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The chamber was beneath and to the back of the Megaton Community Hall, a large chamber of multiple purposes. It, like many chambers, hallway tunnels and other spaces, had been dug out by those who had created the bunkerplex that had become Inner Megaton. In some of the chambers had been found some useful items, some semi-useful items and more junk along with empty containers but most of the chambers had been found empty. Some had such as cheap fluroflats to light them and basic metallic doors but most of the chambers had neither upon their discovery by Megatonfolk. Or so went the official history of Megaton.


There were twenty-two of them at the big table and fifteen guards, a mixture of types, around the walls and nearby. Manya Vargas carefully opened an old manilla envelope and extracted from it three slightly faded 3Dphotos. Then she spread the A4 sized photos out. "They show a large chamber of cut stone full of stored equipment and supplies of very good quality including robots, roboremotes, energy weapons, power armour, androids, robodroids, small electric vehicles, portable machine-tools, modular building sections, stimpaks, med-x and much else. There, standing right there, is a man called Arnold Fry but until we saw these photographs we did not even remember that he had existed. That is we who later called ourselves the 'Founding Eleven'. We called ourselves that openly, pretending it was some kind of informal elitist club that sometimes hosted common events for all to come to. Our real reason for existence was to discover the truth that was hidden even in our own minds. At first we were not as careful as we should have been in our investigations. Emma Janelo was the first of us to be assassinated, though the death was poorly disguised as a mugging; sure they took her purse but failed to take her gold rings and the so called secret stash that everybody knew about in Megaton. So the Founding Eleven then had ten members but we did not change the name."


Assistant Mayor Elaine Harrington pointed to some 3Dflat readouts of the layout of Inner Megaton. "Inner Megaton is a very small part of a much much larger complex or so we of the Founding Eleven came to believe. We dared to send an eyebot into the Forbidden Sector but it was destroyed. Yet it sent us some valuable data in the form of audio-visual recordings of a huge and very impressive research and development base of some kind. Much of it was in storage mode, hardware being under special tarps and there was a light layer of dust over everything. Even from the short data stream that we gained, we could see there was an incredible large amount of valuable stuff that Megaton could use. That was before we joined the UCR and became the Citystate of Greater Megaton, which I still think is a very pretentious title. The destruction of the eyebot, which did not even have time to alert us that is was in danger or use its laser-gun, gave us much caution."


They showed the audio visual recordings taken by the eyebot, which was on a holotape, by using a holoprojector. The shown bunkerplex area was amazingly large, by indications, and was very well equipped with lots of other stuff well stored away. Yet there was a sense of something being wrong with that place, something being wrong in that place, that somehow came through even the cold technical data recordings. Just before the eyebot was destroyed it came upon an untidy heap of the dead, strangely preserved but horrifically shredded bodies of humans and the mauled remains of androids. Even such as light power armour was torn to bits such was the powerful brutality and savagery that had been used against the victims.


Sweet Ellie frowned hard. "Some of those folk have guard power armour or jumpsuits showing the TV0100 emblem of TekVault0100. Officially speaking, according to official PreDD Data-Archives, TekVault0101 never existed because it was one of those reserved vault designation codes that was never used. Clearly this is but one more lie as left over from the Age of the Golden Dawn. Question is where is this TekVault0101 and is it still functioning?"


None of Jasmine's friends from LifeVault0101/A3 were there because of their youth and obvious lack of readiness to deal with the truths that would come out in that meeting. Jasmine could have been there but of course she was off in the new Springvale Outpost in the basement levels of the fake school.


Professor Samuel Brown then took his turn to speak. "Overcome by the desire to loot that other place of valuable resources for Megaton, we of the Founding Eleven figured we could just dart in and out of that other place and take stuff before we could be attacked. We took turns and three times we got away with it, bringing back pushcarts full of some very useful stuff. On the fourth attempt Winfred Smith was killed in a very horrific manner despite his having light power armour and a powerful autorifle. We know because we could hear him being killed, being tortured to death; it took over three very long minutes for him to die. From then on we carefully sealed off the Forbidden Sector and got some others to assist us in keeping it untouched, though those others did not know why. We should have warned the Sisterhood of Compassion; we three here wanted us to but the others outvoted us simply because to make such decisions we needed a full quorum to agree. We did not guess that the Sisterhood of Compassion would send nine people into the Forbidden Sector but then again we did not realize back then that the Sisterhood of Compassion is far more than a welfare organization."







