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DarNUi Compass Markers Missing


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Hello there.


I am using Project Nevada and Darn UI (along with other mods) as well as the unified UI project. I installed DarnUI first, then followed with Project Nevada and its DLC Patch. I then used the Project Nevada optional DarNUI support files. So just about everything looks correct so far. However, my compass markers are missing. Even with in the DUI Settings xml they are set to 1, but nothing shows up. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it? (Ill try setting them to 0, but I suspect that wont fix it hehe).





P.S. Darn, PN, and Unified are the only UI changing mods installed.


Edit: Aaaand somehow turning them to 0, launching, saving, turning to 1, launching saving, some how seemed to fix it. Soooooo nevermind. =)

Edited by wolfen420
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I think one these mods has the option to hide the quest marker if it is what you mean. search their documentation as to activate the ingame menu (again I'm trying to recall long ago played game).
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In \fallout new vegas\Data\menus\prefabs is a DUINVSettings.xml. In there you can change settings. It is commented really well inside the xml so you should be able to find your way through it fine. There is a specific spot to enable and disable the map markers. I had to disable them, load the game, save it, exit, and set them again to on. Dunno if it was a fluke or what, but it worked for me.
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Well, seeing how you asked ... :biggrin:


[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] DeadMoney.esm

[X] HonestHearts.esm

[X] ClassicPack.esm

[X] MercenaryPack.esm

[X] TribalPack.esm

[X] CaravanPack.esm

[X] FOOK - New Vegas.esm

[X] FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm

[X] Ambient Temperature.esm

[X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm

[X] Caliber.esm


[X] decwithreg.esm

[X] Inventory Access.esm

[X] NVR-Strip.esm

[X] Primary Needs HUD.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

[X] rePopulated Wasteland.esm


[X] Selective Fire.esm

[X] Tales from the Burning Sands.esm

[X] War Never Changes.esm

[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm

[X] aHUD.esm

[X] iHUD.esm

[X] New Vegas Redesigned.esm

[X] Lings.esm

[X] Reload.esp

[X] Rearm.esp

[X] Vault24_04.esm

[X] SpeedyResources.esm

[X] Compiled Patch.esp

[X] DarNifiedUINV.esp

[X] CASM.esp

[X] Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp

[X] HUD Extended.esp

[X] HUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.esp

[X] Readius_NV.esp

[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

[X] NCR Rearmed.esp

[X] NVR-NPCs.esp

[X] Area 51.esp

[X] Area 51 - Project Roswell.esp

[X] Goodsprings Shack.esp

[X] Wasteland Defense.esp

[X] NVR-SMOTS-V2-Version_10.esp

[X] UHNV.esp

[X] FOOK - Lings.esp

[X] PerkEveryLevel.esp

[X] Rebalance.esp

[X] RearmRebalance.esp

[X] ReSort.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

[X] Selective Fire - Project Nevada.esp

[X] CONELRAD 640-1240.esp

[X] PA Footsteps.esp

[X] FreeplayafterMQNVv1_6.esp

[X] Identity Crisis Part I - Silent Struggle V2.esp

[X] Prove Your Worth.esp

[X] NewVegasBounties.esp

[X] NewVegasBountiesII.esp

[X] War Never Changes.esp

[X] NVPerksImproved.esp

[X] xatmosSkillPerks.esp

[X] Bottlecaps Have Weight.esp

[X] Gambling.esp

[X] ManualReload.esp

[X] Tag Skills Improved.esp

[X] Better Ammo Crafting.esp

[ ] Better Binoculars Low.esp

[ ] Better Binoculars Medium.esp

[ ] Better Binoculars High.esp

[X] Better Binoculars Max.esp

[X] Improved Throwing1.esp

[X] Improved Throwing DM.esp

[X] Improved Throwing HH.esp

[X] Powered Power Armor.esp

[X] Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp

[X] RCSS.esp

[X] headgearfix.esp

[X] Lore version.esp

[X] Mercy Killing Karma v2.0.esp

[X] Stealing -1 Karma.esp

[X] CompanionDisguises.esp

[X] Light Step ED-E.esp

[X] NVWillow.esp

[X] ShilohDS-Color Maps and Icons.esp

[X] Sorter - Combined.esp

[X] dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp

[X] Imp's More Complex Needs.esp

[X] Imp's More Complex Needs - JA - SORTED.esp

[X] IMCNNV - Sorted.esp

[X] Ambient Temperature - IMCNNV.esp

[X] IMCNNV - HUD and Hotkeys.esp

[X] Jump Fall Fixer.esp

[X] LFox Bottle That Water.esp

[X] More Realistic Aiming.esp

[X] realistic headshots.esp

[X] Real Time Entry Skills.esp

[X] Runner.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_NV_Vanilla.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_NV_NewWeapons.esp

[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

[X] WME - Ironsights.esp

[X] WME - RH Ironsights.esp

[X] WME - FOOK.esp

[X] WME - Named & Sorted.esp

[X] WME - that gun 223.esp

[X] WME - that gun 44 mag.esp

[ ] WME - FOOK - Dead Money.esp

[X] Animated Prostitution.esp

[X] EVE FNV.esp

[X] SimpleStreetLights.esp

[X] SimpleStreetLights (Extra Lights).esp

[X] DN More Lights.esp

[X] LUMENARIUM - Working Sunglasses ONLY.esp

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Inventory Sorters Compatibility Patch - ElectroCityCATEYEvalue.esp

[X] Fellout.esp

[X] URWLNV.esp

[X] URWLNV Darker Night.esp

[X] URWLNV Brighter Lights.esp

[ ] Western Sky.esp

[X] Western Sky - Darker Nights.esp

[X] LUMENARIUMandELECTROCITY - Nevada Skies Replacer.esp

[ ] Nevada Skies.esp

[ ] Nevada Skies - URWLified.esp

[X] LUMENARIUM - Bright Clear Days.esp

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Darker Nights.esp

[X] DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp

[X] Enhanced Ballistics Effects WME.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

[X] ShilohDS-Desert Succubus CORE.esp

[X] War Never Changes - Seven.esp

[X] ReloadCalX305.esp

[X] WhetStoneRepair.esp

[X] Vault24_04.esp

[X] RC-MalcolmMoleRat.esp

[X] Depth of View Complete.esp

[X] Raul Concept art (looloo request).esp

[X] Red Lucy Aesthetics (Knobody13 request).esp

[X] Red Lucy cold personality version.esp

[X] Silus (Vcat request).esp

[X] NVGoggles.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_NV_ThatGun.esp

[X] Quick Trade.esp

[X] FOOK - New Vegas.esp

[X] FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp

[X] Merged Patch.esp


Any clues there?



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