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The 'false' wonder-machine #13 did have some 'strange functions' because it was a specialized mattercator that produced digestible, quite nutritional replica foods and drinks of a large variety. It needed special nutritional digestible mattercation serums and energy of course. Lucky Eddie, Jasmine and others checked it out carefully. Then they set it to producing a range of special marked foodbars, drinks, food-pills and food-paste in squeeze-tubes.


Mattercators produced a very small amount of highly toxic and exotically radioactive side products called mattertonium and mattergasium. Both could be recycled using special mattercator-recyclers but the irony was that this created yet more toxic radioactive side products. This time around the results could not be recycled and were difficult to destroy; they were mattertoxin and mattergaszi. There were stories of these materials being used in strange, evil and dangerous experiments.


Lucky Eddie would not have used the mattercators except for the lack of many resources and the need to get and use mattertonium and mattergasium for various reasons. Using wonder-machines tended to lead to the use of other wonder-machines and often to unwanted side effects. It was one reason that towards the end of the Age of Golden Dawn the Patriot Thirteen and other powerful factions had many wonder-machines deactivated and locked away if not dismantled or even totally destroyed.


The search for the 'real #13 wonder-machine' began in the many storage chambers full of large lidboxes that came off a small maze of large hallway tunnels. There was lots of equipment, supplies and other items of a range of usefulness to the bunkerplex but much could be sent to Megaton or used in other ways. Yet the real wonder-machine #13 remained elusive as the chambers were very large and packed full of the big, heavy lidboxes. Each lidbox was also well locked and lightly armoured against theft.


As for the other wonder-machine chamber with its many wonder-machines, it remained unfound.


Lucky Eddie went back to Megaton for a visit, to see his people there, and Jasmine went with him to see her friends and to make sure that they were okay. Sarah Lyons remained behind to keep an eye on the bunkerplex, the wonder-machines and the others there. Lucky Eddie sealed up the Wonder Nine Chamber and its antechambers before he departed, angering others in the bunkerplex.







Perhaps it was her meeting with all three of the Tyrone Triplets together in the same room but Jasmine transformed and she became linked to the triplets, to Old Joe McDonald, and she was soon working with the multiple-cubes.


Jasmine took time to adjust to her new self, which was in many ways the same as her old self as much as it was also changed. She assisted DJgirl to set up a short range radio station broadcasting through out Megaton only in theory but reaching the outposts closer to the small city. DJgirl was soon playing music, was giving news bulletins, was giving her not always welcome opinions on local events and was broadcasting public notices along with advertisements.


Colin Moriarty tried to con her and then to bully her into advertising the GIRLS-GAMES SALOON for a pittance but was surprised when she turned on him and kicked him out of the radio studio. Jasmine's tough half-sister, Jade, began to work in the studio after that, partly for security. After that a young man called Alan Duke began assisting her as the back-up DJ.


Jasmine and her friends moved from the old hut in Outer Megaton that they had been allocated, to living with the Tyrones. New chambers and hallways were being dug anyway for the centre and three of these were given over to the newcomers. DJgirl was already earning a small wage from the Megaton Council for doing her DJ work though the Mayor attacked both her and the new radio station.


JohnTe, WendTe and SophieTe were soon assisting Sasha Tyrone in her work for they were well schooled by Rimlands standards, had cyberlinkage augmentation and knew about computer maintenance and basic programming. They could also work well with roboremotes and robots thanks to their upbringing in LifeVault0101/A3.


Seesha, a very quiet teen-woman, cared for the neobabies and the pets. She was soon also caring for the Tyrone Quins and the Tyrone Pets. She had an amazing empathy with young children, neobabies, neoteens, pets and others such.


Eggsie the neobaby, DoubleView the apeman boy, Seesha, puppy dog Licketty, a pet purple radroach named Yucks and a pet palmspider named Furryfree were to spend their time being cared for. DoubleView went to school where he studied with his big thick multiple lens glasses. He was accepted by the other students because amongst them were some ghoulified of varied degrees and some auman children; the students had become used to differences and had been taught acceptance by their teachers.