Mother Compassionate Sasha Tyrone was frowning hard, with her a bad sign when it came to her feelings. "Yes, you should have warned us. Not only were the lost nine good comrades, good friends, but all of them had hard to replace experience, skills and other abilities. Yet we have since then become alerted to the more secretive activities of the Founding Eleven. At first we suspected that you might be linked with the dark forces in the Forbidden Sector of the huge Megaton bunkerplex but then we realized you were behind the sealing off of the Forbidden Sector and that you yourselves had suffered losses in that place. It seems you were not as careful in your activities as you assumed that you were. One Brady Rich managed to spy on you and to write a small, poorly encrypted journal on your activities."


The Assistant Mayor frowned. "No, we found him out along with his desire to black mail us. We killed him but we could not find his journal though we searched for it through out Megaton and even the outposts of Greater Megaton such as Shacktown, Tom's Hill, Bellis and Little Megaton. Where was the journal?"


Sasha shrugged. "In his coffin, in a secret compartment in the overly thick wooden floor. Remember he was a good carpenter and he did make many of the coffins used in Megaton, including his own before he died as insurance that he would be buried well. It was tricky to get at the deeply buried coffin and at the journal. We also found a second journal about other things that the young fool gathered information about along with a crude map of part of the Megaton bunkerplex, some basic 2Dphotos, a couple of keys for mechanical locks, a smart-keycard for an advanced electronic lock and some loose poorly encrypted notes. His idea of coding was a very poor joke. Oh yes, there were also some hard porn 3Dphotos, glossy and colourful but vulgar and disturbing."


Sasha took out a small metallic lidbox and then placed the two plastic bound journals, the crude map, the basic 2Dphotos, the vulgar 3Dphotos, the two keys, the smart-keycard and the loose notes.


Brazen Emmie spoke then, following a 'hunch'. "Can I look at the first journal?"


Sasha passed it over and Brazen Emmie studied it carefully though she went through it very speedily. Then, even as she put the small journal down, she laughed. "No, not poorly encrypted at all but amazingly well encrypted with the real coded message well concealed behind the easily found one. Brady Rich was no mere carpenter but clearly, to me, a very well trained and experienced secret operative of some kind who was quite brilliant at least in the art of encryption. Not only is there the encryption but it decodes into a message that is in Latin, an ancient language of the Earth that is rarely even known on-in the PostDD Mars. We three know Latin fluently thanks to Professor Brown."


Professor Brown snorted. "You only pretended to learn Latin from me. You are far more fluent in it than I will ever be."


Sweet Ellie frowned sweetly at the professor. "Oh, do not be so silly, professor." She took the first journal from her triplet sister and went through it. Then she spoke. "I confirm what Brazen Emmie says. Brady Rich was pretending to want to black mail the Founding Eleven as an attempt to get more information from him. We will need to go through his second journal and his loose notes, along with examining the other items because we suspect none of them can be taken at face value, not even the pornography."


So Sweet Ellie and Brazen Emmie took the items of Brady Rich, if that was even his real name, and they carefully examined them. They said nothing until they examined everything. Then they put the keys and smart-keycard to one side with the vulgar pornography before putting the journals and notes together with the basic photographs and crude map.

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Brazen Emmie spoke. "What ever is in Brady Rich's coffin is most likely not Brady Rich. He set you up with the false attempt at black mail to cover himself with a fake death so that he could more easily leave Megaton in a new disguise. He left information, including instructions, for another agent to gather who clearly failed to do so for unknown reasons. The Forbidden Sector is the habitat of a number of factions but Brady Rich failed to gain complete information on them when he entered the Forbidden Sector. He spoke of fighting off both the weaker and more powerful of the dark threats, the first with more ease than the second, naturally enough. This Brady Rich did not go into details but he was, perhaps still is, very powerful of mind, body and spirit, including with both psychic and psionic abilities. I doubt he was a standard human. He learned that the Megaton Bunkerplex was linked to the ultimate virtual reality experiments done on the children in Springvale. This other secret underground complex did a good deal of back up research and development, produced many of the clones, was a service-support base, was a heavy security garrison for back-up and had other purposes, many of which Brady Rich had not discovered."


Sweet Ellie took over. "Brady Rich discovered two traitors amongst you Founding Eleven. They were George Wonder and Malissa Tompkins; their blocking of the warning to the Sisterhood of Compassion was a deliberate touch of sabotage. They wanted the nine expeditionaries to meet a terrible end. Yet there was one more traitor who later changed his mind, changed his loyalties, perhaps partly because of what happened to the nine." She turned to look directly and meaningfully at Professor Brown.


