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Inaccessable caves and tombs


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Wow! Do you mind my asking- what are your favorite mods? After I finished the game, I went on to Oblivion. However, I would love to play through Morrowind again more heavily modded. Do you have some highly recommended mods for me to try?




You might want to post this as a separate thread, where it's likely to get more responses. Not to mention, Aaron's got a different problem, here. ;)


PS: I currently have 212 mods running--it's a chore keeping it down below the limit. :D


I was camping when I read your post. Now that I am not longer trying to type/navigate on my phone, I'll do that.





p.s. I do hope you will post your favorites on my thread!

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Wow! Do you mind my asking- what are your favorite mods? After I finished the game, I went on to Oblivion. However, I would love to play through Morrowind again more heavily modded. Do you have some highly recommended mods for me to try?




You might want to post this as a separate thread, where it's likely to get more responses. Not to mention, Aaron's got a different problem, here. ;)


PS: I currently have 212 mods running--it's a chore keeping it down below the limit. :D

Have you ever had any game corruptions if so, what was the remedy?

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Attempt no. 40 has failed, Morrowind re-installed from scratch (yes, i did it in the right order - 32 times), 7h 15m into game (total time), left Mar Gan tradehouse after training 'Morrowind not responding,' used Heather cottage teleport ring to get out. 7h 45m Sadrith Mora main gate cell, 'morrowind not responding.' 8h 5m molag mar not responding, 8h 20m Dissapla mine/stronghold cell not responding, by 8h 50m every exist from any mage guild 'not responding.' The only common mods in these areas is vibrant morrowind, mca Jenova race mod wearing brotherhood armor. I therefore ask the question again, what causes these breakdowns. It's been 9 years since this game came out, surely some one had invented a patch or tool that catches these bugs by now. I have less than half the mods of suzypike and my game ceases to respond in less than nine hours (3 days) of game time.
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Hey Aaron, I'm probably the LAST person to get advice from. The Westly Master Headpack totally crashed my game and I had to do a complete reinstall.. :turned:


However, do you have the Unofficial Morrowind Patch?, and I think there is an Unofficial Unofficial Patch- look here and here and see if you have those patches. BTB's fixes have worked very well for me. If he has an edited version of anything, I use his.


Also, since you run quite a few mods, have you tried disabling them one at a time to see if you can find out which one it is? It might be just one that you wouldn't mind living without. I had trouble with Better Heads- EVERYBODY uses better heads, but I can't. There may be a mod that your system is just not going to run.


Okay, that's all I know. Hopefully, someone who knows much more than I will be able to help you more.

Oh, it might be a pain, but you could try posting this in the Morrowind Mods forum- or the Tech Support forum... or both. I don't know which would help you more.



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Suzy, you ARE the one to talk too. MWSE 9.4, MPP Beta 1.65, Morrowind Code patch 2.0 (I decided to keep the hatch as it has useful items). I do have Westly's Head Pack and the latest Better Head/Bodies. What were the signs that preceded the Westly crash? For me the screen freezes a random door or cell transitions (even in the wilderness where there is nothing out there) but the music keeps playing. I assumed slow transition but, after 15m? I had as little as 30 mods now 102. I do not know if it is even mod related. As for disabling mods, the common mods in the wilderness is Better Heads/Bodies/Clothes/Sounds/Weather, Westly, Vibrant Morrowind (Better looking morrowind previous installs), Hostile Attackers (wandering villians), MCA, COV (companions), my character Jenova Child (some times Dremora, Markynaz, Mharjan). No exclamation marks.
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My game crashed immediately upon loading a game after Westlys. Then after that my Better Heads wouldn't work- actually no heads would work but the vanilla heads. I never have gotten BH to work again- after several clean reinstalls. I just gave up on it. I don't think Westlys is your problem.


You don't get any kind of error messages at all? Do you have Wrye Mash? Are all your boxes green?


There are two unnofficial patches that I don't see listed in your posts anywhere. They are both hugh- One is called the Unoffical Patch Project I think. The links are in one of my earlier posts. You could try them.


You could also start a new game and enable mods one at a time- tedious but effective. I, on the other hand am lazy. I would start a new game with my most likely suspect mod disabled. If my game started crashing, I'd disable another. I have started no telling how many test games to check my mods. I don't even care what their skills are- I am just trying to get far enough in the game to see if I get a crash. You could also try those unofficial patches if you don't have them and put them way down in your load order.


I am no mod expert. I am more experienced with Oblivion mods than Morrowind, and the utilities are easier in Oblivion. If you use Wrye, you could take a screenshot of what it's telling you and post it on here. Maybe someone could find a load order problem.


Good Luck



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Have you ever had any game corruptions if so, what was the remedy?


Several years ago I dropped a moderately developed character because of constant game corruption. I couldn't go for 15 minutes at a time. But that was before the Morrowind Code Patch. Now, with MCP and a regular use of Repair All in Wrye Mash, I can play for a couple of hours at a time without crashing.


It helps to avoid mod conflicts, too. ;)

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Install all the mods that you intend to use from the start and no more. Escog and mlox very useful, copy and paste into main folder. Better Bodies then Heads. Never say YESTOALL. Say NO, read Warnings, mods listed, open/save in CS, always save all land mods.

Unofficial Morrowind Patch IS Morrowind Patch Project 1.65 Beta. When my game froze the Warning revealed missing clothes that is apart of COV and Better Clothes. I do not know if it is the cause or result. MCA puts NPCs in mines/tombs/caves.

My game is now dead, that is, it is no longer accessable. At the begining it was perfect, 102 mods no conflicts, it even 'felt' smooth running. Then it happens, I exit a door (any door) or cell that I previously entered but a few minutes ago and get 'morrowind not responding.' One after another doors and celkls shut down. Finally the game fails to even load. Corruption seems more accurate, only solution is to delete Morrowind. Is there a way to fix corruptions in a saved game? How can it be avoided? Is there a tool that seek out these corruptions and fix it?

Could disable mods one at a time, but if the game is already corrupted would it make it worse? I could just reinstall from scratch (attempt 33). Spend months replaying the game a hundred times just to find that it is not the mods but built in leftover bugs that kill the game.

Edited by aaron9258
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  • 4 weeks later...

Install all the mods that you intend to use from the start and no more. Escog and mlox very useful, copy and paste into main folder. Better Bodies then Heads. Never say YESTOALL. Say NO, read Warnings, mods listed, open/save in CS, always save all land mods.

Unofficial Morrowind Patch IS Morrowind Patch Project 1.65 Beta. When my game froze the Warning revealed missing clothes that is apart of COV and Better Clothes. I do not know if it is the cause or result. MCA puts NPCs in mines/tombs/caves.

My game is now dead, that is, it is no longer accessable. At the begining it was perfect, 102 mods no conflicts, it even 'felt' smooth running. Then it happens, I exit a door (any door) or cell that I previously entered but a few minutes ago and get 'morrowind not responding.' One after another doors and celkls shut down. Finally the game fails to even load. Corruption seems more accurate, only solution is to delete Morrowind. Is there a way to fix corruptions in a saved game? How can it be avoided? Is there a tool that seek out these corruptions and fix it?

Could disable mods one at a time, but if the game is already corrupted would it make it worse? I could just reinstall from scratch (attempt 33). Spend months replaying the game a hundred times just to find that it is not the mods but built in leftover bugs that kill the game.


I would advise the use of Wrye Mash to help with your load order, leveled list and the like. It is somewhat complected (not TOO much though...just requires some reading) but it will save you a lot in the future. I also periodically take my saves and copy them outside the MW folder to keep them.



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