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CTD when saving a game


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So, as the name applies, I keeping getting CTDs anytime that I attempt to save the game...whether it be via quicksave or save from the menu and even autosave is affected. This has just started in the last few days, and while I have updated a few mods, I don't believe that I have added anything new within that time frame. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if there is a possible fix and/or workaround.


Edit: It seems I can save withing a settlement, but not outside in a world space. This has me perplexed.

Edited by Crimsonhawk87
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Still waiting on some help with this issue. There is no rhyme or reason (that I can see) for CTD when saving, but it continues to persist, even when changing to different characters. It seemed to clear up for awhile then, poof, there it is again, anytime I try to save, whether it be autosave, manual save, or quicksave....CTD. I lost about 6 hours worth of settlement building last night and about 45 mins this morning. Any ideas about this would be much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On Fallout wiki it gave this info on how to do a save from the console. You could maybe give it a shot and see if that works...


SaveGame <filename> or save <filename> – Creates a save file with the given name.


Also have you gone into steam and validated your game files just to make sure all is well with the game?

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On Fallout wiki it gave this info on how to do a save from the console. You could maybe give it a shot and see if that works...


SaveGame <filename> or save <filename> – Creates a save file with the given name.


Also have you gone into steam and validated your game files just to make sure all is well with the game?

Thanks for the reply....yes, I have validated many, many times. Have not tried the console method of saving, will do so and see if that helps. Again, thx for the timely reply!

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Alas, the console save method caused a CTD as well. It seems like something is conflicting with the save mechanism at certain points in the game. I can switch characters, play for a few hours, then it starts with that character. I've tried 3 new games and the saves tend to start going wonky around the Concord area, sometimes in the outside area of Concord, sometimes in the Museum. On another character it's around vault 81 area.

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Wow that is weird..... Wish I could suggest something else but I'm at a loss myself. If it were me I'd consider uninstalling FO4, deleting all of the ini files and reinstalling. Then from a clean vanilla game see if I still had the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have same issue. iwas level 90 on xbox 1 , keep getting message saying ive run out of space unable to save. yet i had deleted all but the first save. i have a 5tb hard drive i installed game to when i first got fallout 4. had no save issues until i got lvl. 90. i read oon wikki someone uninstalled game comletly ,reinstalled anhda no further issues, idid same but it didnt work, so now i lost everything and starting over with same issue. ican only do 1 save , ihave todelere previous save first, and do this before i get into a fight scene otherwise if i die i go back to when ever i last saved. anyone know if there is a fix coming for this save issue or can help out . im playing on xbox 1 with a 1tb hard drive an an external 5tb drive, both have ample free space. thank you in advance.


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  • 1 year later...

I am having the same problem. I am playing on Survival and I have a modded game. Suddenly I can't save. I have a Cigarette mod whereby I smoke and it saves the game. It now CTDs. I uninstalled the mod but when I go to sleep in a bed to save, it CTDs. Sometimes I can get it to save but it is very random. I am thinking a firing script may be interfering with the save...?

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Start a new game.


If you can save with the new character it is either a resource issue or a corrupted save.


Also try to load an earlier save.


If you can save indoors it is definitely a resource issue.


Any time you have a problem with this game or any game that uses this engine you to need to find out if the problem is in your save or in your game. So test with another character save before you trash your game.



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