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What level were you when you finished the main quest? Did you keep playing?


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I was level 119 when I finished the main quest and I am now at level 190. I've spent the time building up the settlements, exploring and gathering resources, and every week or so I go on a tour of the heavily populated/high level enemy locations to level up and try new weapons and perks.


The game is not a challenge in that I'm in any danger of dying but I like the challenge of clearing areas without being spotted or taking any damage.


And yes I would play a quest mod set after the end of the main quest. New quests are what I miss at high levels.

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I'm having fun finding new places/settlements and building the settlements up with settlers and defences, also, of course, killing things. Go to strange new parts of the map, meet new people and creatures and KILL THEM. Power Armour reduces the chance of getting killed ( a couple of days ago a bomb carrying Super Mutant exploded himself a few feet away and turned the right arm of my Power Armour red. Damn him.) so I can go where I want and do what I want. I still get the occasional settlement under attack message, but by the time I get there it's mostly over. I do sometimes have trouble remembering where the settlements are though.

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I think I was in the high 60's or so when I first finished the main quest. What can I say? I REALLY tried to avoid finding that kid. People would try to tell me to go to Diamond City or follow the trail with the dog, and I'd be like, "SPOILERS!!" :p


I didn't keep playing all that much afterwards, though. I soon just started another game.

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Thanks again everyone. This had been really helpful. I appreciate everyone providing some information and I'm going to try to keep this quest mod as accessible to everyone as possible. I've actually changed my plans a lot from the input here and I hope it'll make it a lot more fun for all the different approaches people have to the post-main-quest content.


I've been especially fascinated to see that some people have kept playing for so long and with such high levels, that's something I wasn't expecting. I may not be able to make content challenging for all level, but I'll certainly know that I can't assume any sort of maximum level that a player character will be at when they play this quest.


On the other side of things it's been good to know that a lot of people don't necessary play much at all after the main quest, it's let me know that I need to start things off quickly so that they can get involved without lots of playing around in a part of the game that doesn't have their interest. I'd originally imagined that the quest would be approached with a person maybe doing the first objective and then doing other things before going on to the next one, but it's sounding like I need to anticipate some people playing through the quest structure as directly as possible because they've got nothing else to do.


Thankyou all, I'm probably a bit too far into the design now to need more contributions for my own modding benefit, but if you're enjoying the topic by all means please chime in and share. I've been finding it fun just seeing what people's experiences have been like.


Now for my own answer. I actually haven't finished the main quest yet myself. I've spent more time modding and testing than I really have playing the game solidly. I know how the main quest plays out from watching let's plays, reading the wiki, modding the game, etc but I haven't actually gotten around to winning it yet personally. I don't really like the way the main quest ends either (any of the endings) and that's kept me from ever being too keen to play through the rest of that content. My highest level character was around 50ish and I was already finding the later levels not quite as fun as the earlier ones, so that's one reason the first mod I'm making here is for the late game. It just seems like a part of the game that doesn't have a lot of content available yet, so I'd like to add to it.

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I have 912 hours in play as of today. I am a retired old guy who wrote a 14 page Fallout 4 new players guide on the Fallout 4 Nexus site and a lot of those hours were related to that. I stopped playing my first character after I reached level 100. My second character is at level 86 and I am working toward an alternative ending (I sided with Brotherhood first time through and am going with Railroad this time). I spent a far amount of time in the first play through on settlement development and I have let that slide on second play through. I did however, on second play through finally get a settlement to level 100 happiness (after I got the darn dog from dog seller and built bars everywhere in that settlement). I will tell you with 900 hours of play I actually came across a new location (Edge of the Glowing Sea) so surprises are still possible.


Good new quests are welcome regardless of where they occur in the story line as long as they don't betray or spoil the main story line. I just finished completing the quest that released this week (the one by trainwiz) and enjoyed seeing his new areas and now with the release of the Creation Kit I look forward to additional new quests.





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it's vary, but completing about 80% game quest and main quest would be like lvl 128-172 the lowest is 128 BOS play and the longest is lv 172 institute play with minuteman and RR somewhere in between.


but starting new as 1.5 came out. try to go the enhanced play with many additional mod.

Better Locational Damage.esp=1
dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force.esp=1
Realistic Survival Damage.esp=1
Weaponry Overhaul.esp=1
MeetTheNewRaiderettes-NR - Automatron.esp=1
Raider Overhaul - AE Patch.esp=1
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Everything changed for me, when i installed "War of the Commonwealth" mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12395/?



This mod not only makes your play-through longer, but also your level much higher... so much to kill.. so little time...


I used to finish around level 50, and with the main quest, and since i cant build much.. i saw no reason to play on.


Now.. i am level 57, and i have yet to free Nick Valentine... I am telling you... this mod is brilliant.

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I was around lvl 80. I made a save, then went and completed 3 of the 4 endings in one sitting. Then reloaded that earlier save and kept playing as usual, because the outcome of each ending is, well.. garbage. The only ending I didn't complete was the Minutemen, which I hear is the non-kill-everything-else ending. Oh well.

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