Eggsie was soon having fun times with Bab, Beb, Bib, Bob and Bub after some sulky jealousy was gone through. Licketty, Yucks and Furryfree became part of the Tyrone Pet population.

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MARSLANDS: general name for all of the regions dwelt in and known by the peoples of Mars. Does not include the mysterious realms beyond the Super Canyon or other huge 'natural barriers'.


BUFFERLANDS: as to the Greenlands as the Rimlands are to the Havenlands. The super-powers here are the New Vegas Syndicates, the Enlightened Arisen (Supermutants) and the HiVault Coalition. There are many tribal alliances, small tribalistic empires and the Union of Semiautonomous Peoples (USP).


DOOMLANDS: the hardest hit, most devastated and horrifically conditioned areas of the Marslands. There are three Doomlands but not much is known about them beyond their borders. All of the Doomlands are guarded by the Doomland Guardians, mysterious and powerful entities who try to stop anything going into or out of the Doomlands.


whispered to have the Glowing Mist of the Dead and the Glimmering Fog of the Undead. Centred by a vast alien starship half buried into the lands and covered partly by a small sea. Other peoples are whispered to be there but details of them are unknown.


whispered to be a constant warzone between the militaristic twisted peoples of the Dalek Empire, the Cybertak Empire, the Autonic Empire, the Clonetak Empire and other unknown super-powers. There are also the struggling, more civilized peoples of the Thals, the Kaleds, the Daeshen and others unknown.


dreaded homelands of the Hivaca, the Predatorzia, the Union of WarMasters, the Beastlords and others unknown. Militaristic tribals, Warlords and their followers, ghoul hordes and other forces are also common there. Paradiseville is here.


GREENLANDS: very much like the Havenlands in that these are safer, more fertile, more liveable lands and waters. Is in the large area known as California though officially its name is New California. Has the 'super-powers' of the New California Republic, the Orthodox Orders of Steel, the Empire of the Greater Ape and the Enclaven.



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Clever Oddie had achieved little more than frustration since Lucky Eddie had returned to Megaton. He had spent most of his time with the the 400 students now very much melded into the ultimate virtual reality of the Springvale School of High Achievement. At other times he had spent time with staffers, True-AIs who were slowly but steadily growing in sophistication and number. To the normal security guards, robots and other units was added an elite SecurityTrooper platoon.


Of the 100 human-zetan hybrid clone based students, they had vanished away from the main part of the school. Neither the staffers or main body of students had even glimpsed them for a long time.


Clever Oddie went further into the depths of the ultimate virtual reality school upon finding a secret door very well hidden in a normal basement level as a fake section of machinery as attached to real machinery. With him went the SecurityTroopers. They took some eyebots and sentrybots with them.


The hidden depths of the school were a dark reflection of somebody's subconscious, a subconscious ridden with unresolved fears and bizarre drives. The hallways and chambers were like some nightmarish part castle, part Victorian British boy's school and part horror Gothic madness. Disturbing noises drifted to the group as did smells and even the sense of things phantomic moving close to the group.


Clever Oddie 'sensed' that the great majority of the sounds, smells, etc. were special effects designed to put newcomers on edge. He reassured the others as much as he could and was glad they were elite troopers and not students.


In a chamber where fake dead students hung garishly from wall hooks, they took down the bodies and lay them on a bench covered with fake blood stains. Behind the fake corpses had been hidden a control panel inset into the wall with its false grunge and yet more fake blood stains. The control panel was all ornamental brass instrumentation and controls along with a screen like a mirror with a non reversed reflection.


He was busy using brass switches, buttons and disk shaped dials when the things began to attack. They rampaged along a big hallway leading to that chamber. Fake zombies, skeletal warriors and big globs of jelly came attacking only to meet the projectiles and energy pulses of the SecurityTroopers.