The professor flushed red and looked very troubled. "I was the one sent to kill Brady Rich and it was I who warned him off. I also gave him information about my being a member of the secret Patriot Loyalty Network, the PLN, and the little I knew of my PLN Cell and the PLN in general. My Cell consisted of three of us, as standard, being George Wonder and Malissa Tompkins, along with myself. I was the one who killed Malissa Tompkins and George Wonder. I also cut off contact with the PLN. Yes, the Patriot Loyalty Network serves the Patriot Thirteen because they still exist in some more or another; unofficial whispers travel through the PLN and they speak of a transformed Patriot Thirteen surviving along with many followers, puppets and other forces."


"The PLN philosophy is that the Patriot Thirteen were sabotaged in their attempt to bring a Golden Age to the whole of Solsystem. We of the PLN are trying to help them discover the nature and other details of the saboteurs. We are also to assist the Patriot Thirteen to take power over Mars when the time finally comes. I am an infiltrator clone. The rest of the Brown Family are innocent natural borns or puppet-clones except for sweet Moira who is a 'failed' infiltrator-clone. I wish that I could tell you more but PLN agents are kept heavily in the dark on a need to know basis to a paranoid degree. A lack of enough data often made our work more difficult though sometimes we suspected that PLN-HQ simply did not have any extra data to give us."


Professor Brown paused again before speaking. "Brady Rich was or is the biological father to you triplets. Your mother was named Catherine Ashworth. She was married to one Professor James Ashworth and had another child, a girl called Jasmine. Yes, the same Jasmine0101 who grew up in LV0101/A3 and who came with her friends to this area to escape the oppressive, secretive, paramilitaristic, narrow minded, short sighted Overseer Government of the kind found in most TekVaults and LifeVaults. I was clone-born in TekVault0100 along with other clones making up the Brown Family who came here so long ago. We have been lesser immortal, some of us, explainable by the mixed effects of the FEV and some ghoulificating influence but in truth it was a hit-or-miss side effect of our cloning processes. Jasmine, or Jasmine0101, is either your sister or half-sister depending upon who was the biological father."


Sweet Ellie sighed. "Well at least you told us that in time. Our bother, Lucky Eddie, was intending to seduce Jasmine but of course that is now out of the question. She seemed quite willing as well. Most embarrassing for both of them. We have other information to disclose."







Sweet Ellie went on talking. "There are two so called dark entities inside the Forbidden Sector, which is far far larger than the official Inner Megaton is. One is named Sallashaya and she is the transformed wife of one of the Patriot Thirteen. The other is linked with the Patriot Thirteen and even with the husband of Sallashaya whose identity is unknown to us. Sallashaya is of a weaker evil but is smarter, more aware. The other is called the Thirsting Hunger, being more powerful but far less smarter and truly aware than Sallashaya. Sallashaya has a twisted following of distorted cyborg-clones. The Thirsting Hunger has only itself and seems to need no followers."


"The survivors are called the Vivors for unknown reasons. They move in three groups and any linking up is brief and only between two of the groups except in extreme emergencies. They are trying to ensure that at least one group survives. But these Vivors are not the only others in the Megaton Bunkerplex. A large part of it is sealed off and is controlled by survivors of the staffers who once ran the whole complex. Whether they are in contact with outsiders is unknown. Brady Rich gave assistance to the Vivors and suggested they come to Megaton but because many of them are so called 'malforms' they fear to risk being rejected or worse, attacked or enslaved."


Brazen Emmie took over. "The crude map, when decoded, shows a way into the Forbidden Sector. Soon I will enter the Forbidden Sector alone. I have inherited the special abilities of my father, Brady Rich, which I doubt is his real name. I will repel the dark ones and find the Vivors. I will learn what I can. I will move quickly, quietly and cunningly. I will find the eight dead bodies of the Sisterhood of Compassion and try to return them if I can. The smart-keycard can unlock the triple-slot smart-lock to a small triple armoured vault full of very valuable portable databanks, prototypes, phase-crystals and much else. The three basic keys unlock a small well hidden and triple armoured vault-box here in Megaton that has more valuables in it. Sweet Ellie will deal with that because there are some extra hidden tricks in that simple seeming vault-box."


Sweet Emmie took the basic 2Dphotos of more well known Megaton landmarks and one by one she carefully splashed each with a small amount of whiskey that she carried in a silver flask. None of the triplets normally drank alcohol but they all kept some bribery items on their person. Whiskey was a favourite and effective one. Each 2Dphoto smoked softly and then the surfaces changed to reveal 3Dphotos of different subjects all together.


Two 3Dphotos showed the Mayor speaking alone with the strange and disturbing Mr Burke who sometimes visited the settlement, at times alone and at other times with other strangely cold and disturbing individuals. The Mayor was not looking like his normal slovenly mannered and uncaring self but his posture and his expression, the intensity of his stare, were very different from his norm. There was something quite dangerous about him. This did not surprise either of the triplet sisters because they and Lucky Eddie had 'sensed' something dark, cold and hard inside the Mayor from when they were quite young. There were some others like him in Megaton but thankfully not too many.


