you need must wake to what you really are."


Then he turned to the triplets. "Your emergence was a surprise to me but perhaps it should not have been. The Eternal Guardian is boosted by the Lords and Ladies of Light and that means a good deal can occur. Old Joe McDonald is still functioning as an aspect of the Eternal Guardian and yet he was supposed to cease a long time ago. The disk-platform I appeared on is a multiple purpose device created by the Ancient Martian artifact there. I am going to remain with this group and try to assist you all along with carrying out other tasks, not all of which I will be able to discuss with you."


Sour Ellie smiled. "Why do you remind me of Old Joe McDonald?"


Gregory Maharg smiled back. "I am his father and you are my grandchildren, that is in the way of we of the Eternal Guardian. First thing we need to do is try to identify where the other gateways open to, the identity of what lies beyond the translucent curtains of energy."

Edited by Maharg67
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