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Mod Picker: The Fearsome Juggernaut


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By the way, based on this quote from TerrorFox1234,



Hi everyone,


I want to thank Dark0ne for giving me the time to talk with him privately/directly about this. He's had to spend far too much time on this given how full his plate his.


We have agreed to not scrape Nexus data for the time being per his request. We discussed revisiting it sometime after launch pending a good launch and smooth operation post-launch, but for now I understand his desire to wash his hands of this and focus on things like the GECK launch and site redesign (and all the other work I'm sure he has piled up on his desk).


It's unfortunate but it is what it is. Perhaps if the issue surrounding a questionable outdated mockup was the first and only issue it wouldn't have come to this...but I digress. We will lay in the bed we've made so to speak.


We are still move forward and nothing is changing. Even though we're not scraping we are not rescinding our Opt-Out statement, we are still looking for feedback and discussion, and we are still moving forward with the MA Only Beta. The only thing this changes is that mods hosted on Nexus won't have their statistical data listed on Mod Picker (i.e. download totals, endorsements, upload/update dates, etc)


It's been a tumultuous week but it seems the worst is over. Again, thank you Dark0ne for taking the time to speak with me and at least keep scraping on the backburner for future discussion.




Mod Picker is essentially dead at this point.

Nonsense. If you actually looked at the mock up, you'd see nexus statistics are a tiny portion of what we have to offer.

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Hey, guys.


I'm a mod user. I got into playing Skyrim a few years ago and the community and all the work done here has been amazing for keeping the game fresh and fun. I really appreciate all the work people have put into their creations.


I don't have a lot of time to play these days. I have a job, a family, commitments, etc. Mod Picker would be amazing for me. I'd be able to expose myself to a whole lot more of the work here if I didn't have to spend as much time troubleshooting my load order or trolling through forum posts to research mods. There is a lot of info out there, absolutely. I have learned a lot about being a mod user and how the tools work.


But if there were a reliable way to vet mods so I could construct a large list that worked well without having to wade into a ton of technical details and years of forum posts, that would be amazing for me. It would allow me to enjoy the work of so many more modders without feeling afraid that I'll screw something up. It could even make it easier for you all to maintain your mods by putting info about incompatabilities and such in one searchable tool.


MP seems like a win for users and authors alike. I don't understand where the hostility is coming from.



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You're right. You have so much more to offer! Like the storm of hate and chaos you sparked all last week, and almost tore the modding community asunder. Plus, let's not forget your shady business tactics, your "mock-up" of the Nexus, your blatant rudeness, hostility and disregard for all mod authors, as well as your fundamentally flawed platform that only serves to empower yourselves at the cost of both authors and users alike.

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If you like, Thallassa, I can post screenshots of all relevant posts to back my assertions.

I have nothing to hide.


ETA: Summary for those new to this thread: Our mod page mock up bears some similarities to the nexus redesign. I designed the layout of Mod Picker, and I've never seen the redesign until Dark0ne shared a screenshot in the mod author forum today (it looks great btw), so it's not possible for the design to have been plagiarized. However, mator has been in the focus group for the redesign; that conflict of interest did not get resolved.


As Dark0ne put it: Death of a thousand cuts. He's tired of dealing with this drama, and the best way to make the frustration go away is to wash his hands of the matter and deny scraping, which he is fully within his rights to do.


So we're moving forward without that.


Note that mods were never added to our database by scraping - mods are added by users. The only thing scraping added was nexus statistics which could be used to search mods on our database. This denial makes mods more difficult to find in terms of nexus statistics (in general, since we have better search tools than nexus currently has planned), but the core focus of the site based on compatibility and building modlists is entirely unchanged.

Edited by Thallassa
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If you like, Thallassa, I can post screenshots of all relevant posts to back my assertions.

I have nothing to hide.



Really? That's the worst thing you could have done. Now, your dirty laundry's going to finally see the light. Give me a few minutes, and I'll have the public see Mod Picker for what it truly is.


Also, to the rest of the Mod Picker team, this started with Thallassa mocking my legitimate concerns in your Skyrim Mod Talk thread, now it's going to end in a storm of fire and light, courtesy of the same.


Plus, Thallassa, you deserve a well-earned kudos for making this fatal mistake.

Edited by mlee3141
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If you like, Thallassa, I can post screenshots of all relevant posts to back my assertions.

I have nothing to hide.



Really? That's the worst thing you could have done. Now, your dirty laundry's going to finally see the light. Give me a few minutes, and I'll have the public see Mod Picker for what it truly is.


Also, to the rest of the Mod Picker team, this started with Thallassa mocking my legitimate concerns in your Skyrim Mod Talk thread, now its going to end in a storm of fire and light, courtesy of the same.


Plus, Thallassa, you deserve a well-earned kudos for making this fatal mistake.


As long as you air both sides of the story I'm fine with it. If you continue to be as ridiculously biased as you have been in private, well... all I have to do is tell the truth. :P

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Actually, I'm too tired to sift through the 84 page tempest on the Mod Author forums. Sadly, I won't be the one to deal the finishing blow to Mod Picker.


Hey, man. I checked out your mods when I saw how passionate you were about this discussion. I don't think ModPicker was going to hold you back.

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