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Unity was awakening amongst the Followership of the True Seeking in the semifertile, semi-arid, lightly bleak environment of the vast Mars Underworld. The Ancient Martians had created the vast underworld as a sanctuary to Lesser Martian Peoples. The egg laying human like oomans, a marsupial people, were one of them as were the hulking herbivore, live birthing neandors and the dangerous carnivore carnivorns. There were humans also, taken from Terra many centuries ago to be studied by the Ancient Martians.


Now there were also many humans who had been saved by Ancient Martians on Mars Doomsday and brought to the Underworld. Unity was already awaken in the other peoples and was now awakening in these relative newcomers. Not all humans welcomed the change, far from it.


Beneath the permanent cloudsky above, now glowing white with sunlight that flooded through it, drifted a big bulky saucer of a floataship. It was an ooman battle-freighter, part battleship and part long distance trading vessel, and had brought tradegoods to the human settlement. Wisely it had not landed because of the fighting going on in the sprawling city settlement below of Hopeville. The sound of automatic gun fire mingled with that of pulselaser, pulseblaster and plasma weapons being fired. The Fellowship of True Seeking was under siege by antiUnity forces led by a core of Iceminds who were the antithesis of Unity.


Amongst amazing cube buildings, spiraling wide rampways and other features carved out of a great rock cliff-face, the city was a battleground. The Followership Citadel topped Hopeville and the attackers were forced to fight externally up rampways, across platforms and other open or semi-open structures. Others attacked internally as they tried to go up through hallway tunnels, rampway tunnels and chambers. The attackers outnumbered the defenders at least by two to one but were having trouble anyway. The defenders were gaining Unity abilities and the service-support of UnityMentality of instinct and UnityMind of rationality.


Then Unity began to rise amongst both the attackers and amongst neutral and other non fighting groups such as the elderly, children and the sick.


In dark green multiple purpose fatigues, Elder Jane Jones held a .303 (7.7MM) calibre lever-action rifle. All of the automatic weapons owned by the Followership were being used by Followership Guardsmen and volunteer fighters, as were energy weapons including adapted energy tools. The FTS, the Followership of True Seeking, had been reluctant to take on both guards and military weapons but growing signs of growing danger had forced them to do so.


From where she stood she could look through at an armaglass window to the cityscape reaching down and outwards to the plains but also to the large ooman battle-freighter above. The oomans had yet to make any real moves to join the battle but shortly before the fighting had sent down a one way glider-boat gifting medikits, sensor units, battle robots, medic robots, weapons and ammo to the FTS. Unity was supporting Unity.


Suddenly 20mm autoguns on the hovering ship opened up on the city below. It came to her, through UnityMind, that the oomans were targeting some Iceminds who had foolishly come out into the open. Oomans, neandors, carnivorns had also experienced Iceminds as they had found Unity and it was said that such Iceminds still existed in relatively small but dangerous numbers.


The fighting went on!







Elder Jane Jones turned as her son raced in, flushed red of face, and aimed a revolver-pistol at her. He cried out in the Esperanto language. "Long live liberty, equality and strength of independence."


She sighed and looked him in the eyes. "Unity is not against any of those things. Unity people are semiautonomous in theory but in practice have far greater freedom, privacy and choice than non-Unity humans. I myself feared Unity as something truly alien and terrible until I learned that it is the ancient, natural, healthy condition of life. Unity is far from perfect and that is good for perfection breeds stagnation and Unity needs to evolve, to change, to learn from mistakes and from imperfections."


He was not certain, it showed to her, but some other force was gripping him, was controlling him in his rage and that was an Icemind or more than one Icemind in what they would call cooperative working together but which she would call mutual domination. His weapon was of only a .32 calibre but he would shoot her at short range and she had on no body-armour. She could call upon UnityNetwork to shield her but the Unity fighters needed that protection and she was reluctant to do so.


Then came assistance of a very odd kind. The chubby muscular little neobaby boy ran into the room in his handy dandy coveralls, his second bestest ones, and stood in front of 'mummy'. He stared staunchly but fearfully at 'little big bruddy' who was both younger but physically bigger than him, and it was clear he had been crying. The small one spoke with determination but his voice shook with emotion. "You can't shoot mummy because me will be in the way."


The teen-man, one Gerald Jones, stared in surprise down at the neobaby who, of course, at about 25cm of height would be no barrier against his bullets and a deep sigh flooded out of him. He placed the revolver-pistol on a table. Then he picked up the neobaby and cradled him to his chest. Unity rose into him, he became of the Unityfolk, and the Icemind hold on his mind was broken. The Icemind, or Iceminds, who had briefly dominated his mind, suffered from the backlash.