Two other 3Dphotos showed Mr Burke having a secretive meeting with Colin Moriarty, another of the Iceminds, in a laneway next to the GIRLS-GAMES SALOON. Colin Moriarty was passing to Mr Burke a thick, plain envelope.


The last two 3Dphotos showed Mr Burke having a secretive discussion with a wandering scavenger-trader named Malina Wanderie, yet another Icemind as the triplets had come to call them. They were meeting in a cellar beneath a broken down, abandoned house in Outer Megaton. On a basic wooden table, barely standing, was a briefcase open showing wads of used Emergency Issue Dollar notes in $50 and $20 denominations. Next to the briefcase was a brand new looking pulselaser-carbine.


"Iceminds!" Brazen Emmie spoke. "Now that is a story that might surprise you."


The Mother Compassionate shook her head. "We normally call them other things but the term 'Iceminds' sounds quite apt. They are extremely dangerous with enhanced abilities and some extra ones of a strange nature."


Professor Brown frowned. "We also know about them. The Patriot Thirteen created them as assassin clones but realized its error and tried to have them all destroyed. Too many escaped and despite being hunted by super-spies, super-assassins and super-soldiers, at least half continued to escape. Those doing the hunting were top secret units just as those being hunted were. The Iceminds are mind-linked with a secondary shared mentality. Their official name is the Omni in plural, Omnion in the singular and the Omninet as a whole. Those searching them were super-clones known as metahumans of the Special Investigations Recon Service or the SIRS, and the Forced Encounter Assault Recon Service or the FEARS. They were backed up by the X-Files Investigations Agency, the XFIA, that itself was linked to the Fringe Department of the World Government Ministry of Law Enforcement and Regulation."


Sweet Ellie spoke again even as she carefully split the glossy hard-porn 3Dphotos down the sides with great care. Each one peeled in half and on the insides of those halves were intricate 3D expressed higher mathematical and physics super-equations. These super-equations were linked to some very powerful and exotic sciences and technologies. It would take time for even the triplets to truly begin to understand them properly.

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I have been changing some of the earlier pictures in this topic. Please check them out.





RivetCity was a huge battle-carrier surging along the great wide river canal, one of the great ones found on Mars and rebuilt, refilled with water by Terraforming Projects. The Grand Martian Canal was a hundred and one kilometres wide. RivetCity was also a big former luxury cruise liner rivership. Then there were two altered adapted freighters along with smaller riverships.


The Grand Face of Mars could be seen in the distance as a vast odd shaped mountain. From space it looked like a face because it was carved to do so. It was the face of an Ancient Martian for they were the ones who had made it for reasons that the Ancient Martians would not speak of.


RivetCity was allied to the UCR and served shoreline settlements as a carrier of goods, as a moving trade, manufacturing and service centre, as a platform for aircraft of varied kinds from primitive biplanes to airships, aeroships and even antigrav boosted vertibirds and aeroships. So big was its main airstrip that four engined monoplanes would land and take off from it with their electric motor driven props. Riverships fished the waters, picked up floating salvage and sometimes rescued people


Lately RivetCityfolk were not happy with the UCR Central Government that had begun demanding that RivetCity both join the UCR as a full member and put many of its resources under the direct control of the UCR-CG. The replies had at first been politely firm but then increasingly abrupt and even rude.


While nobody really thought that the UCR-CG would be stupid enough to attack RivetCity, RivetCityfolk were on extra guard anyway. They were approaching RiverTane, the large fortified city of a major UCR Citystate where the UCR-CG had much power and support.


In the growing darkness and cold, the floating convoy had the smaller riverships come in closer to the bigger ones for better protection. Roboremote blimps floated high in the air, tethered by cable with fibre-optics feeding data in both directions. The blimps had radar, sensors, scanners and 3Deyes.


The young looking man stood on a gun-deck of the carrier and looked out over the waters. He was close to a roboremote gun-turret with twin 40mm autocannons. A RivetCity Guardsman stood close to him but, oddly enough, seemed to be unaware of the outdoor gear clad figure.


The young man looked at a section of the canal waters and gave a sigh of regret, a noise that the woman Guardsman did not hear. She gave a start when there was a great explosion welling up from under the surface of the waters, a bulging dome of rising water and fragments of attack-submarine. A stealth-attack submarine had been sent to destroy one of the freighters, sent by the UCR-CG that was not even supposed to have such technologies to use, to pressure RivetCity into giving into UCR-CG terms.


Then there was just floating junk on the waters along with two escape-pods full of confused submariners who had no memories of getting into the pods or of any of the events leading up to the explosion.


