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Regarding BoS Ending


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True, teleportation is a biggie, but it's also a major security nightmare if anyone else gets it. Just imagine teleporting a megaton nuke on the Prydwen. So I can kinda imagine writing it off as one of those technological horrors that humanity shouldn't have.
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I am actually not really fond of other endings especially because they involve a nuclear detonation, which doesn't quite help the commonwealth in fact it makes life in commonwealth even more harder for next years given the fallout spread, even if it's an underground explosion, such blast surely will destabilize any settlement in several miles radius, not to mention mixed opinions on Brotherhood itself as commonwealth inhabitants aren't exactly happy to be in their presence at all. "You either are with the Brotherhood or against it." is something people would not accept only because Brotherhood gets rid of the Institute. Personally I consider the Institute not so bad simply because you are about to lead the Institute in your own way as Shaun suggests at the end. Although just between you and me I think that all endings are kind of half-assed.


I agree that the ending is kinda half done.

I don't know whether the ending is truly gray or doesn't make sense, but it kinda bothers me.

If only there's a significant after effect of every ending. Like if we choose the institute ending, we can lead the institute to totally change it by helping rebuilding the commonwealth. That would be nice.

One thing that bothers me with Institute ending is the way they conclude their dispute with the BoS. Why kill them all? why not just destroy the prime and leave the others? Not to mention that if we become the director of Institute, we have the choice to stop using 3rd gen synth to keep the BoS out of our way and focus on something else like rebuilding the commonwealth. Although I doubt Maxon will agree to that.


One other thing that bothers me. It seems like no one even care that the institute is lead by the SS's son. Not Maxon, not Des, not even preston. All they care about is just destroy the institute.

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I am actually not really fond of other endings especially because they involve a nuclear detonation, which doesn't quite help the commonwealth in fact it makes life in commonwealth even more harder for next years given the fallout spread, even if it's an underground explosion, such blast surely will destabilize any settlement in several miles radius, not to mention mixed opinions on Brotherhood itself as commonwealth inhabitants aren't exactly happy to be in their presence at all. "You either are with the Brotherhood or against it." is something people would not accept only because Brotherhood gets rid of the Institute. Personally I consider the Institute not so bad simply because you are about to lead the Institute in your own way as Shaun suggests at the end. Although just between you and me I think that all endings are kind of half-assed.


I agree, it would be ideal if the player could work to restrain the Institute's worst tendencies even as one helps the Minutemen on the surface rise to power. My biggest problem with the Brotherhood of Steel is that they are driven by their ideology more than pragmatism as they were back in Fallout 3. They came to the Commonwealth, 500 miles or so from the Capital Wasteland, just because the Institute was making synths and not because they were hurting people and this shows when they feel the need to wipe out the Railroad. At least when the Institute sends you to wipe out Desdemona and her crew it's because of an ongoing conflict and not just something that was pulled out of thing air as being wholly necessary.


Would we really be comfortable with the Brotherhood going into the future after this? One where mankind may make more technological strides that the Brotherhood does not agree with?


But yes, the endings were kind of half-assed. Either press the button or press to talk with Shaun one last time.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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Actually Preston isn't bothered as much as others when you choose the Institute ending, thing is the surface is convinced that the Institute is evil and there is no way to convince them otherwise. As to why destroy the entire chapter, the brotherhood made it quite clear that they will not tolerate anyone apart from them alone keeping pre-war and further developed technology so if it wasn't the institute but someone else they would adopt the same stance, though they only came to Commonwealth given the occurence of synth appearance in Capitol Wasteland. So Maxon will not agree to anything outside their own agenda, the fact that they plan to use Liberty Prime and detonate the nuclear reactor speaks against their good intentions.


As for the railroad I doubt their impact on Commonwealth will be as they think it will be. Sure they mean well but they forget that even without the institute the synths are problem for the commonwealth given the paranoia won't just dissapear, so in terms of ideology Railroad is tad naive even when they admit it will not be ideal.

Because technically it was that sole incident in Diamond city that sparked this paranoia (Just my opinion, not sure if that was where it all begun.).

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As for the railroad I doubt their impact on Commonwealth will be as they think it will be. Sure they mean well but they forget that even without the institute the synths are problem for the commonwealth given the paranoia won't just dissapear, so in terms of ideology Railroad is tad naive even when they admit it will not be ideal.

