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No energy weapon love?


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That stuff looks interesting.


What I'd like to see would be a raygun which can shoot straight through people. It could be a gamma ray laser, since gamma rays are hard to block, and the concept is at least somewhat plausible. Imagine 3 raiders coming at you, following each other, and the beam just pierces all 3 of them.


Potential mods:

single-shot barrel: you click once, one shot is fired

continuous emission barrel: you hold down the mouse button, a weaker, but continuous beam is fired.


beam splitter: creates multiple beams in random direction. in continuous mode, the bream arrangement rotates. Think of a disco ball, but with deadly death rays :D

swiping attachment: does this automatically: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/f/fe/Colossus_SC2_GameAnim1.gif/revision/latest?cb=20080901215122

maybe faster, like in laser shows, where they basically create triangular planes.


I wonder if it would be possible to shoot through walls. That could be a weapon mod, too. Should greatly reduce the damage, though.


It could do energy damage in addition to radiation, because radiation damage on itself is somewhat useless imo. And because I'd like to use that thing on ghouls :D

I haven't tried it, but supposedly the Bardiche Beam in More Uniques is a solid beam that penetrates targets.


If I were to post the list as it's own topic, to update as mods come out, where do you guys think I should post it? Fallout 4 Mod Talk or Fallout 4 Discussion?

Edited by jkruse05
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