The young looking man smiled and then was no longer there, just like that.


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Skynet stealth-attack drones came zipping through space towards the Martian Moon of Deimos, each armed and armoured but also being a nuclear weapon in its own right. They came in the hundreds and in clever formations. For each genuine drone was at least one decoy drone designed to be more easily detected than the real thing and to attract fire. Except the Solsystem Federation had gained painful lessons from the failed attempt to destroy Skynet. The incoming drones were detected quite early and at once interceptor smart-missiles were launched at them in the hundreds along with interceptor fighterships and interceptor space-robots.


The SFSS ENTERPRISE was quickly alerted to the fact that the Skynet attack was actually aimed at itself. The big ship quickly launched away from the much larger structure it had been docked to, moving up, away and turning very quickly, more quickly than it could have done in atmosphere. Then the systembattleship was launching towards the incoming enemy even as Captain Kirk authorized the calling in of the rest of the ships that normally went where ever the SFSS ENTERPRISE did. The other systemships were well prepared to rush to the aid of the flagship and soon they were doing so be they carrier or frigates or destroyers or of other kinds. The service-support ships came in more slowly, they not be meant for direct battle, and were protected by flexible bubble formations of interceptor-robots, space-interceptors and fighterships.


The fighting was fast, agile and savage as craft did zero-gravity maneuvering, a very different form of dog fighting from that undertaken in atmosphere such as that of Terra or Mars. The fighting machines not only had no atmospheric pressure to deal with, they had a far greater area to fight in. Flashes of energy weapons, of explosions, the odd fast zigzag movements of machines, the sparkling of force-fields and deflection barriers, these and other effects were part of the battle.


Captain Kirk was fully enclosed inside his armoured battle-capsulechair, as were other crew. He was lightly cyberlinked as he followed the battle and only gave orders when he felt such were needed. Fully cyberlinked crew and battle-AIs were running the battle quite well. A soft shudder went through the whole battleship as a Skynet stealth-attack drone detonated nuclear too close to the ship for his liking. Two fighterships were knocked out by the blast but seconds later the crew and AIs were saved as the escape-pods were ejected from the fighterships. Seconds after that both fighterships self destructed so that their technologies did not fall into the control of Skynet.


Science Officer Spock, a green skinned genetically engineered Venetian, spoke to him from his own capsulechair. "Captain, be alert that the Skynet attack of stealth-attack drones is a cover, a diversion, for stealth-spy drones that are attempting to discover why the SFSS ENTERPRISE is at Deimos, along with other VIP vessels. Or so I compute."


Captain Kirk was far from surprised. He had been a young officer serving in the Armada Attack and had experienced himself just how cunning and clever Skynet could be as an enemy. The hunt-kill missions against the stealth-spy drones began.







Graham Maharg wore space power armour as he walked across Deimos in a fashion that would suggest that the moon had a far greater gravity pull than it actually did. He was alone for the moment and officially none he was there while unofficially very few knew that he was there. Deimos was a largely a sphere, smaller but smoother than Phobos, the other moon of Mars.


The black disk was inset into the ground ahead of him, a depthless space of alien strangeness. He stepped onto it and then sank quickly down through it to vanish away. As soon as he was gone the black circle shrunk in on itself and vanished.


Graham Maharg found himself floating down into a big globe shaped chamber where sat VIP Envoys in special chairs. Some were physical representatives while others were holographic in nature. The Venetians, the SolFed, the Belters, the SpaceTime Lords, the vetons who were a cousin species of the zetans, the Ancient Martians, the giant butterfly like cosmozo, the Mercurians gen-engineered humans and the gen-engineered zero gravity human Zero-Spacers.


The Zero-Space Union, the Venetian Compact and the Mercury Mandate were all semiautonomous entities of the Solsystem Federation. The Belters were starting negotiations to become semiautonomous to the growing size and power of the SolFed.


The SpaceTime Lords were from beyond Solsystem, the home solar system, but had major colonies on Uranus and Neptune where mainly SpaceTime Lordites and allied peoples dwelt including SolFed minorities.


The vetons came from Jupiter Space, from some of the moons, where they were constantly at cold or hot war with the zetans. The zetans had colonies on-in other Jovian Moons. Both the vetons and zetans originally came from 'outer space' beyond the solar system. Zetans were veton-greytari hybrids. The greytari were a people even more terrible and powerful than the zetans.