Elder Jane Jones smiled with loving relief at her two sons and wished all Unity victories could be so smooth, so quick.


The battle in the city was coming to an end as Unity rose amongst most of the attackers and other folk in the city and as ooman soldiers began to parachute down from the battle-freighter floating in the sky above it.

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The big storm was ended, at least in the area, which could have had something to do with the alteration of local reality or not.


Jasmine was again seeking to find out what happened to her father, Professor James Ashworth, so she went seeking information.


Colin Moriarty, the Icemind, was gone from the settlement. The Moriarty Family, clones who were definitely not Iceminds, were glad to see him gone. Nova, the prostitute and unofficial madam of other prostitutes in the GIRLS-GAMES SALOON, moved out with her working girls and set up a new brothel. Gob, the ghoul, went with her as her boyfriend and bartender. Nova ceased to be a prostitute as she became the madam, the manager, of the NOVA PLEASURE HOUSE.


Jasmine went to Nova and Gob because her father had visited the GIRLS-GAMES SALOON where he had apparently spoken to Colin Moriarty in private more than once.


Even as she was there, talking with the two, refugees were arriving at New Megaton from abandoned smaller settlements, especially isolated smaller settlements, because of growing troubles out in the Rimlands along with growing tensions inside the United Citystates of the Rimlands. The foiled attempt to destroy one of RivetCity's ships had only added to the troubles and though the UCR-CG could not be proven to have been behind the use of the stealth-attack submarine, few believed its cries of innocence.


New Megaton was both welcoming, asking for more people, to fill up its new areas and many new tasks, but it was also seeking to expand and strengthen smaller settlements and outposts of Greater Megaton. There was talk of using the, now rejuvenated, vehicles of Megaton-Springvale to send convoys out to the rest of Greater Megaton. There were three helicopters to use, being two small bubblecopters and one medium sized medivac-copter. These were advanced machines with smart-rotors and super electric motors but they did not have the antigrav boosters or atomic motors of vertibirds or vertijets.


At this time the Megaton Guard ceased to be called the Megaton Guard. It became known as the Greater Megaton Garrison of the Central Guards. The militiaguards became the Greater Megaton Guard. When the Central Guards announced that they were leaving, they tried to rob the new Greater Megaton Guardsmen of the best of their equipment and supplies. This attempt came unstuck with amazing speed, especially as some of the old Megaton Guardsmen had joined the new Greater Megaton Guard, the GMG, and warned locals what was going to happen. When the Central Guardsmen left to go to some unknown place in Greater Megaton, they did so with out some of their own equipment and supplies.


Megaton itself had changed in various ways. The crater structures of such as rampways, walkways, platforms and modular buildings, were rejuvenated. There were new, additional structures including some buildings. The plumbing, the electrical, the telecommunications and other network-systems had improved and expanded. Community buildings were much better. Ventilation in the underground areas was much better.


The parts of aircraft were still up above but were expanded now and seemed more solid, more stabilized. Professor Brown was most pleased as he could now build a proper laboratory workshop complex up in one of the big aircraft fuselages where he had been doing some experiments in the past. Moira Brown decided that she and her amazing shop would go up to the same aircraft and that she would take her companions with her, all of them agreeing to go with her. She would have her own workshops and other special rooms up there.


The Greater Megaton Guard took over another large, raised aircraft as a combination command post, observation post and gun-station along with other facilities.


The Orders of the Way, and the Orders of Steel in Exile, were both expanding and upgrading bases but now the OSE were focusing on part of Megaton-Springvale while the OW were focusing on their complex in Middle Megaton.


Along with Colin Moriarty, Mr Burke and other Iceminds, the Mayor was vanished. Nobody complained.







Gob spoke even as he pointed to the big old, patchy map sprawled across the big old metal table before him. The map had belonged to Colin Moriarty who had left it and much else behind during his speedy departure from Megaton. "The professor wanted to know about a few places. LifeVault0101/B1 that is beneath five Sheltervaults and which is known as Vaultburg. Vaultburg dominates the Sheltervaults as outposts and Greater Vaultburg is a Citystate of the UCR but has no liking for the UCR-CG or the growing resistance movement to the increasingly autocratic Central Government. He also wanted to know about the settlement of Greyditch, the GN3DRTV Skytower where he wanted to speak to somebody called 3Dog, some mysterious place called GaiaOasis that is supposed to be amazingly fertile and green, the Little Lamplight Caverns, the Little Lamplight LifeVaults and... yes... TekVault0087. Some other places also but those are the ones I know for sure thanks to my spying on Colin Moriarty's discussions with Professor James Ashworth. Makes me wonder why Moriarty gave up so much information to your father and some equipment and supplies with out demanding anything but token payments in return."


