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Underwear mod for npcs only?


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I want to use some male and female underwear mods, since naked dead bodies all over the floor don't fit my taste.



I have problems with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2488/ (better males - slip), where all males have d1ck and are naked. It must be a mod order problem, because i remember this mod works well.



I remember i had a white langerie mod, but i can't find it anymore (maybe i wasn't logged when i downloaded it). And that mod used to add langeries for me and for all the npcs. Question is: are there mods to add langeries for npcs only, skipping my char? Does such mod exists?


*I'm using UNP bodies.

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You can use my Custom Player Body mod to bypass the default for the player while leaving NPCs alone. Thus you can have a nude player with NPCs wearing underwear. Drawback is that the head mod you pick needs to match up with both the body for the player and for the NPCs. Also it modifies the player actor record so there could be potential for some conflict...

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