Clever Oddie discovered a dark truth that Professor Braun had left behind a True-AI copy of his own mind, including its illness, and that this sophisticated, dangerous artificial intelligence was still at work in the ultimate virtual reality realms of the school and others. He knew then that he had to track it down and make it harmless even if he had to destroy it.







Clever Oddie took out his autopistol and fired it at the fake monsters. As each bullet struck a fraudulent zombie, skeletor or goo-monster, it did far more damage than any normal bullet would or could have done. Explosions ripped apart the creatures to reveal strange innards of glistening biomechanical nature, bizarre organs and other exotic internal details.


“Fabricants!” Clever Oddie cursed softly. “Why would the Braun True-AI choose to use fabricants? Unless of course this made his creatures more stable inside ultimate virtual reality. Braun was a twisted super genius but still a super genius.”


A SecurityTrooper fell, an arrow sticking out of him despite his power armour. As he fell he vanished with a sparkling shimmer as he was sent back to the main base. Clever Oddie had worked with the ultimate virtual reality in order to work this and other tricks that one could not do with 'real reality'.


The fabricants stopped coming. The platoon was down by one and no new troopers could be safely teleported in, the trick working only one way for the staffers. Clever Oddie knelt to examine some of the fabricant makings and the items that the skeletors used, be they glittering power-swords, energy-bows or others.


Braun had loved playing fantasy games in super virtual reality when he was a child and a teenager, though he had cheated often and had always tried to be cruel when he could get away with it. Very quickly he was banned from many gaming clubs and black banned in general from such activities by law enforcement bodies. The fabricants would very much be something his mind, or a copy of his mind, would create.


After he sent some captured items, including fabricant bodies, to a central UVR point, Clever Oddie led the SecurityTrooper platoon deeper into the depths of the shadow school of the fake Professor Braun.

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"This is a grand mistake but not one humanity will make again; I am certain we will learn from what has happened."

United Nations Emergency Government President Phillip Overon; roughly one year after Earth Doomsday and one century before Mars Doomsday



"Wonder-machines sometimes do less than one wants them to do and sometimes wonder-machines do more than one wants them to do; I am not sure which is better or which is worse."

Professor Jane Patriot Jackson, roughly two years before Mars Doomsday



The creation and use of wonder-machine often leads to the creation and use of another for reasons of stabilizing the first wonder-machine, for the need to take care of dangerous side products of the first wonder-machine or for other necessary reasons. Thus one has a multiplication of wonder-machines that too easily can turn into an uncontrollable situation."

Professor Jane Patriot Jackson; roughly one year before Mars Doomsday



"Okay, I will push the big red button! What harm can it do?"

President James Patriot Jackson, five seconds before the start of Mars Doomsday



"Too many people blame we, the Patriot Thirteen, for all that has gone wrong; they make us scapegoats and do not look to their own follies and short comings."

President James Patriot Jackson; roughly one and a half years after Mars Doomsday



"Over six billion people vanished on Doomsday! How does one manage to lose that many people? What happened to them?"

Graham Maharg, Eternal Guardian, Eternal; roughly two centuries after Mars Doomsday



"Dang it, that damned molerat ate half my boot!"

Pat Paddy O'Brien, scavenger-trader; roughly one and a half centuries after Mars Doomsday



"We have 'vampires' too? We have enough trouble with out adding vampires to the mess. We have supermutants, Enclaven Stormtroopers, giant ants, gangers, rogue robots, doomstorms and too much more. No, we definitely do not need vampires!"

3Dog, wanderer survivalist artist scholar; roughly three and a third centuries after Mars Doomsday


"Super powers?. What we call super powers, today in the Marslands, would be considered a weak joke by the standards of Predoomsday Mars."

Sweet Ellie of the Tyrone Triplets: roughly five centuries after Mars Doomsday
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Sage of Steel Professor Baron Hackle arrived at the complex from Megaton through the cable-teleport network and at once gave orders that the entrance to the Wonder Nine Chamber was to be opened again despite that Lucky Eddie had greatly improved its security by replacing the old door with a thicker, heavier armoured one and putting two gun-turrets outside of the door. The Lyon's Pride soldiers, led by Sarah Lyons, not only refused but she was most angered Hackle's overstepping his authority.


