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Is this a dictatorship?


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Letting a thread die because "it has no point" is the move of a coward.


I wouldn't say it's the move of a coward more of people getting bored with your little self important crusade against the supposed evil dictatorship of the website. The fact that you're still kicking a dead horse tells me your more of coward then any on this site, afraid to let go of your 10 seconds in the light? So trying to play the hero of the none existent down trodden, face the facts that you agreed to the rules to this site, you don't like them the only option you have is to leave.


On another note everyone complaining about this place being dictatorship, go travel around the world and see what an actual dictatorship is. A bunch of people enforcing the rules on a privately owned site, does not a dictatorship make.


Very well said Grimm. Kudos.

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joquanpro, might I remind you that you were the first to start flinging insults? As soon as the insults have started, it means the topic is on its deathbed.
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We're not mad at the site and staff anymore, so lets pick on each other! :D

I think most of the disputes have been settled, and I see a lot of rehashing. NOT that people's inputs isnt important, or appreciated....'cuz they are. But we're starting to get repeats.


I'm with Rev.

End thread?

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I wasn't flinging insults, once again, read what I posted.
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