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Problems installing OBSE


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I've bought the game from D2D Direct 2 Drive, or Direct 2 Buy, idk what the heck it's called. It's the Game Of The Year Edition Deluxe.


But when i tried to install OBSE this is the error i got, and mind you i don't know what version oblivion is on, but people said after shivering isles i wouldn't have to patch it, and i even tried to find the patch to make sure, but all links including the ones on this site, end up dead. So that was no help at all. But here is the error i am getting.


"You have an unknown version of Oblivion. Please check http://obse.silverlock.org to make sure you're using the latest version of obse, then send a email to the contact addresses listed in the obse readme, if this version is not supported in the latest release. (CRC = 4156B428).


Keep in mind i have the latest version of obse, 2.0 or 20 or something like that.

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Unfortunately the Direct 2 Drive and Impulse versions of the game are not compatible with OBSE. To satisfy DRM requirements both versions are encrypted, and it's illegal for the OBSE team to break that encryption to inject their code into the executable. For an online download version of the game Steam is the only option. The teams at Steam and OBSE worked together to ensure the Steam version would work with OBSE and satisfy DRM. All disk versions of the game support OBSE.
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Yes i know i won't get a refund. So i waste $25, which means i won't be able to get another version anytime soon.


Makes me want to rip out d2d's jugulars.

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