Which was when the twelve Brothers of Steel soldiers who had come with him, turned their guns on the Lyon's Pride troopers in a surprise move of treachery. Disarmed and stripped of their power armour, the elite soldiers were imprisoned in an empty storeroom.


Sara Lyons felt odd, as if an electric tingle was running through her body. She was changing in some subtle but amazing fashion and suspected that it was linked to the Eternal Guardian that Lucky Eddie had chosen to speak to her of. For some reason Lucky Eddie had decided to be surprisingly honest with her and Jasmine but not just because they had witnessed the use of the multiple-cubes, or so she 'sensed'. So it was, in her power armour undersuit, which was too immodestly tight for her liking, she went to the door controls and touched them with the fingers of her right hand.


Ash frowned. "No good, who ever those imposters really are, they are good. That lock will not open. Those fighters out there are not Brothers of Steel. I twigged too late though I had a bad feeling about them. They move wrong, their training is different from ours. I suspect Enclaven Stormtroopers or some other Enclaven elite. Maybe Stealthtroopers."


Sarah Lyons turned and frowned at Ash. "As you used to be?"


Ash flushed red and then she nodded slowly. "I was a Stealthtrooper, yes, but turned against the MarsEnclaven after being at the McKane Town Massacre. The Enclaven butchered those men, women and children just because they were ghoulified to different degrees. None were ghoulers or ghoul bandits. They were escaped slaves from Slaveburg who were struggling to gain a new life."


Sarah Lyons frowned. "There was also another reason you turned against the MarsEnclaven." With a soft click the lock on the door deactivated and with a soft humming noise the door slid open." What was that, Ash? Is it because you are an amazingly sophisticated android, a simulicant. That is a self-reproductive android or super-android, like the Armitage Androids."


Ash humphed. "Should have known. You, Lucky Eddie and Jasmine have some alike. You observe what others, most others, do not. Armitage342a created in the Cyberdyne Android Research, Development and Prototype Manufacturing Complex that took up part of the Octagon, the vast underground multiple-complex that the Enclaven governed and protected. Even the Patriot Thirteen were not powerful or influential enough to get into that place. Their attempts to infiltrate the Octagon for spying and sabotage reasons all failed miserably and they ceased trying. The TekCorps tried the same as did the fledgling Solsystem Federation but also failed. Others did also. But somebody got into the Octagon, somebody who did the impossible, and he was called Graham Maharg. He did sabotage things very nicely, stole a whole lot of data and prototypes and then fled with them. I was one of those prototypes."


She shrugged. "He asked me to infiltrate the MarsEnclaven before Doomsday, just about a month before Doomsday, but Doomsday got in the way. As you know, there was an amazing amount of death and destruction on Mars Doomsday as well as all the Vanished Ones. After a few decades of surviving, I managed to infiltrate a small Enclaven outpost base before it was abandoned because of a lack of resources and its great isolation from any of the MarsEnclaves. Twenty-four years, roughly, I staid with them until their internal security monsters began to suspect me and there was the massacre. Then I did some sabotage, freed some prisoners and fled. Two prisoners were Brothers of Steel. Owyn Lyons was grateful for they were high ranking troopers with too much vital information that could have been lost to the Enclaven. He asked me to join the Lyon's Pride and become your secret bodyguard."


Sarah frowned. "That makes too much sense. He should know I can look after myself."


Ash humphed again. "Your father does what he does because he knows that one day you will replace him as an Elder. He is not the only one who thinks so. Don't let it go to your head. You are not an Elder yet." Ash stood up. "The door is open so let us stop gossiping and get going."







