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Is this a dictatorship?


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Indeed, I'm treating you like a little child because your opinions indicate that you are a little child who has come out of his first pre-school lesson on the US constitution and taken "free-speech" to mean "do or say anything without reproach".
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OMG, this thread is still alive?


The bottom line is this.


This is a privately owned and operated forum, and as such, its users are subject to any terms of use, any rules/regulations and/or limits, that the site owner wishes.


There is no freedom of speech, there is no right for any user to demand anything.


That means if Robin want's the admin staff to ban users for using green colored text, or saying any specific word, or not treating everyone with the highest level of respect, they can and they will. He has every right to require anything he wants as long as it does not violate any law in the UK or the USA (where he contracts servers). Anyone who actively argues this fact needs to do a little research and get your facts straight.


At the bottom of the bottom line...don't cry when you get banned for breaking a rule you agreed not to break.

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Have I lost my mind? Why did I write this? I'm not taking part in this. Never did.

My points might've been valid, but I'd never speak them out.


This damn bad mood lately... I'm soo not me these days...


Ignore all you might have read. I was never here.

(back to enjoying the funny comments and ignoring the irrelevant rest)

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Indeed, I'm treating you like a little child because your opinions indicate that you are a little child who has come out of his first pre-school lesson on the US constitution and taken "free-speech" to mean "do or say anything without reproach".


I wasn't saying that. Once again, you're proving immaturity by taking my words out of context. I merely said you're acting like a child (implying immaturity) by not giving me a solid, mature, well-thought-out answer to what I said.


Not generally a good idea to personally insult the man that owns these sites....


Did you even read what I posted?

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Indeed, I'm treating you like a little child because your opinions indicate that you are a little child who has come out of his first pre-school lesson on the US constitution and taken "free-speech" to mean "do or say anything without reproach".


I wasn't saying that. Once again, you're proving immaturity by taking my words out of context. I merely said you're acting like a child (implying immaturity) by not giving me a solid, mature, well-thought-out answer to what I said.


Not generally a good idea to personally insult the man that owns these sites....


Did you even read what I posted?


Yes. You called him childish

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No, I said he's acting childish. Didn't actually call him childish. Please read posts before posting a reply.
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you're proving immaturity by taking my words out of context




This is a dictatorship. A large majority of the staff here have an insatiable lust for power and control, a thing that I see quite often among communities nowadays. Freedom of speech = freedom of trolling (as long as it doesn't get over the edge), there's nothing wrong with voicing your opinion. If Robin or the other staff members think there is, then they don't understand the basic principle of life: humans are born with natural GOD-GIVEN rights, that NO ONE may take away. This applies to only the US? No. It applies to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE.




I'm treating you like a little child because your opinions indicate that you are a little child who has come out of his first pre-school lesson on the US constitution and taken "free-speech" to mean "do or say anything without reproach".


Explain where I've taken your words out of context as you seemingly think freedom of speech means you should be allowed to troll without reproach.

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No, I said he's acting childish. Didn't actually call him childish. Please read posts before posting a reply.




The -only- childish thing about this entire thread... is the fact that it actually exists.



Then again, I think it only exists because of folks like you... who seem to think that because we Americans decided to BS up some story that our Lord and Master gave us all these arbitrary rights and freedoms created not by divine power, but largely taken from a prominent author whose name you should be familiar with if you have any grasp of U.S. history at all... the rest of the world operates on those principles.


Let's put it to you in the most blunt terms possible: You have no rights.


None. Nadda. Zip. You aren't even entitled to BREATHE. You are a worthless, squirming sack of meat and bone... one of billions on this planet whose pathetic little brains tell them to keep on living despite the fact that the universe is pretty steadily attempting to crush you out of existence. It's not just you, either. We all are... thus the wonderful 'Human Experience' folks go on about so often. We suffer, we laugh, we cry, we triumph... but the only thing we are GUARANTEED in this life... is that one day, it's over.


Death. That's your only right. Anything else, you have to take for yourself... or hope to whatever God you might pray to that someone will stand up for you instead. That's how countries are born. That's how civilizations are founded. You are dependent upon someone else to grant and secure your 'rights'... which by all accounts are nothing more than shallow promises which can be broken at any time on the whim of persons corrupt enough to do so.


Now take into account that the rights you are claiming to possess, those pseudo-rights granted not by virtue of existing but rather the blood sweat and tears of your given nation, in NO way grant you the right to do any of the things you are claiming. You have the right to speak your mind. You have the right to enjoy yourself. You have the right to seek out your fortune and success and live your life to the fullest.


But there's a caveat... written right there into the Bill of Rights... that states that your rights may NOT infringe upon the rights of others to do these things.


That is to say that even if you are a 'Free Citizen' of the United States... you still don't have the right to go into other peoples' places... take what you want... insult them... and then wait for the government to back you up. What you have just done is in fact VIOLATE the rights of someone else... in this case an entire website full of someones.


And the owner of that site, by virtue of being given the 'right' to own property... is well within -his- rights to ban the crap out of you just for looking at him wrong. And if you don't like it, tough.


That's how the world works. And your childish beliefs to the contrary contribute to the reason that a LOT of folks don't like us Americans. We think our 'God-granted' rights (granted not by God, of course, but the Constitution of the United States of America... in turn an article which ripped off popular philosophy of the day) apply to all the world, and so we walk around never knowing when it's best to just 'Do as the Romans Do.'


When -is- it best to toss Christians into the pit to fight against Lions again? I always forget.




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