Nova, beautiful and cool, was dressed in a tight, low cut kneedress. She stood looking out of an armaglass window with an expression of lost thought but then she spoke. "Colin Moriarty was much more brilliant and cunning than he pretended to be. He even let people rip him off sometimes to keep up the illusion. But he has his weaknesses and one was that he underestimated Gob simply because Gob is a ghoul. He overlooked that Gob is over a century old and though quiet, has had much experience in dealing with people." She shook her head in wonder. "Megaton Crater is bigger than it used to be by at least one fifth. I wonder why I did not notice it before."


"Part of the side effects of the reality alteration process." Jasmine responded from where she stood on the other side of the big metal table from Gob. "There are new buildings, rampways, platforms, piping, tunnels, underground chambers and much more that people have not 'noticed' yet. It is as our brains are trying to protect us from too much sudden shock. At least most of us because I always noticed."


"So did I!" Gob pointed to a big spot on the map. "A SuperDuperMart Complex close to the river along with a Marsmart Complex, a Public Service Complex, a big garden-park dome, a theme-park amusement complex and a Subway Station Entrance leading to an Upper Level Subway Station. The professor could have gone there to try to get into the Subways, though I hear the Upper Subways in that area are crawling thick with ghoulers, zhouls and other ghoulified monsters. They would not normally attack ghouls like me unless I am with humans or aumans or others, some others, but not like androids."


Ghoulers were savage ghouls, were like a ghoul version of the drug crazed tribal marauders who came from the Pittsburgh, Pittsville, Pittstown Area known simply as the Grand Pitt. They were not like the raiders who were supposed to be crazed but who were strange elite killers pretending to be marauder like attackers. Some thought the lethal raiders were Iceminds. Nor were they like the savage packs of subhuman trogs that also came from the Grand Pitt along with other such mutated threats.


Jasmine nodded thoughtfully and placed some EID coins on the table. "Some investment funding for your new saloon. If you remember anything else of possible importance, please send for me."


Nova responded. "Your money is welcome. There is something important nagging at the back of my mind, something about a tall, robed man that was with Professor Ashworth. He gave me the chills and not many men could do that, not even Colin Moriarty. There was something more than unnatural about him and being with him was like having... like being drained of vigour, of hope, of life. Nobody liked to go too near him, not even Colin Moriarty or your father."


Something told Jasmine that this was far from good news.

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People were starting to 'discover' new features of Megaton-Springvale and Megaton though they had been there for many hours, often in front of those same people.


Megaton-Springvale had a Subway Entrance down to an Upper Level Subway Station complete with two wall and one central platforms, four monorails, service-support facilities, power-ramps, robots, roboremotes and a passenger monorail-train stopped at one of the platforms like a dull silvery worm with rounded off square, polarized armaglass portholes. Brazen Emmie activated the station True-AI network-system after making sure it was safe to do so. She learned that huge safety-security doors were locked closed down the tunnels in all four directions that the monorails went off to. Further along, towards Megaton proper, a utility spiral rampway, a stairwell and an elevator led up to the Inner Megaton Bunkerplex.


Megaton-Springvale had a big cultural centre complete with multimedia library, a museum, an art gallery and even a small zoo. Lucky Eddie wandered through the cultural centre, past a fortune in library books, holotapes and disks. Already the Orders of Steel in Exile and the Orders of the Way were busy using the library with its wealth of often lost Predoomsday information. Others were there also, including Professor Samuel Brown who was carefully studying a large tome on the Patriot Thirteen. The Founding Eleven, as a group, was no more as the last three remaining members of it had joined the Seekers of Steel because the old organization had no real purpose to stay existing.


Sweet Ellie went into the depths of the Megaton Bunkerplex, now considered to be part of Inner Megaton, that was largely bare. At first the searching seemed of little worth as she only found basic network-systems though they were functioning well enough. 3Dcameras, sensors, motion-detectors, power-supplies, small local utility-terminals, power-doors, short travel elevators, power-ramps and other such utilities were going well along with service roboremotes. Then she found a fully functioning cable-teleport hub and the search became more promising.


