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Game is Epic

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First off I must say I have really enjoyed reading on the forums here and seeing how mature the users are. I was reading a post earlier about someone having trouble with the sequence on escaping the dragon the second time during the Prologue. I was expecting people to poke fun but really it was enjoyable to see everyone helping this person out so they can enjoy this great game.


This game is like a breathe of fresh air. I have been so bored of games that are half done, or so unoriginal anymore that I grow bored after the first 15 minutes of most of them. This game has been great. The graphics, and gameplay are so smooth and other than having trouble with my dvd rom installing the game, it has been flawless.


Just wanted to post and say hello to everyone and looking forward to hanging out on these forums in the future.



Edited by Magrus
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Good to have you here. yes, the folks here have helped me out on many occasions. I was very skeptical of this game when it came out as I tried to play TW1 (and have pickled it up again now that I have played TW2). Plus, after the DA2 debacle ( don't get me started on that one) I waited a couple of weeks after it came out. Unlike waiting inline waiting to pick up my pre-ordered DA2 like some kid (least I got some fun out of the damn thing). I was not disappointed. I did have some install issues, but that was resolved and I have enjoyed the heck out of this game.


I think the folks at CDProjekt certainly have raised the bar on this genre of game. It isn't perfect, but I doubt that any game will be, but for myself, this is what a great game is all about. Speaking for myself, this is visually the most beautiful game I have ever seen. I enjoy that fact that you have to think about what you are doing and how you work your strategy makes the game play much more interesting. I enjoy playing the game for the storyline and haven't gone beyond the 'normal' level of play unlike some of the hard core players in here. Even so, the fights are not to easy and great fun for the casual player like myself.


Is this game 'epic'? I'll hold off on that one for now, at least until Skyrim comes out. I'll bet the folks over at Bethesda have looked this one over closely and know they have some serious competition ahead. So, if you do have any issues, this is the place to come to. :thumbsup:

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I'm not holding my breath for Skyrim Barefootwarrior, Morrowind was a breath of fresh air when it was released, Oblivion I found a great disappointment after all the pre-release hype. The games I'm playing at the moment are Witcher (1 & 2) and Two Worlds (1&2) I'm more interested in the Two Worlds expansion due out Q4 this year. Going by past experience I've a feeling that Skyrim may well be a big let down until the modding community has ironed out all the bugs that Beth tend to leave in.
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I wouldn't say epic, it is improved dramaticly from the first game but they still have a long way to go in order to reach the likes of Beth or BioWare. I wouldn't call it flawless either, there are a lot of flaws in TW2 which needs to be address in TW3. I might sound like a Debbie Downer but I have to say that TW2 is some what overrated by critics and gamers alike and there really isn't anything new or unique that hasn't been seen before in other games.
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I have to agree. Probably my favorite aspect of TW2 is the realism of the choices you face. Its different to play an RPG where it's not 'Hero' path or 'Villain' path, but instead you have to decide between evils at every turn. I especially like the way they constructed the characters of Roche & Iorveth. In the first game, I found it difficult to justify siding with the Scoi'tael (kinda came across as terrorists satisfying a petty need for revenge); in TW2 however, Iorveth had the charisma and conviction to tempt me to follow his path. All in all, superb game, kudos RED.
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I am afraid I set the bar to high by using the word Epic. I will say though that I haven't been this excited about a game in a while. I find myself taking my time and enjoying just seeing what happens next. To often I get in a hurry in games and just try to make it to the end. I find myself with Witcher 2 taking my time and enjoying it. I am tempted to get Witcher 1 but I am afraid some of the bugs might cause me trouble. It is only 10 bucks on GOG.COM so I think I will still be picking it up.


One thing that is really made me become a fan of RED is due to the following fact. The first week the game was release they had over 400,000 unit sold. Then when the 1.1 patch was release they made the game DRM free. To me that really tell me a lot about a publisher. These guys haven't set out to de-throne Bioware or Bethesda but in my eye they have earned the right to stand right next to them.