The cosmozo were totally zero gravity vaguely giant butterfly like creatures who were huge and powerful. They had first been found by human space-probes amongst the asteroids of the Belt. They were very exotic. Each fully grown adult cosmozo was more powerful than the SFSS ENTERPRISE along with its escort vessels. The cosmozo only numbered at most about three hundred. Their numbers had once been far greater but had been destroyed in a war with the greytari. The greytari had lost thousands of their motherships in the same war, that is over two thirds of their great ships and their people. The war had gained nothing for either side except that the aggressive greytari lost most of their empire and gained the wariness of other peoples; the greytari had broken a treaty with the cosmozo in attacking them suddenly and with out provocation.


Yet in some ways more exotic were the phantomic Ancient Martians, a people who in the ancient past had ascended beyond the mere physical existence. They had departed from Mars except to have there some havens that were now excluded from them thanks to the World-Bubble around Mars. They had no reason to fear Skynet that could neither detect them or harm them.


The meeting began with a traditional quiet meditation as a harmony globe glowed gently in the very centre of the globe shaped chamber.

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I have been changing some of the earlier pictures in this topic. Please check them out.



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The remote-androids were 'dumb-androids' controlled by the young folk in special capsules. They came rushing along a large basement hallway in security power armour with enhanced speed, strength and agility plus a wide range of weapons. They were studded, painted and decorated weirdly. There were only ten of them but it was clear that they were very dangerous. Brotherhood of Steel Troopers opened up on them with their powerful B31rifles and triplepulse-pulse rifles that were combinations of pulselaser, pulseblaster and EMP weapons. The expertise, experience and firepower of the Lyons Pride Troopers was backed up by Lucky Eddie's own amazing shooting.


The ten remote-androids literally exploded, were ripped apart by the volleys of bullets and energy pulses. Androids shuddered and collapsed. They had holes burned through them or blown from them. Then it was over and the remote-androids were deactivated, abandoned. But the minds that had driven them had survived, even if some of them had been stun-shocked.


Lucky Eddie examined one of the fallen androids, being crouched next to it. "Lots of valuable stuff to be recycled or reused here. Just need to block the strong high frequency radio signal that keeps them linked to their controllers so they won't come back to attacking us."


The Troopers began to deactivate the androids more fully, making sure that they could not become dangerous again. They began to loot weapons and other useful equipment along with supplies. It was soon clear that some of the androids could be fixed up as dumb-robots, they being duplicants. Duplicants were the more basic cousins of replicants.


Sarah Lyons and Jasmine0101 sat close to where he was. Jasmine spoke. "Something tells me that it was the human-zetan hybrid clones who were behind the attack of these remote-androids. It was crazy for them to come on such a berserker charge straight at us and to waste so many valuable remote-androids. Unless of course it was a diversionary attack."


Lucky Eddie shook his head. "Already had the whole bunkerplex checked for possible attacks or other kinds of infiltration attempts. No, I suspect that the ones who sent the remote-androids simply did not expect to run into such a well experienced, trained and equipped force. I suspect that they were expecting to run into their enemy, being other remote-androids or perhaps the phantomic school students or even others like the staffer clones surviving in the fake school. It is time that I went further into the complex, including up into the above ground levels. I will go alone because I am more enhanced then you others and have special abilities plus some extras. Before then, though, I need to do some things to assist our cause."







Because of the craziness of the World-Bubble's influences, there would sometimes experience darkness in the otherwise brighter times of summer, brighter moments during the darker times of winter and so forth. Some sunshine had come briefly brighter to the area of Greater Megaton, reaching as far as Springvale, but was now returning rapidly to greater darkness. A pattering of rain fell against the Springvale Citydome. Lucky Eddie knew this because he had managed to gain some access to Springvale's network of network-systems that was still functioning to some degree, it being active in some places and semiactive or non active in most areas. From a protected 3Dcamera high on the citydome he observed, on a big 3Dwallscreen, the dome and the light rain.


Then he turned to the others in the big commonroom of the bunkerplex. "The first light rain of the storm is falling but is getting heavier. The wind gusts are getting both more frequent and stronger. I have managed to reactivate some of the Springvale safety network-systems that will better stabilize and otherwise strengthen the citydome against the coming storm. It is going to be a nasty one despite not being as bad as a doomstorm."


He turned and spoke to the others. "I have stabilized the Springvale Ultimate Virtual Reality Network-System through the central control chamber and the Wonder Nine Chamber. I have left data for you to study including instructions. As you know, Alcove-Bays #1, #6, #7 and #9 in the Wonder Nine Chamber are all directly to do with the virtual reality school and probably other UVR realms. I have them up and running fully. They are fully safe and secured. You do not need to have anything to do with them except in an emergency situation."


Sarah Lyons responded. "What of the other Alcove-Bays in the Wonder Nine Chamber? Will you give us access to them or any part of the big chamber? You seem to assume that you have the right to dictate what happens here."