Because technically it was that sole incident in Diamond city that sparked this paranoia (Just my opinion, not sure if that was where it all begun.).


The people of the Commonwealth despise synths because they see them as Institute errand boys or body snatchers out to replace you. The Broken Mask incident and the CPG Massacre both served to fan this paranoia, despite the fact that there is sound evidence the Institute did not actually seek either outcome. That and people constantly disappearing which, while not all might have been due to the Institute, was likely for various unethical tests including the FEV experiment because we just can't have a Fallout game without Super Mutants now can we?


I don't think the Railroad is naive, rather they have a singular focus which is to liberate the synth population within the Institute. With the Institute gone the paranoia regarding synths will disappear in the coming decades by which time all the surviving synths will have found a new life for themselves.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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As for the railroad I doubt their impact on Commonwealth will be as they think it will be. Sure they mean well but they forget that even without the institute the synths are problem for the commonwealth given the paranoia won't just dissapear, so in terms of ideology Railroad is tad naive even when they admit it will not be ideal.

Because technically it was that sole incident in Diamond city that sparked this paranoia (Just my opinion, not sure if that was where it all begun.).


The people of the Commonwealth despise synths because they see them as Institute errand boys or body snatchers out to replace you. The Broken Mask incident and the CPG Massacre both served to fan this paranoia, despite the fact that there is sound evidence the Institute did not actually seek either outcome. That and people constantly disappearing which, while not all might have been due to the Institute, was likely because of various unethical tests including the FEV experiment because we just can't have a Fallout game without Super Mutants now can we?


Which leads me to a question, who could have any profit from FEV experiments cause unlike Vault-Tec and Enclave, the Institute was formed from scientists belonging to neither mentioned faction. Answer is: Before turning to cybernethics and synthethics they seeked to create artificial human using modified FEV virus, unintentionally ending up discovering that FEV effects can be reversed plus also discovering that there is more than just one or two strains. Which also one of few things Brotherhood has yet to try, playing with FEV.


Well regarding synths that is quite a dilemma should they be treated as equal to humans or as cheap labor force as it was intended, I think that the Institute didn't put a lot of thought into this matter before they begun with 3rd gen production else they would not allow for synths to be able to think for themselves, to me it is more looking as an experiment gone awry rather than actual intention. Much like Brotherhood recruits a tribal and expects them to blindly follow their directives and ideology? Unlikely. Brotherhood soldiers are raised within Brotherhood cause Brotherhood knows that otherwise it would be much more resource and time consuming. Knight Rhys is shining example of such. Same goes for synths, allowing them to be selfaware rather than simply being programed for few tasks cycling around.


Reminds me of my mother and what she said once. "You pressed hard on me just to buy a dog, so now be responsible and take care of her, it is your dog, not mine."

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  • 3 weeks later...

A bigger question is this: The Brotherhood was originally formed to prevent another nuclear apocalypse (which is why you gain Brotherhood fame in Lonesome Road for stopping the ICBMs from launching), so the question is, WHY THE HELL DID ELDER MAXON DO WHAT HIS ANCESTORS WOULD ABSOLUTELY HATE BY BASICALLY NUKING THE INSTITUTE?

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The Brotherhood destroys the Institute to make sure no one ending is 'Better' than the others



There. As I see it, that's all there is too it.


Think of it this way: every ending in Fallout 4 is meant to be morally grey. Every ending (apart from the Minutemen ending) requires you to kill off every other faction, destroying a massive part of the World and disrupting its stability.


If the Brotherhood was able to PRESERVE the Institute and its technology (even if this meant a bloody massacre of the occupants, or some other way of killing them), that would make them a clear candidate for the "good" ending. You destroy the crazy scientists, but also gain access to all of their medical and technological advancements. The Brotherhood continues being the custodians of technology, gaining a foothold and better science. With this, they may be able to better help the Wasteland. I imagine they'd be VERY interested in the FEV research (and 'cures'), teleportation, and even plant research for their scribes. Bionic enhancements might well make a return (Star Paladin Cross says Hi).


Anyway, all of this is why the Brotherhood cannot preserve the Institute. For no better reason than it would unbalance the plot. Bethesda logic.

Edited by Athanasa
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