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MOD Idea: Facility Signage


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I design my settlements around a few different themes, some are focused on a more military slant, some on a community theme, some as simply Wasteland Survival, ... and usually one or two where I put all my most advanced buildings into play.


I have seen several MODS with signage that ....


(a) uses the vanilla signs from FO4, to allow those signs to be placed into other locations as well.


(b) makes use of custom signage derived from real world signs to allow some customisation.


However, I still haven't seen a MOD that provides signage that allows some variety but focuses on the kinds of buildings that a player might make to include in their settlements.


What I would love to have to place on a building, the sign text is as follows:


Mess Hall ../ Community Center ../ Barracks ../ Power Station .../ Toolshed ../ Schoolhouse ../ Armory .../ Tech Center .../ Saloon ../ Holding Facility .../ Bunkhouse .../ Greenhouse .../ Co -Op ../ Library .../ Rec Center ..../ Training Area ../ Eatery .../

Generals Quarters ../ Generator Room ../ Trading Post .../ Cafe ../ Storage ../ Research .../ Tooling .../ Gardens ../ Quarantine Area ../ Tattoo Parlor ../ Apothecary .../ Druggist .../


I think those signs are generic enough to work for MANY people to add some additional building spice to their games, and If wishes were rainbows, I'd love some custom-specific-to-me, signs; lol...such as:


16 Point Bucks Trading Station


After Hours Club


Chauncys Pub


High Tech Rex's


Commonwealth Mutfruit Winery


The Brew 'n Chew


Petes' Pistols


Adam's Ribs 'n Beer


The Stitch Witch


lol...but anyway, I hope someone thinks enough of the idea to want to create at least the first list.













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I design my settlements around a few different themes, some are focused on a more military slant, some on a community theme, some as simply Wasteland Survival, ... and usually one or two where I put all my most advanced buildings into play.


I have seen several MODS with signage that ....


(a) uses the vanilla signs from FO4, to allow those signs to be placed into other locations as well.


(b) makes use of custom signage derived from real world signs to allow some customisation.


However, I still haven't seen a MOD that provides signage that allows some variety but focuses on the kinds of buildings that a player might make to include in their settlements.


What I would love to have to place on a building, the sign text is as follows:




Well, you might check out my mods "Gruffydd's Signs and Posters" and "Gruffydd's Signs of the Times".

Edited by Gruffydd
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Well, you might check out my mods "Gruffydd's Signs and Posters" and "Gruffydd's Signs of the Times".




Thanks, I will take a closer look. I have previously looked at several of your signage mods, but didn't DL them because I felt the content wasn't what I was looking for specifically; although one of your signs of the times mods does feature signs taken from the vanilla assets (building marquees and signs), and they look very good, but I had wanted something that wasn't to be found already placed in the Commonwealth. Such as I don't want to put a Greygarden sign up for one of my greenhouse areas.


But thanks much for noticing my request and I will take another look at your mods.

Edited by PoppaSmirk
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I design my settlements around a few different themes, some are focused on a more military slant, some on a community theme, some as simply Wasteland Survival, ... and usually one or two where I put all my most advanced buildings into play.


I have seen several MODS with signage that ....


(a) uses the vanilla signs from FO4, to allow those signs to be placed into other locations as well.


(b) makes use of custom signage derived from real world signs to allow some customisation.


However, I still haven't seen a MOD that provides signage that allows some variety but focuses on the kinds of buildings that a player might make to include in their settlements.


What I would love to have to place on a building, the sign text is as follows:




Well, you might check out my mods "Gruffydd's Signs and Posters" and "Gruffydd's Signs of the Times".


I took another look at the sample pics from this one, http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9711/? and it might have some of what I was looking for. :smile: I don't see anything about Schoolhouse, or Command Post, et al, but I can see myself using some of the signs.

Edited by PoppaSmirk
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You don't see because generally, we have a lot of signs and you'd never run out of stuff to use around :)


Gruffy has a custom made mod too. Maybe he'd be willing to make some for you.

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You don't see because generally, we have a lot of signs and you'd never run out of stuff to use around :smile:


Gruffy has a custom made mod too. Maybe he'd be willing to make some for you.

Hey ! You are the Boat Man. Love your MOD. When I get to Spectacle Island, I'm going to be trying it out :) Maybe at Egret too !!


Plus, I would have no qualms about Gruffydd making some Custom Signs (for me) lol.

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