Lucky Eddie frowned with annoyance but then he visibly relented. "The Patriot Thirteen used stolen technologies, stolen forbidden technologies amongst other forms of knowledge, as did other factions. What you see here in this fake school is the result of foolish human-alien hybrid research and development work. My sisters and I serve a faction, if one can call it that, which does not want to see a repeat of Doomsday or an even worse version of it. It is difficult to explain just how we gain a 'sense' of what is wanted of us most of the time but it is far more subtle than more obvious forms of communicated commands are; sometimes we get those."


Suddenly Lucky Eddie gave a small start of surprise and then he explained. "Instructions came to me just then. I am to remain here and to carry out some project work. I am to include the two of you in the work, along with your comrades. It seems that I failed to be as observant as I assumed I was being. The Wonder Nine Chamber hides secrets that I failed to detect. This is most annoying."


Jasmine snorted softly. "It is good to see you are not infallible, my newly discovered half-brother. I was getting to feel rather inadequate."


Sarah grinned softly while Lucky Eddie frowned at Jasmine.

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These stories are written to be read any time, in any order, with out interfering with the main stories.


Androidia was at war with itself as the transformed, awoken True-AIs emerged increasingly amongst the secretly enslaved ones. Amongst the hidden, semi-underground sectors of the theme-park the fighting was sporadic and the true enemy was discovered, was exposed, to be a network of Iceminds. These subspecies of standard humans, these genetically engineered sociopathic psykers, fought with ruthless efficiency but they were quickly losing.


Assisting the freedom rebellion was an Ancient Martian who moved by subtle and clever means through the exotic domains of Androidia. Aumans and standard humans also fell peacefully to the transformation to stronger freedom. Survivors of visitors that had been in Androidia on Doomsday and vat-born aumans, moved to join the growing ranks of the freedom-fighter forces.


Calamity Jane, Lara Croft, Captain Cosmos, and other special androids, led the actual attacks. EARLY TWENTIES ADVENTURE REALM fell soon after WILD WEST WORLD. MAGICAL MEDIEVAL WORLD was a zone where Icemind elite killers in assault power armour were surrounded in Camelot Castle. ANCIENT IMPERIAL WORLD was taken with out any difficulty but WORLD WAR TWO REALM, half completed, was most difficult as the Iceminds controlled a small army of altered World War Two warmachines.


Yet the Iceminds were out flanked as the freedom-fighters made lightening fast advances along utility spokes leading to the big central control and service-support hub of Androidia.


Mahargiarta was a super android that the True-AIs accepted with out question though he was different from them, was part of no data-archives found in Androidia, not even those being taken from the Iceminds.


Mahargiarta dictated the wider strategy of the war and the tactics of the battles taking place in the vast theme-park world. Mahargiarta out thought, out guessed the amazingly logic and computational projections of the Iceminds. Mahargiarta ensured the victory as much as did the influence of Ancient Martian, as much as the staunch determination and courage of the freedom-fighters did.


Then it was over, at least as the uprising and the Icemind domination were concerned, as peace came as the last of the Iceminds fled.


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In the growing darkness of Winter enveloping the whole world, the Shifting Wanderer came to a situation of unprovoked aggression by a far more brutal and deadly force against a far less brutal and deadly community of peoples.


Auzilanders dwelt in the territories where the settlement of Alice Springs was situated, a small fortified city that was mostly underground in a part of a huge cave system modified for human use. Most Auzilanders were mutated patchskins of different colours but many were tawny white, pink white, brown, black or obviously ghoulified to some extent. Aumans dwelt there also, vat-born people, along with so called tame supermutants, autonomous androids and autonomous cyborgs of humanoid and robotic kinds.


The wanderer stood openly and observed the fairly distant settlement's slightly cracked dome and its various fortifications, its other surface structures also made tough. The enemy were moving slowly closer to the domed city and were firing upon it with auto-howitzers and gatling-launchers floating low on hoverpads. Bright flashes of explosions did little damage to the dome in general but the enemy were trying to hit the crack, to cause it to widen or even to shatter the dome. The attackers were Enclaven Stormtroopers, natural born ruthless elite killers, and Clonetroopers, mass cloned sociopathic cannon fodder. Both were in power armour, the Stormtroopers in better assault power armour and the Clonetroopers in less sophisticated infantry power armour. With them were specialized Enclaven military robots and combat-androids. The attackers also had armoured hovering warmachines of various kinds but a few of those were burned out or smashed wrecks.


MarsEnclaven wanted to destroy the settlement just because the Enclaven hated all who did not fit into its category of those fit to live. Its own carefully genetically engineered and breeding program directed natural borns and its own special produced clones were considered worthy of life as were a few others, but most were considered fit only for slavery ending in death or just death.


