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Ban Content



46 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be a list or a warning when modders release content that may get them a ban?

    • Yes, we should get a warning when releasing content or 3 days notice to take it down before a ban.
    • There should be a list that is easy to find that lets you know what content earns a ban.
    • No, it should stay as it is now.

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"I testify that all the content in the files I am going to upload are my own or are used with the express permission of the original creators of the files I have used and I have properly credited the original creators in my ReadMe, and in the mod description or in the "Credits" text area of the "Distribution permission" section of this page. I understand and accept that I will be banned from this site if I am found to be lieing about this."


You have to tick a box next to that blurb every single time you add a file to the site. Explain to me how it could be any more obvious that you don't upload what isn't yours.

Well, that is right. But still I believe he asked the original author of the mod for permission, meaning he thought it was ok for upload but did not realize it was a copyright problem. Not everyone has the capability of checking every single copyright issue, and most people don't even know how to check a copyright issue. And you can say that "Ignorance is not an excuse" but not knowing something does not make you ignorant, ignorance is refusing to learn something or refusing to do something just because you don't want to.

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By definition, yes. But by more practical usage in what people say, it really isn't.


For instance... if I told you how to do something and you ignored me, I'd call that ignorance. But if you simply did not know, I would try to show you.

Edited by hadoumastery
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Well you'd be wrong.

Rather, I would be ignorant, whether I want to learn or not.


Which sorta irrelevant to the topic. It is easy to avoid being banned.

If someone is banned after getting permission to upload something that is not allowed, I feel pretty confident they would be reinstated after presenting their case to a mod.

Edited by Quetzlsacatanango
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This is not so, I know for a fact that Crossfirex tried to repeal his ban multiple times, explaining the situation, but instead got nothing until one time he asked a friend of his -Earache42- to talk to a mod. Then he was banned again for releasing content he did not know was problematic even after checking with the author and other places to see if it was a problem and he found nothing in particular stating that it would earn him a ban. So he tried to repeal that ban as well, and got nothing, not a single response.


-Now do not get the topic wrong, I don't mean change the entire system, but I would like to see a better system for bans, especially in allowing the modder a chance to give some incentive as to why it happened. Or as the other option states, give a list of what will get you banned, a list that is easy to find, and lists specificly what content will give you a ban.

Edited by hadoumastery
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A Halo weapons mod. That already sends alarm bells ringing to me as Halo is obviously copyrighted by Bungie. If someone rips some Halo content, releases it as a mod, and another person asks for permission to use the content in their mod...then surely you do some background checking first to ensure what you're using isn't ripped before actually using it?


Same goes for anyone using content that is "based on" another game. Do your research.

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If you read the appeal info, it says that if you don't hear anything, your appeal was denied. All of the staff sees every appeal and can comment on it and make comments and recommendations on it. However the decision on whether to grant an appeal is usually left up to the original staff member who issued the ban.


One BIG reason why crossfirex was not reinstated is that was his second ban, he was reinstated after the first one. He didn't tell you that did he? :rolleyes:


First ban - Dec 12, 2010 - reinstated with 2 strikes

Second ban - Mar 16, 2011

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It's kinda hard to find one which isn't covered by that. I certainly haven't seen any (ignoring those successfully appealed).


I'll take a stab in the dark and say 80% of mods removed would be violating the copyright part, by porting content they don't have permission for, or were unsuccessful in getting, but as it says:

Remember; ignorance is not an excuse.


Anywho that's my 2c worth.


What, no stuff relating to piracy? Darn, I better not make cutlasses and peg-legs any time soon ;)

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I feel there is more then enough warning in red print floating around when you upload a mod, warning you to make sure you really want to upload that mod.

Somtimes yes mistakes happen, readme may not be clear enough or you just assume its fine.... If it is your first time doing somthing like that I do not feel a ban in needed, a good what the hell where you thinking talk from the person you ripped off is however.

Now stealing from another game, I hate to say it but for the most part is VERY obvious that somthing is a Rip... Normally if the item is to good to be true its just that to good to be true, and any mod that states its derived from a game (even if its just inspired by and made from scratch) you as a modder need to take the time and give it a very good and long look before useing that mod yourself.

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I am glad to be getting so much feedback on this. And I still very much agree with some of what everyone says, but again, I just feel as if there needs to be a more bold way of putting it. Instead of just a simple click of a box when you upload. You know, make people 'really' want to make sure or have already checked whether it's bad or not.


Although, on the topic of Crossfirex. Yes he told me it was his second ban. However he told me that it was his first offense in the ways of releasing copy-righted things. He said to me he was first banned for releasing something passworded before he read the complete list of rules and TOS. Then he read them more thoroughly. But it still gave him no indications that it was a problem to release a halo mod. This is the reason for my suggestion, to make it more open knowledge of what content will get banned. Not really for his sake honestly, but more for the sake of other modders who may in the future repeat the mistake.


So this is why I suggested what I have. So that people release less ban-earning content, or at the very least, think about it more before they post it. If it's a little more "Red-Flagged" then odds are people are more likely to pay attention and even look up things to be sure.

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