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3ds Max8 animation exporting procedures


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Hello and thanks for reading. I'm having some issues exporting .kf's with 3dsMax8. I got this version because (from what I've read around the interweb), this version is supposed to have all the tools required to successfully import/export animation files used by FO3 and FONV. Here is where I stand:


I have: -(as I said) 3dsMax8

-the Civ4 exporter plugin (though I believe something isn't working with it. will explain below)

-3dsMax Niftools plugin for Max 7+

-KFUpdater (not sure how this works)


Upon starting 3dsMax, I get a popup saying "DLL <C:\Program Files\3ds Max 2008\PlugIns\CivilizationIVMaxPlugin.dlu> failed to initialize. Error code: 127 - The specified procedure could not be found." Checking around, I saw that some people get this message because they are missing a certain .dll in their System32 folder. I have the .dll however.


In Max, I am able to successfully import and tweak the animation I'm working on, but I cannot get a working export. I know I'm supposed to export using the Civ4 exporter, but it doesn't seem to work. Upon clicking the Civ4 exporter, I get a MAXScript Error stating '--Type error:Call needs function or class, got: undefined'. I have no clue what this means. I also cannot find an option in the exporter to export a .kf. This is the central issue I need to figure out. When I installed the exporter, I simply unpacked everything in the .7z to the Program Files\3dsMax2008 folder, so I think everything should be there that needs to be.


Also, I think that once I get a successful export I am supposed to run the .kf through the KFUpdater, but I can't seem to find any explanation as to how this tool is supposed to work or where it's supposed to be unpacked to or anything. I'm not even sure that I need it.


Anyway I hope you guys can shed some light on this. Been working at this for a week now, and I seem to have hit a wall. Thanks very much in advance.

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So when you try to export the scene with the civ4 plugin you get an error and the export dialog doesn't appear? I think you have installed it wrong.


If it does appear, there is a drop down menu that has 'kf without nif '. That is what you want for animation export.


The kfupdater is a cmd line app. put your input anim into the same folder as the kf updater exe. run kfupdater. type in the parameters, these are out lined for both fallout and oblivion in the readme. press enter. and it will output another updated kf. Yeah it's not the most documented app. You just run it and type.

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So when you try to export the scene with the civ4 plugin you get an error and the export dialog doesn't appear? I think you have installed it wrong.


If it does appear, there is a drop down menu that has 'kf without nif '. That is what you want for animation export.


The kfupdater is a cmd line app. put your input anim into the same folder as the kf updater exe. run kfupdater. type in the parameters, these are out lined for both fallout and oblivion in the readme. press enter. and it will output another updated kf. Yeah it's not the most documented app. You just run it and type.


I've completely uninstalled 3dsMax and reinstalled with the civ4 exporter again, but I reach the same result. According to the forums I've read, all you need to do to install it is unpack everything to the 3dsMax folder. I dunno what I'm doing wrong. Maybe it's an issue with windows 7? I don't know I'm stumped.

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I am pretty sure you need to put the files in the right place and iirc you actually have to do.. something... about moving files. I haven't installed it in like... years, but yeah, I think I had the same thing, and ended just putting a load of files in the main max 8 directory to get it to work. or something. I'm not going to redo it to refresh my mem, but try pasting a second copy of all those loose files into the main directory or something.
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civ4 is a separate plugin entirely to the niftools plugin. It will not run on max 9.


Max 8 only comes in 32 bit. Max 9 was the first 64bit release.


the only thing I can think of is UAC messing it up, if the plugin overwrites any thing it migh be a problem?

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