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Mod Picker: The Fearsome Juggernaut


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"Moving on...we have already acquiesed to allowing an opt-out. Only having mods added based on opt-in would essentially kill our attempt at building this utility before we even got a chance to try (which I'm sure some people here would be more than ok with). I guess my personal issue with this (not speaking for the MP team) is that I believe knowledge and information should be free to everyone. If we were trying to host your mods or allowing autodownloads I would be in 100% agreement that it should only be on an opt-in basis. The difference is that we are attempting to build a database filled with accurate information which ties back to my belief that information should be free and shared. This context is important as our goal centers around accuracy and the sharing of correct information. It's a bit similar to the ethos of Wikipedia in that regard. Sure people can come in and try to screw things up but that is where a highly active moderation team with a powerful toolset comes into play."


Terrorfox's response after 42 pages of heated discussion, showing that it was all for naught, and that they still refuse to compromise on the singular issue that has most of us in a fever heat:


The freedom/ right to choose where our content, and thus, our inherent interests and passion in creating the same is displayed. A simple opt-in system could have easily quelled this tempest before it even began, but they still choose to put their own egos before the rights of those who actually create the content. I'm instantly, irrevocably and perpetually done with Mod Picker.


Sorry, but do you ignore the reasoning completely? It doesn't take much to understand that an Opt-In system would NOT work. Imagine PCPartPicker where the companies have to Opt-In. The system would most likely fail completely, since why should they bother to opt in? The same goes for Mod Picker. Mod Picker relies on providing users with possibly all information they are looking for. I'm not even sure what rights you are talking about. Everyone is free to spread information (this includes information about your mods as well) as long as it's not defamation and the Mod Picker team has often enough said that they try their best to make sure that there are no such submissions happening.


It's enough. I didn't want to point at someone directly, but you give me no other option to. You have been unreasonable unfair to the Mod Picker team. I'm not part of the Mod Picker team, but I have been following their progress since it was just an idea. I know the people behind it and they are anything but the kind of people who don't listen to arguments. Sometimes they might fail at properly understanding others, but that happens to all of us.


Out of all the people discussing this issue, you were the one with the least respect for the arguments made by others. You completely show a disregard for the reasoning given to you and even though things have been explained over and over again, you still persist on not reevaluating your position. Why did you even join this discussion in the first place, if you don't care about the other side at all? By this point, there is no reason for the other side to even care about you anymore. You show no care for the others, so why should they care about you? Everyone's arguments and opinions hold the same value, but if you are dismissive you disqualify yourself from said discussion.


You are the one choosing to put their own ego before everyone else. You ignore everyone else's arguments for the sake of your emotions.

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The Mod Picker Team has produced a document as an official response to the concerns that Mod Authors have brought up.


Mod Picker - A Response to Community Concerns


Bravo Mator - I hope that this will help alleviate some of the concerns many have, and I hope that the Mod Authors and the Mod Picker crew can now work together to make our modding community even better...

Edited by JUNKdeLUXE
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If the Mod Picker team have already put so much time into their project why can they not also put some time into considering the concerns of the mod authors whose work they will eventually be profiting off?! As has already been pointed out Nexus mod authors are hobbyists, they are not selling their work - I could understand the need for the review system if these were mods that were being sold, but they are not - does the team think that the community will thank them when some of the best mods are taken down & mod authors start disappearing in droves due to the complete disregard & disrespect being shown to them :(

Please take some time to find a compromise that will work for everyone - remove the features that the authors have objections to & keep the rest.

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If the Mod Picker team have already put so much time into their project why can they not also put some time into considering the concerns of the mod authors whose work they will eventually be profiting off?! As has already been pointed out Nexus mod authors are hobbyists, they are not selling their work - I could understand the need for the review system if these were mods that were being sold, but they are not - does the team think that the community will thank them when some of the best mods are taken down & mod authors start disappearing in droves due to the complete disregard & disrespect being shown to them :sad:

Please take some time to find a compromise that will work for everyone - remove the features that the authors have objections to & keep the rest.


Why should mods (even if they are made by hobbyist) be excluded from reviews? How would a new modder be able to choose what mods to install and what not to install? Some (most I guess) make amazing mods.. but there are a few truly bad ones. Why should a modder have to experience it first hand by installing it, and probably screwing up his or her game?


If I paint a picture and post it somewhere online, people will review it.. some will hate it, some will love it (not many though, as I can't paint) and some will come with recommendations on how I can do better.. why is this a bad thing? Everything else in life is being reviewed in some form or another... why should mods be excluded?

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Read the description of how the reviews are going to be made, & on how the information that is going to be given about the mods will be selected - the concerns are valid.


I have read them.. and I've read all I could possibly find about Mod Picker. As a USER, I'm extremely exited about this!!! But you still haven't answered the questions.


As an outsider (not an Author and not a Mod Picker member) they way you and mlee3141 (and possibly others) talk about all these "dangers", seem to me you're worried about getting bad reviews.


I don't know you or your mods, but I just did a quick review and I think something like Mod Picker would actually help get your mods more visibility, as they are fairly new with low endorsements and downloads.. and they (the mods) seem like good additions to Skyrim.


I could be completely off the mark here, but as you havn't answered why reviews are bad, I've had to made my own assumptions.

Edited by JUNKdeLUXE
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The fact that only people with "high reputations" will have a fair chance to have a voice is not necessarily a good way for accurate information about a mod to be acquired. My mods aren't the issue, I don't even consider myself a modder at my level of experience, I am worried about the really knowledgeable & experienced modders whose work I hugely appreciate in my game removing their work ...

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I seriously doubt that is how it's going to turn out, and if it is, Mod Authors AND Users will make the people behind Mod Picker hear us and make the necessary changes or their site will fail.


I don't know if you play (or have played) World of Warcraft, but there is a site that's called Wowhead where user comments are also based on users "reputation", and it's working amazingly well. It seems as if Mod Picker is trying to do something similar to this.

Edited by JUNKdeLUXE
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The Mod Picker Team has produced a document as an official response to the concerns that Mod Authors have brought up.


Mod Picker - A Response to Community Concerns

I believe you've covered my personal concerns quite thoroughly, and I appreciate your taking the time to address the concerns of the mod authors here. All things considered, I still see this as quite the interesting idea. Most of the arguments against it seem to be based upon the possibility of something going wrong, I however would prefer to wait until MP is released before raising any complaints, to validate the authenticity of them. My opinion, but I'd encourage others to take a similar approach.

Edited by TheBawb
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