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Another light-medium sniper variant [request]


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I was very surprised by the lack of sniper rifle weapons in the default game, and the ones that did exist were underwhelming at best


the sniper mods we do have are super heavy sniper weapons (the anti tank weapons and massive .50 cal barrets), but no light to medium snipers.


heck, we have even someone giving away his sniper meshes here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10420/?


and nobody has taken up his offer




it would be really cool to have some more cool new snipers in the game, if anyone wants to put the time in to make them :)

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That's been done a lot actually, it's just most of them can have mods crafted to make it a scoped rifle. My favorite by far is the MK14 ERB, or the M14 if you want something a little less modern. The Modular Kalash Assault Rifle is another good one, so if the G67 Battle Rifle. Most of these take the route of the in-game combat rifle in that you can adjust it to be an automatic assault rifle or give it a longer barrel, .308 reciever, and a scope to turn it into a sniper rifle. The authors did a good job on these to turn their guns into whatever you want it to be. The MK14 even lets you adjust recoil and damage % in-game to fine tune it to your liking.

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