Brazen Emmie found the smaller side-tunnels with their small multiple purpose monocars. She found a terminal and soon realized that the network of side-tunnels went beneath both Megaton-Springvale and Megaton as a very useful transportation grid. Yet there were some features of that grid that puzzled her though at first she could not define what it was.


Lucky Eddie went through the zoo where Predoomsday and Postdoomsday creatures were living quite contentedly in large, supportive, comfortable environments. Giant molerats, horses, dogs, deathclaws, elephants, house cats, canaries and much else were there. The Orders of the Way had already claimed compassionate care of these animals and also the plants found in the botanical part of the zoo. There were also insects and other lifeforms including bacteria and viruses.


Sweet Ellie found another Wonder Nine Chamber and something, she knew not what it was, told her that this was the very one that Lucky Eddie had already learned of, the one that had been sealed up after being deactivated because of deep security and safety concerns. Incredibly enough the Wonder Nine Chamber had not moved; Megaton had moved and changed to be around it. Except of course there was still that other Megaton Crater that people, were calling the Old Megaton Crater, along with the Old Megaton Bunkerplex. She examined the nine wonder-machines only a short while before carefully locking the chamber up again and vowing silently that she would take great care in who learned about that chamber and what was in it.


Brazen Emmie traveled in a monocar, a sleek bubble vehicle with four wide couch like seats, through various side-tunnels until she came to a disk shaped chamber that gave her a choice of going three new directions horizontally, that is along side-tunnels, or vertically as in an elevator. She decided to play it safe for the moment and went along a horizontal tunnel that led to other tunnels that in turn returned her to the station.


Lucky Eddie found the antechamber that was hidden by an odd design of a hallway, by a clever optical illusion. He found himself in a room with eight great doorways, one of which he had come through, all of them semitransparent shimmering with energy curtains. Through each energy curtain he glimpsed very different sights.


Firstly a forest clad landscape with a medieval style castle like structure in the distance!


Secondly a great broken cityscape that looked as if it had gone through its own Doomsday!


Thirdly a thriving cityscape of Predoomsday type appearances.


Fourthly an abandoned looking cityscape of even older type technologies much like those of the early 20th Century of Terra!


Fifthly a twisted landscape of vulgar majestic towers and seas of glowing larva! Sixthly a great city of fantastic futurism where transparent domes covered amazing gardens, where monocars slid along transparent tubes, where young people seemed to be having only indulgent pleasure.


Seventhly a vast semi-arid, semifertile cavern stretching into the distance below a thick cover of cloud (somehow he knew it was underground though not how he knew this),


The eighth gateway led back to the way into that chamber from the great complex beneath Megaton-Springvale. He returned that way.


Sweet Ellie found the huge chamber and in it a row of five huge Liberty Prime robots like those that had fought during Mars Doomsday but these were enhanced, augmented with new armour, weapons, instrumentation, force-shields and other trickery. Their True-AI network-systems were more advanced. These were Super Liberty Primes able to fly relatively low at high subsonic speeds thanks to antigravity-boosters and special rocket-packs. She activated the super-robots and had a good long talk with them.







Clever Oddie and the platoon of SecurityTroopers continued through strange horror places and twice more were attacked by fake monsters that were fabricants. The first was a huge spider that tried to inject lethal venom into a soldier and just failed as it was blown to bits. The second was a Frankenstein's monster like creature, scarred and square headed, hulking and lurching. The platoon simply out ran it and left it behind as it roared in frustrated outrage at not being able to hurt them.


Then the environment abruptly changed and they were in a great glass maze of armaglass window-wall and mirror-wall sections. The floor sections were also armaglass mirrors and the ceiling was made up of glowing translucent sections. At first there was no obvious threat, not even any 'feel' of danger, but that began to change. 'Sensing' great danger, Clever Oddie sent the SecurityTroopers back to the UVR School though they did not want to leave him. He knew that he could survive better alone and that they would be put into too much danger if they staid.


Clever Oddie began to run and change direction along hallways with amazing speed and agility. As he did he glimpsed monsters hunting him through armaglass window-walls. He was being hunted by acid-blooded hivaca warriors, smaller but still deadly soldiers and flying male drones, the only males amongst the mostly female hivaca. Damned hivaca were deadly enough alone but these were moving in well coordinated formations and he 'sensed' a subqueen was directing them from the background. Then he 'sensed' at least one hivaca mind-screamer was part of the hunt and he knew he had to call upon special resources.


