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Several weird Problems with MGSO


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I thought about starting this topic in Mod-Talk, but after I´ve read a little, I thought I`m right here.

At first, sorry for my bad english, my mothertongue is german. I`ll try to minimize mistakes.


Ok so an other thing I want to point out, is, that I`ve tried around 2 weeks, to get MGSO to work, I`ve readen hundreds of Forums here and on several other websites. I really tried all things nothing worked.

And now I really have a Problem that is unique in the web (Don`t know wether I`ve to be proud on it xD).


I`ve bought Morrowind Goty 5 years ago, I love this Game much more than others, 2 weeks ago, I decided to install MGSO to give it a better look.


After several problems exspecially with MGE, I was finally able to solve it, but then it gets weird.


There are some Problems with the Morrowind.ini. At first she has the 500-600 lines, after I run MGE she only contains [Game Files]. When i tried to start Morrowind I get the warning:

"Font 0 not found in .\Morrowind.ini." So this is a old Problem, I tried 2 ways at this point:

1) Reinstall (around 20 times) no result so this way didnt lead anywhere

2) Manually put this in:


Font 0=magic_cards_regular

Font 1=century_gothic_font_regular

Font 2=daedric_font"


This helped.

But then he didnt found the coursers:"Failed to load cursor: Meshes\cursor.nif. Meshes\cursor.nif cannot load file"

Like above ther are only 2 solutions on the web the one (u could imagine) Reinstall, should i tell i did it? Ok i did it 3 times at this point, but it didnt helped.

I`ve copied this part in the .ini and it worked:


Cursor 0=cursor

Cursor 1=cursormove

; Use item

Cursor 2=cursor

; Place item

Cursor 3=cursor_drop

; Drop item at feet

Cursor 4=cursor_drop_ground"


Okay next thing is the old snowflake:"Failed to load snowflake: Meshes\BM_Snow_01.nif."

Okay at this point also the people say: "Try Reinstall" NO! This is no solutions........

I manually copied this file from the Bloodmoon Installation Files to Morrowind.

Next thing: Somthing with "Blizzard" is also missing, ergo: also manually copied this file.


Next thing: Missing textures "BM_Player_hit_01"

Next thing: Missing textures "Werwolf_overlay"

Both had to be added manually.


Next: It told me to add the "Water stuff to the .ini:


;Editor Alpha ranges from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)

;An alpha of 1.0 shows the water as it will appear in game.

Editor Alpha=0.25

Map Alpha=0.4

World Alpha=0.75











RippleScale=0.15, 6.5


RippleAlphas=0.7, 0.1, 0.01









NearWaterIndoorID=Water Layer

NearWaterOutdoorID=Water Layer









Next I have to add the Blood Stuff:


Model 0=BloodSplat.nif

Model 1=BloodSplat2.nif

Model 2=BloodSplat3.nif


Texture 0=Tx_Blood.tga

Texture 1=Tx_Blood_White.tga

Texture 2=Tx_Blood_Gold.tga


Texture Name 0=Default (Red)

Texture Name 1=Skeleton (White)

Texture Name 2=Metal Sparks (Gold)"


Next thing: "Could not find the movie file mwind_logo.bik"

Solution at this point: The holy Reinstall! Should i mention, that this didnt worked or should i go on?

I copied this Part in the .ini


Company Logo=bethesda logo.bik

Morrowind Logo=mw_logo.bik

New Game=mw_intro.bik


Options Menu=mw_menu.bik"


Next thing: "Unable to find the region "Azura`s Coast Region" in Load for Cell "Wilderness".


Here is the Point were I find nothing, no one has a similar Problem. All soltutions didnt worked.

If I click on "keep running this apllication", Morrowind will load my .esm and .esp for around 15-20 min.

When its nearly ready ("Initializing Loaded Data") It says : No Player NPC in the loaded files"

Also there is only 1 result in Google and this didn`t worked either.


The last creepy thing is that I don`t have a savegame folder. Maybe a conclusion?


I really searched all mentiond paths, but didnt find anything.


I also installed the MGSO Patches (1.1.+1.2.) this didn`t change anything.

I installed MGSO point for point like this tutorial: Morrowind Overhaul S&G Installation Videotutorial


So again im really sorry for my bad english.

I hope someone could help me.......

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It seems that you have a bad install of Morrowind, try uninstalling the game, defrag and re-insall the game. I know this sounds daft but there are one or two other things that could help as well. When you re-install the game, put on ALL of the official mods you use as well as any other unofficial ones, then patch the game with the latest patch BEFORE you begin playing.


This method is one I often use, and it works well, as once you start playing, you tend to "freeze" the morrowind.ini file.


No problems with your English though - I could easily understand it.

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It seems that you have a bad install of Morrowind, try uninstalling the game, defrag and re-insall the game. I know this sounds daft but there are one or two other things that could help as well. When you re-install the game, put on ALL of the official mods you use as well as any other unofficial ones, then patch the game with the latest patch BEFORE you begin playing.


This method is one I often use, and it works well, as once you start playing, you tend to "freeze" the morrowind.ini file.


Ok thanks for your help ;)

The Problem is: This is what I did.... I didn`t start the game before installing all Mod Patches......Therefore I thought, that its maybe the other way around, because I didn`t start the game before he cannot find I Player (because the Player Charakter also belongs to NPC - source: NPC). This would also explain, why I didnt have a savegame folder.

But im not sure first I will try your advise, then try it with starting in beetween.


there are one or two other things that could help as well

What is one your mind?

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Ok tried it 2 times now..... We came to the same point: "Font 0 is missing" and so on.....


Maybe I should install it to another directory? (I install it here: C:Games/Morrowind, so there should be no Problem with UAC because I use Win7)

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The problem begins to solve itself! You are running a Windows Vista or Windows 7 O/S. The big problem with these is that you have that security system in place, you can de-activate it, but you'll still keep getting error messages. Yes by all means put Morrowind in a different directory - I have 3 hard drives, C, D and E. C is for the O/S, drivers and any programmes that absolutely need to be on C drive. D is used both for games and also has all my Program files on it. E is for ALL my personal data files - such files as are generated by a program I use, also all of my downloads and other odds and ends.


If you only have one drive, then use this address: C\Games\Morrowind. this way you'll avoid that security programme - by the way it may also be a good idea to go into Control panel and turn it off there anyway.

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Mhmmm ok so I install it to another location,this didn`t change anything......


I have looked at another point! So I run Test-Tool before I play.

Last time I didn`t and I get other warnings.....

There was an problem, that he cant find sth. in morrowind.esm

I looked again and it seems to be, that the morrowind esm gets less! Before she has got 75mb and at the end 25mb. So its the same like the ini.....


Ok im not sure what I can now, the only solution to fix a korrupted esm is (who thought of that!) a reinstall.......


Im sorry to tell, that I`m on vacation for the next 2-3 weeks, I may find a internet cafe, but dont mind if I dont answer that fast ;)


Yeah I got this!!!

Ok so the major Problem is: Im German... No this reads bad i know but I have the GERMAN-Version and installed ENGLISH-Plugins!

This is the Problem! i came to it because it says: Cannot find "Eingang zur Kalo-Höhle", but i found the file "Entrance to kalo-Cave"!!

Ok so I replaced all conflicting (english plugins with german translations, but I couldn`t find a german translation for

Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 beta. The Problem is: This is a master.... if i cannot aktivat it, i have to cut down all other plugins.....

Someone know a site for german translated plugins?

Edited by Crudelitas
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