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ESP File


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I need the ESP file, but I don't know what the file is and so would like a link so I can download it, I hope you can help me please.

An .esp file is an Elder Scrolls Plugin file.


Since there are thousands of .esp files available on Nexus, you must provide the game and a description of the file.

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This is for fallout 4 files does that help?

Only slightly. A description of what the mod is for, or does is necessary to help determine which mod you are looking for in the Fallout 4 mod base.

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Moved this to Fallout 4 section as at least the OP has given that much information.


That narrows it down to a little under 10,000 possible files. Currently FO4 shows 9,615 files on just Nexus most of those will have an esp, and some more than one. We need the actual name of the esp file, the name of the author would help. maybe someone would recognize it if you gave us a description of what it does.


You may want to look at the FILES -

at the top of the FO4 page, find the green FILES tab. HOVER your mouse over it do not click yet

A drop down menu will appear ( if you clicked you get the first item in that list)

Some useful selections are categories where the files are sorted by category

and Top files - the most popular files in several ways to look at them - all sorted by popularity.

Most endorsed of all time is since the beginning, while for last two weeks is just the most endorsed in the last two weeks.

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