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Final Listing

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AHA so i was RIGHT! wooo lol


so ya im guessing the build looks solid? no obvious glaring upgrades to be had/i didnt needlessly go over the top on anything? (besides the whole gettign a 6950 and flashing it to a 6970, not interested)

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my motherboard is a great board.... when it works. idk if you noticed but see the reviews on newegg all are 5 stars expect for the 1 stars and everyone with a 1 star review talks about the "power cycling" some of the p67a-gd65 come defective and they power cycle(PC will reboot before you can enter BIOS or start windows and will repeat this loop pretty much forever)


i got a defective motherboard its ANNOYING AS HELL. 95% of the time i wont turn off my PC to avoid it. just put it in sleep mode. but it came with a 3 year warranty on it and MSI says they'll give me a new one if i ship the old one. i just havent done it lol.


Its a P67 bug.The "B3" revision is out and still the bug exist :verymad: (can be very dangerous because it can be just written on bios and box,how we know its actually b3 :psyduck: )

thats why I am still confused whether upgrade to X58 or P67 :confused: If I go for X58 its not future proof(Ivybridge is coming!)

so now I happy with G41 chipset(No Hardware bug)core 2 E4600 and these to lols powered by Seasoninc X850 and a GTX 560 ti(I can play Farcry 2 maxed out! but it will not run Skyrim :(

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ive had a hard long decision on whether or no to get a z68 or a p67. still not really decided either way for any specific reason, just going with the p67 just because.
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so are there any other motherboards around the same price that are just as good? if i can avoid the issue with the MSI then i will, but i dont wanna go any more expensive. i dont mind getting the MSI board, its possible i wont experience the issue, but ya.


thanks all

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I had the 'power cycling' happen to me when I got the P67 Sabertooth. A simple BIOS update using Asus' own temperature/fan etc. monitoring software fixed this completely.
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no this is:



i regret buying my RAM so early (because it was on sale) i prolly coulda gotten better but i didnt RMA cause i figured in the end, i wouldnt really notice that much of a difference between something a little bit better

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im thinking about getting this case/PSU combo




the case is bigger, the power supply is slightly worse (100W and only bronze vs gold) but thats no biggie at all, and the total price exactly the same and $110 in rebates!


also was recommended this cooler so im going with it instead:



i left the original list there for comparison.



Edited by hoofhearted4
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  • 3 weeks later...

im updating this mostly for my own personal use. i like to have the lists ive been making as a reference. this one im posting now is the latest one and so far my favorite. i didnt think it was important enough to make another new thread, and is mostly there for my reference, and if my list ever changes or gets deleted, i have it somewhere where i can go to all the links and get them back. but instead of saving it in a Word document, i figured id put it here just incase anyone wants to look and give opinions on it as well.
































PCI Wireless:



HDMI cable:



Thermal Compound:



Subtotal: $1384.75

S&H: $16.24

TOTAL: $1400.99

Rebates: $30.00



again this is mostly for my reference, hence the price totals and every last item. right now the mobo and the CPU are in a combo, but if i need to come back to this at a later date, i want to be able to find each item separately easily.


please feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, opinions, anything. they are all much appreciated :)

Edited by hoofhearted4
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