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They awoke in what had been the vast bunker complex beneath Megaton, linked to the crater, but which was now a fair distance from New Megaton of Greater Megaton.


There he was, the Patriot Overlord along with the World President, the World Treasurer, the World Secretary, the Grand Professor, the Grand Engineer, the Grand Artisan, the Star Marshal, the Grand Admiral, the Sky Marshal, the Grand Director, the Grand Coordinator and the Grand Supervisor. They stood in super power armour and around them were genetically engineered super-followers, super-soldiers, super-servitors and others including sophisticated androids, robots and cyborgs.


The Patriot Overlord spoke then. "So you forgave me."


President James Patriot Jackson frowned at him. "Yes, we had to in the end for we had to face that we were as much to blame for this crisis as you were but that we were all just as equally manipulated, tricked and then abandoned."


The Patriot Overlord nodded. "Good but not final. There is the matter of the one of us who betrayed us at the vital moment, who undone much of our desire to stop Mars Doomsday from taking place."


"Why pretend, you know it was me?" The World Treasurer spoke. She was quite agitated. "True I changed my mind but it was too late."


Others looked angry but the Patriot Overlord raised his hand to forestall anything happening. "You were tricked to being a decoy from the real traitor. It was figured you would think twice about your betrayal, as angry with me as you were, and justifiably so. No, it was not you."


He turned to look at a male figure, at the Grand Supervisor who was considered to be the weakest of the Patriot Thirteen and, by some, as the weakest link. "Strange that in the end your very obvious weaknesses helped to disguise the fact that you were the traitor. Except that those supposed weaknesses were a fraud. You are just as powerful, brilliant and cunning as any of us, even myself. You made yourself the weak one, the butt of the joke, so you could better manipulate the rest of us. I discovered this too late to stop Mars Doomsday from happening but I did learn it in time to put some special plans and projects into motion. I found the real Grand Supervisor, who you replaced very early on, or at least what was left of him after you finished with him. He sleeps now in a special restorative rejuvenation processing capsule. None of us liked after you supposedly returned from the expedition to the Jovian Moons apparently as the sole survivor of a massive greytori and zetan attack. We all sensed something was wrong but you, and others, manipulated our egos, our naivety, our internal conflicts."


The Grand Supervisor, the fake one, laughed and removed his helmet to reveal not a copy of the head of the real Grand Supervisor but a pale, grey distorted one that was clearly part human and part greytari. The hybrid had human shaped black orbs of eyes and slits for a nose. The grey skin was greytori, of the 'greys', and not human. Yet this was no mere abomination but a so called super abomination.


He spoke. "Ever changing insanity is sanity is the way of all things. To destroy is to create and to kill is to give birth to life. Best of all is undeath, lesser or mediate or even greater. Greyness and bleakness is goodness. Life is evil. Fertility is sickness. Distort everything. Understand nothing but one's own ultimate nothingness. Never tell the truth, which is the ultimate act of truth, even to oneself. What one wants to be real is ultimately the only reality. Life is death. Undeath is life. We are for ever and our victories are always. Our enemies do not exist but they love us anyway. Break your own sanity to gain true sanity. Kill the ones who depend upon you the most. Ultimate betrayal is ultimate trust."


The Grand Overlord sighed and zapped the fake Grand Supervisor with a disintegration blast, vaporizing him at once.


He spoke. "That was not the real fake Grand Supervisor but only a fake fake Grand Supervisor."


The real Grand Supervisor walked into the chamber in super power armour and he spoke. "Truth is I have been fully healed for a long time now, as some of you already know. They call me the Eternal Wanderer. I have been doing what I can to make up for what we did wrong and to make preparations for a new plan to save.... everything and everybody."


Professor Jane Patriot Jackson smiled. "A nice modest plan... I like it. Lets do it!!!"


The others laughed in a bemused fashion.






Old Joe McDonald strode into the room and beamed a big warm smile at everybody. "Old Joe McDonald of the Eternal Guardian here. How are all of you? I am glad that you have mostly worked things out but still, not as well as you assume. The fake fake Grand Supervisor was a distraction, true, but was the true fake Grand Supervisor. The real traitor replaced the real fake, after killing him, with the fake fake and then killed him."


The Grand Overlord turned to face Old Joe McDonald with a scowl. "You speak falsehood. I am not the traitor."


Old Joe McDonald sighed. "The false false Grand Supervisor was rapidly dying before you disintegrated him under the cunning, subtle influence of the real traitor. In a 'sense' you are all the traitor for the traitor is a parasitic psychic psionic entity long ago planted into all of your minds but most of all your communal secondary mind that you have never really been aware of. Yes, you were first betrayed in the wombs of your mothers. Except that the 'traitor' has never had it easy. Firstly it was being constantly fought against by your powerful mentalities, secondly it had troubles with your powerful subconscious selves, thirdly it had trouble with its own inner nature and, fourthly, it began to love you. So one day it helped the real Grand Supervisor to be saved and to become the Eternal Wanderer. One day it realized it could never stop the Mars Doomsday, as linked profoundly with the Earth Doomsday, as linked with Doomsdays on other Alternate Earths, so it began to risk everything to get you to become strong. It assumed it was going to die and it is dying."


Old Joe McDonald grinned and took out a glowing, swirling crystal orb. Energies flickered out, striking all of the tall hulking figures in super power armour. Then it was done. Inside the globe now swirling an amazing new pattern of energies and it had a small face of a very youthful human that could have been female or male in nature.


"This one is now called Patriot Psychiso. This one will further assist you to discover your real pasts, your real destiny, the answers to many questions and the revealing of many secrets, not all of them dark but some of them hopeful and helpful in nature." Old Joe McDonald kept talking. "I am staying here for a while. Another aspect of myself will carry on my work elsewhere. We need to convert this big old complex into something useful and call in resources, allies, from all over."