So he did some Ultimate Reality Tricks, used some 'cheat codes' and transformed with a sparkling shimmer. Now he was an armoured monster of a humanoid with many weapons either built into his super power armour or carried by him in holsters, scabbards or pouches. As he ran he sparkle shimmered again and a solid illusionary version of himself began moving in another direction. Again and again he sent these amazingly accurate decoy copies of himself in many directions. They would emanate enough psychic and physical impressions to confuse even the hivaca hunting him.


He killed the first hivaca warrior as it sped around a corner to try to cut him off with is ugly blunt banana shaped head and huge metallic fangs along with a long metallic tongue ending in sharp stabbing spines. There were surprising variations amongst hivaca creatures at times as if the hivaca were trying to get past the problem of over standardization of hive units.


Then he was plunging into a huge metallic cavern chamber half full of glistening, quasiliving silicon stuff, much of it semitransparent or translucent. He was inside the edges of the hivaca hide and he was not happy but he had to keep on moving deeper into it because he was being chased by a whole swarm of nasties. His decoys had worked to a great extent but now he had to call upon new tricks.

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COOBER PEDY: small domed city that does not suffer from a corrupted biofield as the dome was cracked and the biofield was thus lost on Doomsday. Auzilander settlement of the Auziland Zealand Unified Republic, the AZUR. An isolated settlement close to the border between the AZUR and MarsEnclave Perfect Freedom.


CORPVAULTS: General term for all forms of 'vaults' designed and constructed by VaultTek and other TekCorps along with, at times, other corporations, agencies, services or other bodies.




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As Clever Oddie had appeared in UVR as a kind of reflection of Lucky Eddie, as part of the Eternal Guardian, Amazon Essie appeared as a kind of reflection of Brazen Emmie and as an aspect of the Eternal Guardian. Then, with her, appeared Sour Ellie in reflection of Sweet Ellie. If there was a joke in the naming of the Two Ellies, neither really appreciated being called the Sweet and Sour Ellies. The two appeared in the UVR School in time to assist against an invasion of bizarre fabricants from out of the depths of the twisted creativity of the True-AI Braun.


The invaders came as supermutants in tattered school uniforms swinging great barbed steel baseball bats, as great fanged hounds with long whip tails ending in blades and spikes, as fast crawling blobs of flesh consuming rancid jelly, as students in spiked black hard leather school uniforms and with automatic weapons.


Amazon Essie commanded the approaches of the physical education wing to blunt the attack there while Sour Ellie drove a counter attack through the comparative religions wing and into the area of large lecture theaters there. The UVR School had proven to be more expanded and changed by the reality twisting than at first discovered. Certainly the fake Braun mentality seemed to be having difficulty because it kept sending 'his' forces to the wrong places, in the wrong directions, where they got lost or failed to get anywhere near their objectives.


It was Sour Ellie who ran into the strange disk shaped room of eight gateways. all of them semitransparent shimmering with energy curtains. Through each energy curtain he glimpsed very different sights.


First was a forest clad landscape with a medieval style castle like city in the distance!


Secondly was a great broken city that looked as if it had experienced a great catastrophe!


Third was a very much Martian urban landscape of Predoomsday type appearances.


Fourth was a deserted appearing metropolis of perhaps World War Two vintage of the 20th Century of Terra!


Fifth there was a hellish environment of savage oppressive towers often joined by strange bridges and an ocean of hot larva!


Sixth was a utopian appearing sight of science fiction aspects where protective domes covered amazing gardens, where monocars shot through transparent tubes, where young colourful dressed adults appeared to be involved only in hedonistic activities.


Seventh lay a vast fairly stark, fairly green cave chamber stretching into the distance that was topped by a thick cover of cloud (somehow she knew it was underground though not how she knew this),


The eighth gateway led back to the way into that chamber from the Ultimate Virtual Reality realm of the Springvale School of High Achievement. She went back that way.







Clever Oddie came to the conclusion that, in its own bizarre fashion, that the True-AI Braun was trying to stop him from reaching something in particular. The hivaca beasts were not fabricants but were excellent copies of the real things, or so it seemed. As he went deeper into the hivaca hive, he infiltrated past the collections of skeletal remains and other items glued into the very quasi-organic structures the hivaca produced for their nests. These were the remains of fabricants shapeformed as humans and he wondered just where they had come from and how they had come to be victims of the hive mentality creatures who were much like Terran insects in some ways.


He came to appreciate just how much a threat such monsters and other quasiliving biomechanical creatures were to the Venetian Compact that had existed before Mars Doomsday just as had the creatures, of course.


Then he found them, a bundle of powerful looking weapons loosely 'glued' together along with metallic breastplates, shinplates and helmets. Clearly some kind of soldiers had fought the hivaca but had lost the fight, or at least some of them had done so.


