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Settler Marriage | Kids | Family Living


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It would be nice if settlements felt more autonomous. Currently the settlers feel robotic, lifeless, and boring. I have both Better Settlers and Don't Call Me Settler, those help a ton, however; the overall immersion of settler life just isn't there. You would have to use your imagination, but an example might be that a specific settler drinks at the bar a lot, so that is where he spends his free time. You would require the GECK for most of this. There are so many new mod possibilities that come with Fallout 4, it's exciting!

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Honestly I'd just like to see more diverse relations between settlers rather than behavior. Most of the time you have them working anyways. Kinda like what your title says, have settlers that come in small groups that you could accept or turn away. Some are couples, some siblings, some have kids, etc. Just kinda feels weird that every person in the commonwealth is a loner unless you're from Diamond City.

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Right now i feel like the settlements are to unfriendly with everyone just being there to do their job . Would be nice to have a community feel even if it is just kids running around or couples being there.
Addition to the mod settler friendship circles? Settler A will talk to Settler B but not settler C, just throwing in ideas.

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