So the work began.


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Sallashaya came out of the dark depths of the great bunker complex. She did so with a roaring rage and with her she brought an army of twisted robots, androids, ghouls, zhouls, humans and even supermutants and cyborg-clones. They all had fallen under her bizarre, dark seductive influence. She had been building up her army with new, amplified powers. Sallashaya did not stop to communicate with the Patriot Thirteen or with Graham Maharg. Instead she attacked.


The battle raged but from the start Graham Maharg and the Patriot Thirteen, along with powerful followers summoned seemingly from mid air, hurled back the attackers. Graham Maharg asked that the poor twisted victims of Sallashaya be captured when possible and, to his pleased surprise, the Patriot Thirteen went along with his request.


The blast of miniguns and autoguns, the flash of pulselasers and pulseblasters, the blast of explosions, the many sounds of battle were savagely intense and then, abruptly, it was over.


Sallashaya was entrapped in firm but gentle fields of force. Her twisted, insane mind was that of an entity that had been sent mad by a massive forceful intrusion, a horrific violation of mind, body and spirit. Sallashaya was more victim than monster, a victim that had gone on to create more victims.


President James Patriot Jackson spoke as he faced the trapped woman. "She was my wife. They might say that I betrayed her, that I experimented on her, that I violated her in some incredibly sick fashion, but I did not do so."


Graham Maharg nodded. "I agree with you. I suggest strongly that the real violator, the monstrous criminal, was the one who planted the false idea of you being responsible. At one level Sallashaya believes you were her tormentor but at a deeper level, she knows this is not true, just as she can see through the whole horror falsehood thrust into her mind. Now, I must focus on healing Sallashaya and I will need the assistance of the Patriot Thirteen but not all at once.


So it was that the healing began and it was not just of Sallashaya herself but of her army of victims, the great majority who had survived the savage battle.

Edited by Maharg67
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What with the reality shifts, the deep down bunker complex below Megaton became more accessible. Robotic constructed, largely autorobotic in nature, it constantly drew up molten magma from very much deeper down still and processed it, transformed it, and converted it into various useable useful materials. Wonder devices were involved in this process and other wonder devices supported these wonder devices. Roboremotes labored in the thousands, doing a hundred plus multiple functions.


But what were they manufacturing?


Lucky Eddie and Jasmine led the expedition through bleak industrial complex corridors, past ugly junction boxes, roboremotes scurrying along the ceiling like robotic spiders. AllTek had built and run this place but AllTek stood for no more than a combination project of various TekCorporations. How many of the TekCorps had worked, together on this one place, was a mystery so far. Another mystery was why the place felt more evil, more dangerous, than any normal autorobotic complex should do.


The group was all in assault power armour, even the androids, except for the robots.


Lucky Eddie shook his head in wonder. "So vast and yet we can find no official mention of this place having existed at all. I mean, not even an accidental clue left behind, a hint. This place must have been done with incredible secrecy involved."


Jasmine nodded. "I do not like the feel of this place at all. There are no signs of people having ever been here at all, even during the construction stages. How could that be?"


The great big complex was not like anything else encountered of its kind be it a VaultTek or Enclaven or Orders of Steel type bunker design and yet it seemed to have aspects of all of them plus others.


It was then that they ran into the first of the horrors that they were to encounter in that place. Pale light flowed out through a thick armaglass pane inset into one wall of the corridor and when they looked through it they saw a chamber filled with semitransparent glowing fog of a very disturbing kind. Inside that substance were zombies of humans in long decaying business suits and military uniforms, for ever rotting regenerating wit unnatural speed and strange distorting effects. Perhaps they had been a delegation of some kind but it was clear now that they were of the undead and that the strange foggy substance had something to do with their existence.

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The next horrors came at the expedition as soon as a big armoured power door was open. The things were zombies of some kind but were wrapped in semi-enclosing exoskeletal power armour that kept them more structurally sound while making them even more dangerous. They came racing at the newcomers with cold death eyes and strange ever rotting regenerating bodies. The smell of them was worse, somehow, than that of normal rotting flesh. Lucky Eddie, Jasmine, and the others raised their weapons and put these poor zombie-clones to peace. Yes, they were too identical to each other to be anything but clones of some kind and they were all sexless. It seemed that they had been cloned so as to be made into zombies.


The destroyed zombie-clones turned out to be workers with tools scattered about the chamber that where some repairs were half done. There was a battered and broken supervisor roboremote there that had clearly been wiped out while it tried to keep watch over what the creatures were doing.


Lucky Eddie scowled. "Fools thought they could not only understand undeath but control it to their advantage. The zombie-clones must have rebelled, driven perhaps by the Great Undeath that lies ultimately behind all undeath. What ever provoked these pitiful lesser undead into action, they soon did a great deal of damage or so is my guess."


Next came a large series of workshop-laboratories, laboratories and related facilities that had been run by remote from some other external site. Roboremotes of many kinds, smart-robots and even androids had been used. A battle had taken place in those chambers and the hallway and rampway tunnels linking them. Zombie-clones lay scattered, some in bigger power mecha, having attacked savagely and relentlessly. The turrets, roboremotes, robots and androids had fought back in the same way. The facilities were damaged but less than might have been expected considering that they had been designed and made to withstand heavy punishment.


The expedition began to work on fixing and reactivating the local network-systems, taking control of security turrets and roboremotes enough to make them safe, robots and androids. Not all could be recovered but soon some roboremotes, robots and androids were actively assisting the expedition in their work.

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