He easily picked up a large but surprisingly light and well balanced weapon that was a 10mm caseless bullet shooting autorifle, a 20mm caseless grenade-shell firing semiautolauncher and an energy weapon that spat pulsebeams designed to do maximum harm to the exotic quasilifeforms of the hivaca: the last weapon type were fairly short ranged but would disintegrate biometallic substances and neutralize the acidic blood. There were three of these tririfles, two pulserifles that only fired the anti-biomechanical pulses, one 20mm caseless grenade-shell autolauncher and a assault-machinegun firing same 10mm caseless bullets. There was also a big smart-machinegun, with some kind of supporting recoil suppression harness, that fired 20mm caseless bullets. Ammo was there also, along with canned rations, medikits, hand-grenades, laser-knives, combat-knives and other stuff.


Clever Oddie used a multiple-cube and stored away all of the useful stuff he could find because something told him it would be useful, very useful.


Then he was making his way through the hive again.


:armscrossed: "Well, who would have thought it? The weapons, the armour, the other items you found come from a particular 3Dmovie and 3DTV series broadcast during the decades before Earth Doomsday both on the home world and the Solsystem Colonies, including the Mars Colonies. The soldiers were called Solar Marines. They fought terrible monsters with acid blood, space dragons, rogue androids and other threats. Rather entertaining but in some ways foolish, the franchise was also brought out in comic magazines, graphic novels, games, novels and in other merchandise."


Clever Oddie wondered briefly what the odd voice in his mind was saying and then decided it was not important. He had more important matters to focus on.


:facepalm: "Yes, they said it would be this way. Well, I should have known."


Clever Oddie picked up the sound of weapons firing, of humans shouting and of hivaca screaming out in their alien fashion. He began to run towards the source of the commotion.

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The Ancient Martians that drifted in the great chamber, the Eternals, the Timespace Lords, the CentroNeo and others of the Grand Universality Mentality Collective, all were there because of the growing distortions and other problems arising from the situation in Solsystem. That is the real Solsystem and not the Ultimate Virtual Reality Solsystem of a super realistic but ultimately false reality that had absorbed so much life, so many minds, so many souls and so much more.


It was hard to discern the differences, in some places, of the two realities that were blending and fragmenting at the edges.


The truth of what had really happened was also turning out to be harder to discover, to understand, than had been previously assumed even by the massive linked intellects of the GUMC. That they also had a vast ultimate quasi-artificial intelligence network of network-systems serving them helped but did not bring any easy solutions or resolutions.


Odd that the start of all of the reality altering insanity seemed to originate, in some ways, with just thirteen young adult humans, none of them younger than nineteen Terran years but none of them older than twenty-one Terran years. They had been all genetically engineered, super-drug boosted experimental subjects. The experiments were illegal but secretly supported by various governments along with transnational corporations. All that had been on the Earth, sometimes known as Terra or Sol-3. As brilliant as they were by human standards, the Patriot Thirteen were nowhere near as smart as any of the ancient organisms of the GUMC. Yet the Patriot Thirteen, named after the code named Patriot Project itself, had seemingly done the impossible. That is if it was just them who had actually achieved such super technologies, such massive changes, such a terrible unfolding disaster.


GUMC was starting to understand that some greater, darker force was behind everything that had happened and that this threat still existed; GUMC resolved to deal with it as best it could though the troubling evidence was rising that the dark force involved was not only known to the GUMC, it had betrayed trust in many ways and had carried out a series of terrible crimes, not all of which had been discovered yet.


As it was GUMC had quarantined off the troublesome zone of distorting true reality, of amazing false reality, using a vast amount of knowledge, experience and other resources. Yet even so the quarantine bubble of multiple barriers was very slowly but very steadily being pushed back and stressed to the point of disintegration. The quarantine barrier-bubble was still at a stability-integrity status of 98.954% but this was only because the barrier-bubble was being reinforced with enough energies to power a small galaxy.


"The false reality is real when one is absorbed by it." CentroCentros empath-telepathed to the others, being a pulsating sphere of rainbow energies. It was like a softly glowing rainbow bubble and was amazing beautiful and graceful to look at. It also appeared to be fragile, which was far from true. "We need must take care to understand this deeply. We must take it in fully that the false reality from within is the true reality and the true reality of the Multiverse, the universality of relative universes, is the false reality."