Just my opinion, not trying to start a troll war. Can't wait to see more from them. Also some of the DLC option for Witcher 2 will be nice as well.

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I suggest that you get Witcher 1 Magrus, I've had no problems with any bugs. I think there are fewer cut-scenes in the first game, at least that's the way it appears to me, so you are playing more rather than watching something over which you have no control.
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I wouldn't say epic, it is improved dramaticly from the first game but they still have a long way to go in order to reach the likes of Beth or BioWare. I wouldn't call it flawless either, there are a lot of flaws in TW2 which needs to be address in TW3. I might sound like a Debbie Downer but I have to say that TW2 is some what overrated by critics and gamers alike and there really isn't anything new or unique that hasn't been seen before in other games.



Hmm the plot isn't about saving the world. It's dark, gritty world and much more mature then anything Bioware has dont recently. No character in the game can be trusted everyone has an agenda. Bioware's villian and heroes are all so one sided and obivous. Witcher 2 decisions actually change the plot and you get new plot reveals based on your decisions something Bioware has never ever done. Bioware are great with giving the illusion of choice but not actual choice. Seriously after Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2 how can Bioware still be the best?


Bethesda has never made a game where the story was great. It's always been about the world and the sandbox gameplay not the actual story. There might be a great character and some great moments but it's a completely different game from the Witcher 1 and 2. Also i did not care for Oblivion and I hate Fallout 3. It doesn't deserve to carry the name Fallout.


But I do agree there are flaws such as the UI and the controls and such. But it's been what two months and CDProjekt has already revealed the changes in the THIRD patch and Bioware takes much longer with their damn patches for Dragon Age 2 even though no amount of patching can make that game good.

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And to finish the last statement you made Chromie, Bethesda leave the majority of the patching to the fanbase! It always seems to me as if they are far more centered on putting out the next money-spinner than making a decent job of what they have already released.
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Hmm the plot isn't about saving the world. It's dark, gritty world and much more mature then anything Bioware has dont recently. No character in the game can be trusted everyone has an agenda. Bioware's villian and heroes are all so one sided and obivous. Witcher 2 decisions actually change the plot and you get new plot reveals based on your decisions something Bioware has never ever done. Bioware are great with giving the illusion of choice but not actual choice. Seriously after Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2 how can Bioware still be the best?


Bethesda has never made a game where the story was great. It's always been about the world and the sandbox gameplay not the actual story. There might be a great character and some great moments but it's a completely different game from the Witcher 1 and 2. Also i did not care for Oblivion and I hate Fallout 3. It doesn't deserve to carry the name Fallout.


But I do agree there are flaws such as the UI and the controls and such. But it's been what two months and CDProjekt has already revealed the changes in the THIRD patch and Bioware takes much longer with their damn patches for Dragon Age 2 even though no amount of patching can make that game good.


There are other things besides story, such as dialogue, combat and interface. DA2 was a good game, even though that there were many short comings with critics and long term fans alike. It is a good example of the human uselessness, when things are out of your control (though granted that this is a hot topic and I don't want to discuss this here).


TW2, though a great story had really bad dialogue at times and this makes the world too foreign. The problems is that RED at times force modern knowledge (such as modern medical sciences) into a medieval world and this leads into an area where people trying to figure out what the world. One minute we are in a example of oppressed society, the next minute you are taking about evolutionary biology (I know that science is one of Sapkowski main themes) but it breaks the concept of reality. The DA series (though loathe by some and loved by others these days), ASOIAF (a Song of Ice and Fire) series, WOT (Wheel of Time) series don't stray into that sort of area but hinted in their writing.


As for TW2 thoguh a great improvement from the first, still has flaws and the RED team really need to take it into heart. Though I'm glad that the sex cards are gone, the animations are improved, the graphics are better, but it has horrible facial animations, a consolied interface, and the characters are not really charming enough to care about and out of the place VO. I don't give out 10s but I can't go beyond a 8.5, I truely believe that critics and fans are overrating this game. There is nothing new about this game and there is nothing revolutionary about it. It just has a great story and great reactivity.

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