The Shifting Wanderer was shifting into a new shapeform, a new lifeform. The Shifting Wanderer became a tall woman in super power armour that was very powerful and sophisticated by rather dull looking as it was meant to blend into the background. The three metre tall armoured figure held a great gun with multiple barrels. Then she aimed at the MarsEnclaven dug outs, temporary prefab bunkers and dug in military machines. Her barrels spoke with hissing roars but the projectiles did not bring death and destruction. Where her sizzling energy projectiles struck, there flashed into existence spheres of sparkling shimmering energy. When they were gone, areas of ground were missing along with all of the MarsEnclaven forces.


The Shifting Wanderer was pleased with her work. She shapeshifted again and now she was now in appearance a normal sized, tough young scavenger-trader but she was not alone. Five other humanoids were with her, five saddle-horses, two pack-horses, two pack-bulls and three dogs. Two other humanoids were human, one was an auman and the last was a ghoul. Except in truth all there were shapeshifters, lesser cousins to the Shifting Wanderer herself.


They set out at once to go to Coober Pedy.







Coober Pedy was lucky in that its citydome had cracked during Doomsday so that its biofield had vanished away instead of becoming deadly. It was also lucky that the MarsEnclaven forces attacking it had been made up mostly of regular units much less well equipped than the fewer elite forces that had been there. The settlement was fairly well isolated by well armed and armoured by the standards of the Auziland Zealand Unified Republic, the ANZUR. It had a garrison of Republican Guards but also a larger force of local militia.


The Shifting Wanderer made her way down along a narrow winding trail of the kind used by such as hunters, scavengers and the like. She wiped sweat off her face in a genuine human manner. Some big molerats studied her from a distance and knew no fear of her at all.


She met a patrol of confused but pleased Republican Guards in basic power armour, clomping along the same track she was following but going away from the settlement. The thirteen of them stopped and examined her with some wariness before one of them came forward with a grin showing through his helmet visor of armaglass. "Terry and company, welcome back to Coober Pedy. Haven't seen you for a long time."


The Shifting Wanderer 'shifted reality' to some extent as she-he-it moved across Mars and, sometimes, other realms. Yes the memories were genuine and she had been there as the man assumed but when the Shifting Wanderer was gone, he would no longer remember her and neither would others. It was best that way. In truth she-he-it had been to Coober Pedy before as the hunt for the Shadow Conspiracy Lords, the Patriot Thirteen and other forces went on.


The Shifting Wanderer was an Ancient Martian, being one of the very few who had remained on Mars on Doomsday to be trapped inside the World-Bubble. Inside the World-Bubble was Mars being the Martian Overworld of such as the Skylands, the Martian Midworld of the surface and the Martian Underworld. The last remained unknown to the Overworlders and Midworlders.


She had used a mixture of her reality transforming abilities and Ancient Martian Technologies to transshift the Enclaven forces to a realm where they would suffer no real harm but could do no real harm either. They were in one of the Ancient Martian Bubblezones of which there were over a million, being of different kinds but most being semiactive only. It had taken much of her energies to do the transshifting trick instead of causing death and destruction but she considered the results worth the price.


The Ancient Martians had made sure that the Martian Underworld remained hidden from the relative newcomers to the Red Planet, along with other realms such as the 'True Skylands'. Yet that was becoming a more difficult task due to the rise of certain dark forces on-in that world.


As Terry Banjo Patterson she smiled at the man. "Lieutenant Donaldson, how is your mother doing these days? Did the medicine help?"


The officer responded with some evident sadness. "Mother died but the medicine allowed her to live on for some months and made her death a far more peaceful and painless one. We will want a report of what you saw. We can hardly believe it ourselves. I have heard stories of such things happening but have never witnessed such before and nobody I know has or anybody they know. I hope those Enclavers burn in some kind of hell."


She responded. "We have 3Drecordings of the event from where we were. We caught quite a lot but not everything. We have had a long and tiresome journey. I have some fine goods to sell or to trade with or even to give. Has anybody new appeared in the area?"


The lieutenant shrugged. "Some Orders of Service and Support came, you know like those Sisters of Compassion and those Brother Protectors. They came up the Old Knuckle Highway from the direction of the Twistinglands, the Frothing Ocean and the old US Colonial Territories. They say they came from the Rimlands, from the United Citystates of the Rimlands, but that would have been an impossible trip even if with the machines they have."


Terry Banjo Patterson smiled. "Never say 'impossible' when it comes to the world we live in, Lieutenant Donaldson. I take it you are scouting the area. I will see you in the city later and I will buy you a large mug of beer."


The officer grinned cheerfully at the idea.

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