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What is Your dovakiin's Background

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Zalik Ramesiv a darkelf assassin was hired by the 2 nd house matron mother in menzoberanza to kill the 1 st house matron mother . As he was about to slit her throught he was blinded by an unholly light and then he could see and he realized he was in the 6 th layer of the abyss with demons all around him then the most beautiful female darkelf he has ever seen appears in front of him he instantly bows as low as he can for he know he is in the company of Lothle the spider queen the god of the drows then she speaks

" rise zalik Ramesiv you will take this punishment like a drow. You were about to kill my most valuable priestess this I can not tolerate that since you were able to infiltrate and you were able to kill her if I had not intervene I will not take yor life but I will curse you for the rest of yourdays you will live on the surface but not on faerun you will be sent to another realm to live with the cursed darkelfs on that realm all your innate abiltys have been stripped from you no more faire fire no more infrared vision no more levitation all that remains is your skills and your connection with the soul of your dead brother go now male and suffer your curse" instantly a beam of light that might aswell been the sun engulfed zalik and when he came to he was on the surface but the light did not burn his eyes as he looked down he was surrounded by humans and he had a bloodied blade in his hand and a dead human was at his feet judging by his adorned armor he felt he was a general or someone of importants so the curse begins he was captured with no fight A week passes buy an he is told tommorow he would be exicuted he yells out loud damn you spider kissing hag then he begins to laugh.............

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A wandering rouge Nordic Wizard-warrior. (he is the son of my Breton in Oblivion, who was also a wizard-warrior hybrid) After being taught some of the finest spellsword techniques from his father, he comes to Skyrim to seek fame and fortune... only the game will tell what happens next.


Skyrim is set 200 years after your oblivion Breton would have died...

If his dad was a powerfully wizard he could have cast any number of rejuvination spells on him self to prolong his life long enough to have a child at the age of 170 or w/e

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IDK. I've always wanted to try making a full fleshed out character for elder scrolls but usually when I play there is a point where i really want to do that thing that my character would never do and once I do it I have to come up with some dumb reason why my character wanted to do that and I just feel held back. I may try making a character that will accomodate all the things I want to do.
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A wandering rouge Nordic Wizard-warrior. (he is the son of my Breton in Oblivion, who was also a wizard-warrior hybrid) After being taught some of the finest spellsword techniques from his father, he comes to Skyrim to seek fame and fortune... only the game will tell what happens next.


Skyrim is set 200 years after your oblivion Breton would have died...

If his dad was a powerfully wizard he could have cast any number of rejuvination spells on him self to prolong his life long enough to have a child at the age of 170 or w/e

You could just add a family tree in there and just say the magic was passed down through the 5 or so generations, making your character not the son of but the great great great great great grandson of your oblivion character.

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Brother Eouriey Goethe (pronounced Yor-ay Gur-tuh); Imperial, ranger/witchhunter. Imprisoned for being a part of the heretical "Priesthood" a religion that worships neither the 9 nor the deadra.



A middle-aged monk of the "Priesthood." Brother Eouriey was one of the least impressive rangers in the priesthood, the only other member of the order worse at his job was Brother Gregor...who was the cook. He is a kind man, with an affinity towards bladed instruments. Swords, axes, daggers etc. No one know why he chose to be one of the rangers who carry out the will of the order to remove witches and necromancers, he seems far more suited to be one of the Men-at-Arms who protect the monasteries. The reason he's such a lousy ranger is because he is incredibly loud, and can't sneak to save his life. He was caught crossing the border while chasing a witch. Unfortunately for him, the whole of Skyrim could hear his footsteps and his endless whistling and humming as he trudged through the forest in search of a witch.

Edited by iansutton91
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Marten Septim in his younger days was a daedra worshipper and practiced daedric magics.

During those days, he joined cults and visited daedric shrines. During his practices, Marten met a beautiful darkelf.

I need not explain Martens personal experiences with the said woman, however she shortly gave birth to Martens daughter during the Oblivion Crisis. Marten was unaware of his "good" blessings at the time. However, the Mythic Dawn was well aware of this woman and hunted her down.

She fled killed her initial attackers, but was grieviously injured... grabbing her baby, she cast a Recall spell to flee back to Bruma just as more Mythic Dawn agents surrounded her...

Having escaped her pursuers for the moment, she imediately left to Skyrim... however, her restoration skills were lacking and she soon died under the combined weight of her wounds and the cold weather... luckily she had stayed on the road- and a unknown passing traveler found the corpse and the baby. He continued to Skyrim with the baby, but left her in someone elses temporary care afterwards.

Curiously, the baby showed no signs of Martens heritage, only darkelf blood showed through and through.

It is unknown what happened in the years that followed, but Martens daughter grew up learning the destructive magical arts, as well as theiving.. as she was too poor to support herself and she had left the foster family as soon as she was able.


Today she stands to be executed... for the murder of a noble/hunter who attacked her after see'ing her steal his prized catch of the day. She had fried him to a crisp with her destructive magics out of fright.

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my character will be a nord who lives in cyrodil and he want to visit his family. on his way to skyrim he were captured by some bandits who also want to pass to skyrim. while he is in a cage the bandits were cought by local guard. to escapd from the guard they released the character among with other prisoners they got to fight the guard. the prisoners didnt know why they fighting, the guards thougth that they are with the bandits so they took theme to execution. while the exicution the character saw a dragon from afar and only he heard the dragon says some words. the character repited that word and he breathe fire on the guards. he escped, said goodbye to the other prisoners and went to skyrim.


the amazing thing that I thought about it in 1 minute

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My character will be a seasoned Imperial mercenary who came to Skyrim to earn some gold.....then he finds out that he is a dragon born, s*** hits the fan from that point on :thumbsup:
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My Nord will actually be an honest working man (For once) with a background as a blacksmith, making weapons and tools for hunters and adventurers. Coming from a very small traditional nord village between the mountains and the woods, where people depend on whatever nature has to offer in order to survive. One early morning he returns to his home from a three day long hunting trip, only to find his village completely empty, with traces of blood and splatter all over the place. As he start searching the place for anyone that might be left and alive, a group of hunters from another neighbor village arrives with hopes of trading. Terrified with what they're met with, they see this confused lone Nord running around the place, with bloodstains on his clothes from some of the dead animals he just came home carrying. The hunters immediately figured it was human blood and that he was responsible for all this, and quickly surrounded him with their weapons drawn. They demanded he told them what he had done with all the bodies, and who else there might be involved. He couldn't answer their questions, and they didn't believe whatever else he said, so they took him prisoner and escorted him to the nearest town where he would be thrown into prison before being given a last chance to explain what happened.


And yeah, that's where I expect to pick up the story :P This will actually cross the story of my recent Imperial character I played in Oblivion as well. Since she's a vampire, she'll still be alive and kickin ;) The plan is to recreate her as an NPC later on, interactive in one way or another, possibly for trading rare ingredients and boosts.


Still haven't decided the characters name though.

Edited by Mr. Bravo
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