Timespace High Lord ZaoRandru of Galllifrey, the ancient home world of the Timespace Lords but hardly their only world, was aware that such as the Centro were entities that were born before time and thus beyond the Timespace Lords who came after the new universes were created. Yet she empath-telepathed with quiet confidence. "As guided by GUMC, and by the Timespace Elder Council, we Timespace Lords are trying to work within the super false reality to our best advantage while keeping a strong link with the greater true reality. Yet doing so has become increasingly difficult and has resulted in some rather exotic and surprising effects, some of them quite disturbing. I speak of the Timespace Lordites that exist only in the super false reality. I speak of the rise of Timespace Lord colonies in the super false reality Solsystem. It is evident that we are not the only ones experiencing such consequences. The Ancient Martians and Eternals appear also to be experiencing their own versions, their own variations, of such."


So the great meeting went on and while some matters were resolved, the greater difficulties were proving to be far harder to deal with finally and conclusively.

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The refugees coming up along the fragmenting highway, dotted by hunks of stuff that had once been vehicles, first saw the strange young man as most likely mad. That is all but a few of them that 'sensed' something different about him. There were many mad ones wandering the Marslands and of them, few managed to survive. Yet the young man who was using a short fishing pole to, apparently, fish in a very large metal bucket, seemed oddly serene, even confident in a quiet way. He was perched on a small boulder wearing a fishing hat complete with fishing flies and hooks, a patchwork shirt of all colours of the rainbow and many pocketed fatigue trousers along with combat boots. Next to him and the boulder was a wide, flat canvas sheet that had nothing on it.


As the convoy of horse drawn wagons, carts and other vehicles came closer with guards riding on horse back, the young man turned and smiled at the newcomers. He took in the people on foot, the livestock being guided and protected, the people pulling two wheeled pull-carts or pushing push-carts. There were large dogs pulling dog-carts. The people were guarded not only by their own people but by a handful of Brother and Sister Protectors of the Orders of the Way of the Light or the OWL. People were fleeing from growing trouble that originated in the Doomlands but was radiating outwards through the Wastelands to other, safer realms.


Something jerked on the fishing line and the young man laughed lightly with delight before reeling in the line. From it hung a large hard-cased lidbox of food rations of varied kinds. Expertly, quickly, he removed the box from the end of the line which had no hook after all but a strange metallic grab-claw arrangement. Soon the case of rations was joined by another and then another as the young man drew them out of the bucket in an apparently impossible manner.


In amazement the whole convoy came to a halt, even the animals staring at the young man as if drawn to do so.


The Eternal Wanderer dropped a hard-cased lidbox of medical supplies next to the lidboxes of food rations. He waved briefly at the refugees, at the Brother Protectors, and went on fishing in the rather strange fashion. He spoke out not loudly but everybody heard him and later none were sure just what language he spoke but all understood him easily. Even the animals seemed to do so. "Take what you need. I already have more than I need. I love fishing! So relaxing! So very peaceful!"


The people found themselves quietly doing as requested. The armoured, armed Sister and Brother Protectors handed out the food rations, the medical supplies, the ammunition, the small tools, the small weapons, the electric solar-torches with rechargeable batteries, the small powerful repeater-crossbows useful for survival in many ways, the special water proof blankets, the coils of thin strong rope, the sowing kits, the small toys, the hand-computers, the laptop-computers, the rechargeable batteries, the small portable solar recharging units, the water filtration units and much more.


After 'taking' over a metric tonne of stuff from the big metal bucket, the young man stood up, stretched and bowed gracefully to the people. Then he stretched, stood straight and spoke. "The bucket and the canvas sheet are yours but the bucket is just a bucket now." Then he vanished with a sparkling shimmer. Even as he did so his voice was heard again. "Beware the tall charming man in the silver jacket and the golden tophat."


The warning sank deep into the minds of the people, even into the minds of the animals.



Edited by Maharg67
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In some ways the most subtle and oddest changes to Greater Megaton, to Springvale, were those that the vast majority of people did not comprehend had happened. Only with a little difficulty did the Tyrone Triplets, their super virtual reality triplets, and some others do so. Old Joe McDonald was one of them, of course, but the Orders of Steel in Exile and the Orders of the Way of the Truth failed to see the changes, partly because they were part of the changes.


There were more people now, more VIPs, and they were there as if they had always been part of the scene.


Silver Shine, a former prostitute in the GIRLS-GAMES SALOON, dwelt peacefully in Megaton-Springvale and was to return to her old profession as her own boss.


Abe Smith was the head of Greater Megaton Security and was a veteran mercenary who had once served in RivetCity Security before gambling problems had driven him away. In Megaton he had come to terms with his addiction despite Colin Moriarty trying to exploit it. There was a security department with security officers, security guards, dogs and security robots.


