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Ok folks not having enough free time to play the game as much as I would like due to working odd hours and 2 jobs. I'm currently in Chapter 1. Now was looking over a wiki for the game that has the quests for which you can obtain in Chapter 1 and see that I've not yet done or come across the following listed in no paticular order:


!. killing of the Kayran

2. Rose of Remeberance

3. Death to the traitor

4. Where is Triss Merigold

5. At a Crossroads either Vernon Roche or the Scoia'tael

6. Margot's Disappearance


Now I believe I've talked to just about every one there is to talk to and none of them other than the killing of the Kayran has been made available. Now are all these started after I battle the Kayran and beat it or will/can some be done before the battle with the Kayran and if so which ones? And whom do I talk to to get the quests? As for the Kayran I'm ready to fight that thing and have everything for it. So not to worried about that one.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Go get the Kayran....have fun (heh) and the rest are all after. 'Where is Triss' is ongoing to the last chapter. NOTE: 'At a crossroads' is a turning point for the story and how it develops. I won't say anything more as I don't want to ruin your first play through.


Take your time and do the side quests. In Chapter 1, you can find those on the board outside the Inn. Each Chapter has those. :thumbsup:

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There is also a reasonable walkthrough here: http://guides.gamepressure.com/thewitcher2assassinsofkings/ but it only goes as far as chapter 2. It's interactive so you can just read the quest you are stuck on without having to troll through the rest.



Ok now I'm trying to decide to go with La Roche or the Scoitel<sp?>. Leaning towards La Roche since I screwed over Ivoeth and didn't give him his sword back when I fought the King Slayer the first time. Not sure if I can trust him not to pay me back with filling me like a pin cushion.<LOL> Now will I be able to contin with the Mystic River quest for which I've started no matters who's help I get?

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Ok now I'm trying to decide to go with La Roche or the Scoitel<sp?>. Leaning towards La Roche since I screwed over Ivoeth and didn't give him his sword back when I fought the King Slayer the first time. Not sure if I can trust him not to pay me back with filling me like a pin cushion.<LOL> Now will I be able to contin with the Mystic River quest for which I've started no matters who's help I get?



(You're probably already made the commitment by now, but just in case you're still wondering...)

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Ok now I'm trying to decide to go with La Roche or the Scoitel<sp?>. Leaning towards La Roche since I screwed over Ivoeth and didn't give him his sword back when I fought the King Slayer the first time. Not sure if I can trust him not to pay me back with filling me like a pin cushion.<LOL> Now will I be able to contin with the Mystic River quest for which I've started no matters who's help I get?



(You're probably already made the commitment by now, but just in case you're still wondering...)


Well yes I figured that I would take La Roche's way this time through since it's my first time. You see I did the battle with the Kingslayer twice. Once was because a quest entitled "Matter of Incense" or some such like that Failed when I gave Ivoeth back his sword and than had the battle with the Kingslayer. By not given him his sword it didn't fail. Found out after the fact that it was a bug and the quest shouldn't have failed since I did complete it. This is suppose to be correct with the release of 1.3.

Edited by redneck1st
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