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Should Generators need Fuel?


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There should have been a added option to weather or not you want to "micro-manage" settlements, each too there own play style.



The issue being that they clearly intended Survival to be an all-or-nothing package of features, as indicated by them locking you out of it if you lower your difficulty to get out of it. This being the case, they have to be careful regarding what they include in it.



Me I agree with the idea of options. In fact, had I been given the call I would have completely scrapped the game's difficulty settings and instead had a "Difficulty Menu" where each feature of Survival mode, and other stuff like "Settlement Resource Micromanagement" could be toggled on and off, and each time you toggle one of them on you get some sort of in-game bonus. These bonuses would be stuff like "XP bonus every time you kill something while at full health", or "Increased resource drops in locked containers" or whatever. Basically make it a system where you can make the game harder in the ways you'll actually appreciate, ignore those you won't, and be rewarded in some way ( risk vs reward, yay ). Like the survival difficulty change, I would make it so that if you toggle one of them off after toggling them on, they would lock you out of it ( maybe with some sort of cooldown based on # hours played ).

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There should have been a added option to weather or not you want to "micro-manage" settlements, each too there own play style.



The issue being that they clearly intended Survival to be an all-or-nothing package of features, as indicated by them locking you out of it if you lower your difficulty to get out of it. This being the case, they have to be careful regarding what they include in it.



Me I agree with the idea of options. In fact, had I been given the call I would have completely scrapped the game's difficulty settings and instead had a "Difficulty Menu" where each feature of Survival mode, and other stuff like "Settlement Resource Micromanagement" could be toggled on and off, and each time you toggle one of them on you get some sort of in-game bonus. These bonuses would be stuff like "XP bonus every time you kill something while at full health", or "Increased resource drops in locked containers" or whatever. Basically make it a system where you can make the game harder in the ways you'll actually appreciate, ignore those you won't, and be rewarded in some way ( risk vs reward, yay ). Like the survival difficulty change, I would make it so that if you toggle one of them off after toggling them on, they would lock you out of it ( maybe with some sort of cooldown based on # hours played ).


I don't get why we don't have options. Options are nice.

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