They found the dead professor and the fake Brothers of Steel in the Wonder Thirteen Chamber, the armoured door being open with out any sign of clever or forced entry. Something had killed the figures very quickly and now the professor was revealed as an Enclaven doppelganger, a kind of copycat shapeshifter of deadly accuracy though with some odd weaknesses. The elite soldiers, cyborgs with cybernetic network-systems along with the adapted assault power armour, had done some damage to what ever had attacked the group. Strange blood had spattered the floor to burn shallow holes into even that very hard material.


The reason for the deaths of the doppelganger and the Stealthtroopers, if that is what they were, was at first not obvious at all. Then Sarah noted the blood flowing from the ears and the mouth of the dead shapeshifter. Something, she did not know what, told her that it had been an amazingly powerful, brutal and sophisticated psionic attack that had done the trick.


Where the attack had come from was not hard to find. There was a hole burned and smashed through a thinner inner door, though still very strong. Sarah knelt and more closely studied a hole burned in the floor.


The voice spoke in her mind but somehow did not surprise her.


:sweat: Better be careful! Burning acid, intense but short lasting action, of that kind indicates hivaca or some other kind of monstrous creature brought illegally from Venus.


The green, pointy eared Venetians had been genetically engineered to deal with such psionic attacks and were immune to the burning acid blood that was also highly toxic. This was one reason the Venetians were damned tough. Though the exporting of such monsters, along with other horrific wildlife from the more horrible realms of Venus, had been made highly illegal and very difficult before Mars Doomsday, some creatures had been brought to Mars. The Patriot Thirteen had been wise enough to destroy any such creatures if they had to do so or to send them back to Venus.


It was hard to believe that Venus had another intelligent self aware people other than the Venetians. There was there an outpost colony of the exotic, dangerous and aloof Predavories. Extremely different from humans, or even Venetians, the huge hulking warriors hunting hivaca and other monsters for sport, for trophies, and for special exotic resources. Males most often hunted but sometimes young adult females did there own hunts when native monsters began to threaten the colony too much. The Predavories' home world was far away from Venus but the ancestors of those people had first originated on that world of horror swamp-jungles, tangler-jungles and ancient abandoned cities.


Sarah scowled for only a hivaca queen, sub-queen, mind-screamer or king-drone could do such psionic damage or smash through the inner wall in the way that had been done. Viewing the damage she figured a queen or sub-queen was most likely, if it was hivaca, for they had much more strength than any female mind-screamer or flying king-drone.


They took the weapons of the dead elite soldiers but not the power armour for it would not fit the Brothers of Steel. They set out to find their own stuff and found it loosely stored in a corner of a large utility-chamber. Soon they were in their own power-armour and using either their own weapons or the taken ones, depending upon which were better.


When they returned to the other chamber, something incredible had happened. The hole in the wall and small holes in the floor were gone and everything looked good as new. The bodies were also gone. There was an odd vibrancy in the air, a sort of electric tingling and even their hardened solid-state electronics were effected slightly in a bad way.


:teehee: Aaahhh, not good but perhaps not bad! Somebody or something has been altering local reality in a very efficient manner. By 'local' I mean far more than this chamber. This is most amazing and troubling. You have a big shock coming. No, make that more than one big shock. For one you are an aspect of the Eternal Guardian. Congratulations!"


She frowned, thinking that her father would not like this at all.


:blush: Oh, he will be good with it for he is also an aspect of the Eternal Guardian. Very simple and very complicated at the same time. I suggest you go to Megaton. It is now not so far away."


She was puzzled at what those last words meant.

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Of course it was impossible but now the whole of the settlement of Megaton, all of it including crater, was at the centre of Springvale where there had once been a very large flourishing park of grass, hedges and trees that had died off long ago. Outer Megaton, Middle Megaton and even Inner Megaton had been moved except that somehow it was not that simple. Scouts went to the site that Megaton had been situated at to find there a crater and a partly exposed bunker complex. It seemed the new Inner Megaton was a copy of the original with out a sealed off forbidden area. But the larger part of Inner Megaton now revealed was empty except for basic utility network-systems, some extra network-systems and some surprised people. These people were the three, fairly large, groups of Vivors but also two other groups that the Vivors had not known about.