There was now a Greater Megaton Leadership Council along with a New Megaton Leadership Council and other, lesser councils. The UCR-CG had a small office in Inner Megaton but so did the UCR Regional Government, both new and old thanks to the strange changes. There was great and increasing tension between the Central Government and Regional Government.


Lucy West was now, had been for years, the editor of the much prized MEGATON CHRONICLE newspaper that was published weekly in fairly large print runs and in larger monthly runs in a compilation version. She wanted somebody to go for her to the settlement of Arefu that was not actually part of the United Citystates of the Rimlands. Instead the great bridge situated settlement, that survived as a service-support to those using the bridge and by charging small toll tributes to most, was part of the United Autonomous Settlements of the Rimlands, the UASR. Lucky was concerned about increasing troubles experienced by Arefu with the infamous Blooded Family, a cult of supposedly real vampires led by a man called Vance. Vance apparently was once one of the vaunted Regulators, an elite law enforcement body in the Rimlands that focused on special areas of criminality. Lucy West was supported by two office workers, three reporters and two robots along with a large goldfish in a very large aquarium.


The gangs of Springvale were now, had always been, the Manglers, the Stronglers, the Springvale Girls and a Chapter of the Rimlands Waste Angels who liked to ride rebuilt, upgraded huge atomic motorized motorbikes and motortrikes. The first three gangs were okay to work with but nobody much trusted the last, the Waste Angels.


There were, had always been, many more people in Megaton. A large minority were ghoulified, another was of aumans and then there was a small minority of independent True-AI androids. There were more crops, a big domed garden, more of other plants, more livestock, more working pets and more work pets.


Then there were some other, even more 'exotic' changes.







Confessor Cromwell sometimes had troubling dreams in which his grand underground temple was just a large two level building in Middle Megaton instead of part of a large sized complex of the Children of Atom. The temple, the chapter houses, the temple wings, the school, the clinic, the depot and more, were all now considered to be Holy Megaton. Holy Megaton was not to be confused with Outer Megaton, Middle Megaton or Inner Megaton and certainly not with Megaton-Springvale. The Knights of Atom had a garrison, and a chapter house, in Holy Megaton and the Missionaries of Atom had there a chapter house as did the Sages of Atom, the Scribes of Atom, the Healers of Atom and the Guardians of Atom.


Cromwell stood close to the grand alter of the great temple hall and beamed with pride, allowing himself this small sin because it was all to do with the Worship of Atom, of Atomicus and the Son of Atom. The Angels of Atom were not worshiped but were seen with devotional honour while the Archangels of Atom were worshiped in a secondary manner, as were the Greater Saints of Atom. The Lesser Saints of Atom were treated with the same devotional honour as were the Angels of Atom. He knew this intrinsically as he also knew, somehow, that recently a great but subtle change had taken place that had increased the glorious power, wealth and influence of the Children of Atom.


He did not turn to see the Champion of Atom but spoke to the tall, handsome man in his golden tophat and silver show jacket. "You have brought a wondrous blessing upon us, though I am not sure in my mind what that blessing is. I hear your words and I am open to them. The Children of Atom will do as I bid and I will do as you bid."


The man grinned to show rows of unnaturally sharp teeth. He was no 'Champion of Atom' but he spoke now in a charming, fluid voice. "Do? Do? You and the other Children of the Atom will do what Atomicus would most have you do. The false ones are here in Megaton. They are of the so called Eternal Guardian. They are against the Atom, against Atomicus, against the Son of Atomicus, against the Saints of Atomicus and the Angelics of Atomicus."


Angelics were archangels and angels.


Confessor Cromwell sighed majestically. "The Children of the Atom will deal with them. The all embracing Light of the Atom will burn them though the Knights of the Atom with their lasers, their pulselasers and glowing glorious armour. The Spirit of Atomicus is with me. Now I must go to my wife. We will prepare for the next great sermon to come. Before that, of course, I will speak to the local Knight Captain of the Atom. Aaahhh, glory to the atoms that bind us, that light us and lead us to true salvation. Atoms to atoms, amen."


The strange man gave the Confessor of the Atom a look of contempt and pity. Then he turned and slipped away out of the chamber with amazing speed and quietness, going through a small secret door behind a curtain that none of the Children of Atom actually knew about. The stranger had helped to alter the local reality and so had put the secret door, along with the secret chambers behind it, into existence along with the rest of the temple complex.

Edited by Maharg67
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