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Just a generic rant


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Hey ladies and germs,


Just a quick rant, with the side-effect of maybe finding out I'm not overreacting and others are annoyed by it too. :tongue:


Okay, here we go:


1. Logical contradictions


Why, by the beard of my aunt, are people suddenly so dependent on my help? They have lived all their lives in the darn wasteland, without me being present at all, so why am I suddenly the most important asset to their survival? I mean, I have avoided the Minutemen to avoid getting bombed with "A settlement could use your help" type of quests, but now my settlers themselves are approaching me like "We really need your help!!! D: " - Upon asking what's up, I am told that "That place really could use your help". Come on, really?


Another logical contradiction is the "Sure we have high quality military special forces personnel, but only you can do it!" - It was during my BoS playthrough, where I noticed, that a faction with an airship, hundreds, if not thousands of highly trained soldiers in fogin power armor, and high tech weaponry, should be able to be at least a little bit self sufficient, right? Because if you side with another faction, the other factions do just fine without you, why not the faction you're in? I know, one could argue "If they wouldn't need you, there would be no reason to join them and thus no playability" - But Todd Howard himself said, that the player's freedom of choice is their highest priority. And I choose to not do their dirty work, which in return halts my story progress. Not very freedomy.


2. Artificial Intelligence


By the gods, we all have seen it. We all have felt the sting of pain, seeing our settlers struggling with getting around a damn barrel, or finding out what to do when confronted with stairs. I won't badmouth the game as a whole, because I love it to bits, but a tad bit more work on that department in future patches would be nice. Because I really would love to see my guards guarding my settlements, instead of seeing their comrades drop like flies, and their only comment on that being "Huh? Is someone there?" - This is just kicking my trust in Bethesda in the balls, seeing as the settlement part of the game takes up a huge chunk of it. The mechanics are not perfect, but they're still fun, as long as things work out like they should, sure.... but at some point... I just can't stand the sight of 15 settlers gathering in the towncenter, staring at me and be like "Yea?", "Hello", "Did you need something", with the creepiest facial expressions ever.


Another problem I came across, is the omniscience of enemies. First off, why would I need a sniper rifle with a suppressor attached, when killing one enemy from afar, automatically transmits my position to every enemy in the vicinity? I'm all in for sneaky playstyles and all that stuff, but everything Bethesda has worked on in that regard, like the sneaking and the suppressors, just loses it's value in the game, and it turns into a random visual/audio gimmick that has no real impact on the gameplay.


Nothing more to say for now... just needed to vent, after spending 3 days to turn Hangman's Alley into a neat and nice-looking settlement...with no-brainers as inhabitants.

Edited by T00LK1D
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I have the issue with stealth as well, though enemies immediately getting my location upon first silenced shot is rare, mostly cause when I fire once I change location and fire again. But still most logical reaction when two raiders are on guard and one suddenly drops down dead, the other one usually either panics or starts looking around while going to cover, yet they shouldn't know where you are. In Skyrim it worked, perhaps even in New Vegas, trying to kill them up close and personal while staying in shadows is nearly impossible so I ditched my beloved combat knife.

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Hehe, you've got some points there. The storything i can live with (even if i totally understand the point), but i am really with you on the A.i. Its really annoying to have brahmins caught in houses, doors to small to walk through for them. Settlers that walk against walls like they are flies with no memory, that fly against the window for hours. And about the stealth thing, yes this is annoying, too, especially in survival it gets pretty hard if your not on a roof or something, and a dozen ghouls run at you immediatly after the first shot. Add to this, i have to reload my sniperrifle after every shot because of the animation bug. Hope this will ever get fixed.

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Hehe, you've got some points there. The storything i can live with (even if i totally understand the point), but i am really with you on the A.i. Its really annoying to have brahmins caught in houses, doors to small to walk through for them. Settlers that walk against walls like they are flies with no memory, that fly against the window for hours. And about the stealth thing, yes this is annoying, too, especially in survival it gets pretty hard if your not on a roof or something, and a dozen ghouls run at you immediatly after the first shot. Add to this, i have to reload my sniperrifle after every shot because of the animation bug. Hope this will ever get fixed.

The brahmin thing is more realistic than you think. Have you ever been around cows?

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Hehe, you've got some points there. The storything i can live with (even if i totally understand the point), but i am really with you on the A.i. Its really annoying to have brahmins caught in houses, doors to small to walk through for them. Settlers that walk against walls like they are flies with no memory, that fly against the window for hours. And about the stealth thing, yes this is annoying, too, especially in survival it gets pretty hard if your not on a roof or something, and a dozen ghouls run at you immediatly after the first shot. Add to this, i have to reload my sniperrifle after every shot because of the animation bug. Hope this will ever get fixed.


Haha, yes i do live in a small village with cows, and there was never ever one of them in one of the houses arround :D

And, if the door is too small to go out, how did she go in?

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And, if the door is too small to go out, how did she go in?



Heh, propably the same way a giant sentry bot takes place behind a shop counter. By resizing. No joke, I've seen a giant Ahab-style sentry bot manning a shop/store in a settlement... and to fit behind the counter, he was scaled on the fly lol.

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Let me jump on the Bandwagon...


I also am thoroughly irritated with the amount of administration I now have to do in FO4.

I can walk up on a settlement and there are 20 people standing in a bunch starving to death because none of them have the autonomous initiative to watch out for the plants I planted last time.


Its fix these, plant that, assign this, go there, get the supply train, build a bed and watch for enemies…


I'm not an administrator, I'm a HUNTER!


If I wanted to play SIM City I would have BOUGHT SIM CITY!!!

I have a mind to ignore every request for settlements, supply lines, food, housing and beds and just let the fockers die out.


Woof, that felt good!


Well I still love the Fallout series and I hope they continue to make it but let the settlers fix stuff themselves. Put it there and let them organize.


Do them a favor, build a house, plant some food and put in well. That's the max.



Otherwise I got Deathclaws to kill…

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