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Original Armor graphic meshes


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Quick question, is there a way to find the original Oblivion meshes? Some of my boot meshes are missing: all female: Mithril, Orcish, Glass, Blades, and Steel. The Male boot mesh is ok, its path says: Armor\Steel\M\Boots.NIF When I go to that location there are not any meshes there, the path I tried was: Armor\Steel\F\ Can anyone tell me the path to the original meshes? Or is there some way of restoring default NIF File? That would be super. I am using DMRA Skimpy Armor Expanded. I have also looked to see if there was an updated file that corrected my issue. Any help would be great appreciated.
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The vanilla game resources (textures meshes etc.) are all located the the various bsa files (a compressed file format).
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Thanks guys, but how do I access the BSA file? Or is there a way to direct the model to look at the BSA file? I understand that the Mod is what messed up my meshes. I like the mod too much to turn it off. Just looking for away to fix it.


EDIT: So basically I need to find the missing mesh in the Oblivion - Meshes.bsa file, extract it to a knew location and relink that mesh to missing model. Thanks! So it seems some meshes are shared between the sexes, Mithril boots only has a M version.

Edited by pincus
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