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Friendship and romance confirmed!!!


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@ Utyran: Because you play games for a reason, that doesn't mean we all have to play for the same one. And by following the same reasoning, why the hell are we able to walk in the game? We can do the same thing in reality. We should just move by warping space and time edit: and don't dare talking about fast travel or I burn you to death in the flames of hell. And why do we talk? We should instantly communicate from brain to brain without words, using colours and music. And why can we even be human? I can be human in reality. And I'm sure with some efforts you can too!


Immersion. Romance is a part of life, an important part of life and an important one (going to the bathroom is generally not emotionally important). In the TES series, we are what we do. If we don't want to do the main quest, we don't even have to to enjoy the rest of the game. More possibilities for the character is a good thing. Of course since the game isn't infinite, they have to choose, but like I said, romance really is a big part of life, even of a hero's life.


Some are worried about the development of the romance. A romance in a TES doesn't have to be developped. It's not a bioware game Alcrin, the romance should not have a "storyline". You have to invent it for your character like everything you do in TES. When you refuse something in a bioware game, your character express his/her opinions or reasons. In a TES you invent them. By example if you refuse to enter the dark brotherhood it can be because you're afraid, because you're virtuous despite the murder you commit, or any number of reasons). You don't have to follow two/three archetype.

TES are game that let you choose entirely what you're hero is. Bioware's game don't. That let them do some narration you can't have in TES but that also let far less freedom to create the mind of your hero.

Bethesda only need to put some core concept in the game, and let you interpret what happened in game as you want.


edit: When I say "not developped" I don't mean not at all, There should be a minimum but no narration.

Edited by Any_ILL
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I tried to explain it to you.

Romance isn't about sex, and I haven't said anything about fetishes and for God's sake by imaginary friend I don't mean a imaginary porn star.

And by reading your posts I think you only want to have a porn simulator inside games.

Also, don't pretend to be a ladies hero, you won't get far.


+1 lol

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Some are worried about the development of the romance. A romance in a TES doesn't have to be developped. It's not a bioware game Alcrin, the romance should not have a "storyline". You have to invent it for your character like everything you do in TES. When you refuse something in a bioware game, your character express his/her opinions or reasons. In a TES you invent them. By example if you refuse to enter the dark brotherhood it can be because you're afraid, because you're virtuous despite the murder you commit, or any number of reasons). You don't have to follow two/three archetype.

TES are game that let you choose entirely what you're hero is. Bioware's game don't. That let them do some narration you can't have in TES but that also let far less freedom to create the mind of your hero.

Bethesda only need to put some core concept in the game, and let you interpret what happened in game as you want.


I don't buy this argument. Why? Well, let's apply it to... other parts of the game. Like all of them.


"Welcome to Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Clear the game? [Y/N]"




"Congratulations, you've won the game!"


*end credits*


Sounds like a pretty boring game... but wait! We've given the players total and utter freedom because the player can just interpret whatever happened in the game however they want! Did they defeat Alduin and save the day? Did they burn down Solitude? Did they beat Ronald McDonald to death with a plunger? The possibilities are endless!


The reason why we wouldn't want them to leave, say, dungeons up to interpretation is because actually going through and exploring a dungeon is much more engaging than simply imagining yourself doing so. A romance sidequest can and should be just as engaging. Leaving it up to the player's imagination isn't freedom, it's developer laziness.

Edited by Alcrin
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@Alcrin: You can't extrapolate that from what I said. That's why I precised the total freedom was only cerebral. That also explain why the main character doesn't talk.


Except by leaving romances bare-bones on purpose this way you're leaving the player to fill in what other characters in the game world are doing.

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@Alcrin: It's why wedding shouldn't automatically work. Friendship+randomship (or a characteristic associated to a NPC if it has to be coherent from one game to another) should fill the blank. But there's a margin between "to fill what other characters in the game world are doing" and narration for romances.
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Hmm gets more and more awesomeness with each and every leaked info :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Edited by Thor.
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Yay I can finally have a wife to adventure with in a game like I have wished since fable 1. No way my wife is going to be a house wife who sits around the house all day, nooooooo we are going to see skyrim together.....until she inevitably is killed during our adventures and then I shall mourn her death xD. At least I won't be battling giant spiders alone (arachnophobia I have, had to mod oblivion to remove the daedra spiders).


And to the people who are complaining about it, please just stop. It is not like you are being forced to use the feature at all. It is only there for those who are interested so if you are not, all you have to do is not do it. Yeah they could have used the time that they spent on this feature doing something else like adding in spears but they decided not to so just deal with it like you had to with oblivion and wait for some mods that add them in. I wish that they would bring back throwing knives and shuriken but you don't see me complaining.

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ok, so is this ging to be like the fabe romance stuff, because that got pritty tiresome after a bit. like is my wife gona get pissed if i spend i week in the wilderness and am i going have to make it up to her. Or is this going to have a dragon age feel bit more casual, which was fun while it lasted. and it would be cool to have someone to go dungeon delving with, like a sexy dunmer or hot blond nord to fight side by side with................... Ohhhhh the posibilitys hahahah
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