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No energy weapon love?


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A note on what's included here. For the most part every weapon deals energy damage. There are a couple of exceptions for weapons that visually look like energy weapons, or deal radiation damage. Mods added to the list typically add a new weapon or significantly change the functionality of an existing one, are usually more or less balanced for normal gameplay, and more or less stable. I try to avoid duplicates as well. For example, there are mods that add grenade barrels to plasma weapons, but Plasma Arsenal does that and much more.


Use these search terms when looking for energy weapons: energy, laser, plasma, phaser, pulse, blaster, alien, fusion, fission, arc, flamer, cannon, tesla, gamma, radiation.


Stat and Functionality Changes

Institute Electrolasers

Laser weapons 1st person reposition

Laser Silencers

Lasers Have No Recoil

Gatling Laser Overhaul

Useful Crank - laser muskets won't use ammo

Vertibird Gatling Laser

Superior Laser-Plasma

Useful Pulse and Cryo explosives - pulse grenades in here will makes robots and synths flee

Specialized Pulse Grenades - these do extra damage to 'bots and paralyze power armor

Unique Uniques - makes those "unique" weapons have effects not found anywhere else



Wattz Laser Gun - adds a new "Wattz 3000" essentially an art update of the 2000 from Fallout 1 and 2

Wattz Laser Carbine - includes the Wattz 1000 pistol

Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle

Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle - not the same as above



Holorifle - may actually count as an explosive weapon


Alien Assault Rifle

Laser RCW

Pulsed Energy Rifle


Cross PlasRail

Fusion Gun


Rifle or Pistol

Union Blaster

Accelerator Plasma Energy Weapon

Cryo Phaser Weaponry - more cryolator style weapons



Plasma Cycler

Vintage Alien Blaster

AEP7 - Fallout 3 laser pistol, very WIP

ArmLaser Gun - Metroid/Megaman style blaster, I think it counts as a pistol, maybe not

L.A.E.P Laser Assisted Electrical Pistol


Heavy Weapons

The P-113

Plasma Gatling

The Laser Cannon

Anti-Malarkey Ray

Plasma Cannon

Gamma Repeater - radiation damage

Plasma Arsenal - comes with plasma caster and several new mods for regular plasma weapons, can get caster and some regular plasma parts separately

Arc Welder



Laser Katana - technically does ballistic damage

The Laserblade

Plasma Swords



The Gravity Fist

The Raiju



Flamer Pistol

Fallout Tactics Flamer Pistol

The Assault Flamer

Incinerator Flamer


Grenade Expansion Pack - mostly ballistic damage explosives, but adds some new fire and energy ones as well, with some new capabilities

Gamma Grenade - radiation damage


Ballistic Conversions

Crossbows of the Commonwealth - can make plasma infused crossbow

44 Revolver Plasma Receiver



Propulso 5000 - a bit like the PEPS from Deus Ex, but way more powerful, could be considered OP


Star Wars stuff

Bryar Pistol


BlasTech E-11


BlasTech Weapons

The Handflamer - Mandalorian wrist-mounted flamethrower

Stouker Concussion Rifle

The Lightsaber

Lightsaber Renew


Star Trek stuff

Assault Phaser

Original Series Phaser


Other Franchises

Ion Nebulizer - from Galaxy Quest

Riddick Hero Rifle - does around 300 dmg, possibly a bit OP



More Uniques - adds weapons of all kinds (not just energy) with unique effects

Eisenwolf's Energy Weapons - adds several different energy weapons with unique abilities

Edited by jkruse05
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That stuff looks interesting.


What I'd like to see would be a raygun which can shoot straight through people. It could be a gamma ray laser, since gamma rays are hard to block, and the concept is at least somewhat plausible. Imagine 3 raiders coming at you, following each other, and the beam just pierces all 3 of them.


Potential mods:

single-shot barrel: you click once, one shot is fired

continuous emission barrel: you hold down the mouse button, a weaker, but continuous beam is fired.


beam splitter: creates multiple beams in random direction. in continuous mode, the bream arrangement rotates. Think of a disco ball, but with deadly death rays :D

swiping attachment: does this automatically: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/f/fe/Colossus_SC2_GameAnim1.gif/revision/latest?cb=20080901215122

maybe faster, like in laser shows, where they basically create triangular planes.


I wonder if it would be possible to shoot through walls. That could be a weapon mod, too. Should greatly reduce the damage, though.


It could do energy damage in addition to radiation, because radiation damage on itself is somewhat useless imo. And because I'd like to use that thing on ghouls :D

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*Sniff* Thank you man! I mean I still want more because my energy weapon lust knows no bounds. However this has helped a lot. Do you know if anyone is working on bringing over the Plasma Defender from F:NV?

I don't know of anyone working on JUST the plasma defender (other than flipdark95, but it's been over a year since he's updated), but I'm pretty sure it's being developed for Fallout 4 New Vegas, at least. Some of their stuff has been released separately, so there is hope of seeing it some day.


In the meantime, this just released, so I'll add it to the list. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27127/?

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