Springvale's biofield was not toxic any more, the dome was repaired and so was most of the rest of Springvale. That meant functioning AIs such as supercomputer network-systems, roboremotes, robots and androids. The Megatonfolk were, understandably, in shock as were the gangers who emerged from hiding, who were also in shock. They had been transformed, healed. There were still problems in the place for missing spare parts and whole units had not been replaced. There were mutated plants that needed tending to and infestations of radroaches.


Then there were the strange changes that had taken place, only some of which were discovered at first.


The most obvious was perfect replica of the Statue of Liberty stood overlooking a great circular pool of very deep, dark blue water. Except this version of the ancient statue, the real one having been destroyed on Earth Doomsday, was made of advanced smart-metals. Also the great lamp torch was a flickering, impressive, sophisticated holographic projection. Both Statue of Liberty 3, a Statue of Liberty 2 of smart-metal had replaced the original statue on Terra even before Mars Doomsday. It was not put in the original New York but in 'New New York', as some jokingly called it.


The storm was striking hard at the dome but those inside it were perfectly safe, at least from the storm.


The Megaton Guard Commander ordered the Orders of Steel and the Orders of the Way people to leave Megaton itself and, after the storm was gone, Springvale. The Mayor backed him up, as did his political cronies. Nobody else did! No OSE or OW people left the settlement. Nor did the Megaton Guard have anything like the ability to go against eh Megaton Militiaguardsmen, the Orders of Steel soldiers, the Brother Protectors and others, including many citizens of Megaton. Most Megatonfolk had grown tired of the Mayor, his cronies and the Megaton Guard Guardsmen.


At an emergency meeting of the Megaton Council the Mayor failed a vote of no confidence and was soon gone from office. Elaine Harrington was made temporary Mayor but few doubted that she would soon be the officially voted Mayor.







"It was too easy! The Mayor did not even doing his normal ranting and raving. He just got up and quietly left." Lucky Eddie was looking out over the changed cityscape of Springvale that already was being called Megaton-Springvale because nobody could think of a better name for it. "In some ways that is just as strange as all of this reality twisting."


He and his triplet-sisters, Sarah Lyons and Jasmine were standing in a guard-tower that now overlooked part of Megaton-Springvale. While the rejuvenated buildings of Megaton-Springvale were welcome, they were too close to Megaton's outer walls for the comfort of security."


Jasmine frowned. "Perhaps the Iceminds are freaked out by what has happened to both Springvale and Megaton, though it would be see how they could be freaked out by anything."


Former gangers were becoming citizens of Greater Megaton, as were the Vivors. They had brought important but disturbing information with them.


Sweet Ellie shook her head as if trying to clear her mind. "We need to know just what was transformed of both Springvale and Megaton. We need to know just how they were transformed. Perhaps the Iceminds know something that we do not know. What fundamental change could endanger Megaton-Springvale and Megaton?"


Brazen Emmie grinned. "The fake nuclear weapon at the bottom of the crater could have been made new again." Then she lost her smile.


They managed to defuse the nuclear weapon, now very real and very dangerous, that had been timed to destroy Megaton and Megaton-Springvale the very next day at noon. The Springvale city-dome would have actually made the nuclear blast even more destructive as much of the force would be deflected back inwards even as the great dome fragmented. Yet this did not mean that the entity, or entities, that had transformed local reality actually meant for the super-weapon to be detonated and such death and destruction to take place.


They made sure the super-weapon was unusable from then on.

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The meetings were finally done. Graham Maharg returned to the Systembattleship of Captain James T Kirk, T standing for Tyrone, and stood on the bridge with his great-great-grandson. Graham Maharg knew that in future both he and James would be put into great danger and he did not like the idea but knew that it had to be done.


He spoke to Captain Kirk even as they looked at the great armoured 3Dviewscreen showing the arrival of more spaceships at the huge space-dock. "The coming action is vitally important to the future of all the peoples and other life of this solar system but the ramifications could easily go further than that. Earth Doomsday led to fractures in the time-space fabric, to turbulence in the time-space continuum, and Mars Doomsday made these far worse. We fear that this was no accident, that some force has been causing these events to happen and may be attempting to create yet another Doomsday. This time it may well be a Solsystem Doomsday."


Kirk, of course, did not like the sound of that at all.


The Belters, the Zero-Space Union, the Mercury Mandate and Venetians had joined the Solsystem Federation as full members, a move that was surprising and pleasing as it greatly increased the power, wealth and influence of the Federation right through Solsystem. Some smaller, independent groups were now joining as full or semiautonomous members.


The vetons and cosmozo had become tightly allied to the Solsystem Federation with an open future chance of becoming semiautonomous members.


The biggest surprise, though, was that the Ancient Martians had joined the Solsystem Federation though with a special status as semiautonomous advisers and guardians. This went against the ancient tradition of aloofness and isolation normal to the Ancient Martians. They did not explain why they were doing this.


Kirk shook his head in wonder. "The L-Fivers have joining the Solsystem Federation as full members? Who would have thought that such a bunch of pg headed survivalists would do so? Is this the 'Unity' thing you once told me about?" He was talking about the Zero-Space Union.


"Yes!" Graham Maharg nodded. "An evolutionary mistake, partly caused by outside interference, is finally being rectified when it comes to humanity but it is going beyond standard humanity to those who have arisen from human stock. Hence the zero-gravity and low gravity adapted Belters, the Venus adapted Venetians and others to come including some who have kept their existence hidden from most. Yes, even from those like you but not from those like me."


Kirk was not insulted by this. He had come to accept that his great-great-grandfather had good reason for keeping many secrets. At least a couple he had learned he wished that he had not. Kirk was actually a member of the Solsystem Fleet Special Service Taskforce as were others like Fleet Captain Picard and Rear Admiral Janeway. The Taskforce dealt with unusual problems and even threats facing the Solsystem Federation or even the whole of the Solsystem itself.







Skynet had not made any more attacks but to make certain the SolFed had sent in one of its new experimental big weapons, a gunship that was basically one huge energy-cannon surrounded by a systemship. The plasma-cannon had a great range and could wipe out even a large, heavily armoured Skynet station in one blow but once fired the weapon took thirty-five minutes to recharge enough for another shot. The gunsystemship also had a big railgun which fired faster, was powerful but far less so than the super plasma-cannon.


The Belters had been having troubles with zetan marauders in attack-saucerships that unleashed saucer-fighters. The Systemfleet would need to help the Belters deal with that threat. The Venetians were dealing with with the hivaca and with the predavories who were fighting a big war between each other that was also threatening the more peaceful parts of Venus. Of course the Systemfleet would help there also. The large force meant to attack Skynet was still gathering and was being enhanced and augmented by the TimespaceLordites. Improvements were many though far from equal to TimespaceLord technologies. The Solsystem Federats were being taught much so they could reproduce the enhancements and augmentations, could use what they learned in other ways. Already the changes were greatly improving many areas of knowledge from medical to weaponry to transportation and even entertainment.


The enhancements and augmentations would be needed for some unknown force had been enhancing and augmenting Skynet and Earthnet. At least it was unknown to many. If Graham Maharg knew, he was not saying, but he did seem very concerned about what was happening.


The attack on Skynet was not meant to destroy Skynet but designed to distract it away from another action being the infiltration of the World-Bubble around Mars and the landing there of a large SolFed taskforce of aeroshuttles, glide-shuttles and dropships. The taskforce would be landing in an area known as the Rimlands that were between the Havenlands and the Wastelands. The landing would be in part of the area known as the District of Centrolumbia, or DC.


It would be fairly close to a place called Megaton, a smaller Citystate of something called the United Citystates of the Rimlands.

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