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Fallout 4 Creation Kit Beta and an Important Notice to Survival Testers


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In response to post #37233185. #37233780, #37234860, #37235730, #37236685 are all replies on the same post.

ravernware wrote: ouch!! Anyone else using Bethesda.net for mod management? I am def NOT installing the latest update until all this dust settles. Hmmph.
jdaacv wrote: May you explain?
ravernware wrote: I do not need the drama. Therefore steam will be offline until this latest 'Bethesda: we love you modders' update screw up is sorted out. Ergo.. no more buying games via steam. I will buy direct or from other sites. Besides.. I have been finding FO4 rather boring so far anyway. These latest update issues certainly do not help. Remember...Bethesda stated they want to support the modding community. Could it be if only the modders post exclusively to Bethesda.net???? But then other posts seem to indicate even their mod manager is messed up. WTF over?
Plus I wanna give the modders some time to really create, provided their works will be allowed to actually work.
So again.. HMMPH! ;(
ZombieArron wrote: Unfortunately, This is the process of getting everything to play nicely together. Beth has been cool with what we do to their games. They also see that its becoming more mainstream and they, like any smart company, want to be a part of it too. The bad thing about this is that Nexus has to dance around them, Bethesda isn't gonna go out of their way just to satisfy us; they also have their cashco- i mean, console players to worry about. They have their priorities and almost leave us to our devices.
ravernware wrote: ZombieArron.. You are so right. Consoles.. my PS3 has like 2 inches of dust on it (it was a gift, bleh).
But consoles are were the corporate money is at.
Yet imo no console will ever match the gaming power of a PC. Never.
PC forever!! Nexus Forever!! Ravernware out (drops mike ala the Pres did tonight at the WHCD).

I just used the bethesda.net to enable my mods took like a minute to make an account, just your basic username and password shiz, then while in game there's a mods section in the main menu now and you just enable your mods from there, or of course if you don't want to use bethesda.net you can just add an asterisk to your mods in your plugins file. there just giving console players a way to enable mods and a place to download mods, it's not really for pc players and i don't see how it would effect nexusmods.
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In response to post #37220780. #37233620 is also a reply to the same post.

SwedishTom wrote:


In response to post #37179945. #37180065, #37187110, #37187155, #37187485, #37187870, #37188675, #37188720, #37188775, #37189305, #37189815, #37189895, #37190980, #37193285, #37212065, #37219065 are all replies on the same post.

bben46 wrote:

Answer to: Mods being disabled every time - or asterisks being removed. Same thing. You need to set your plugins.txt file to read only AFTER activating all of your mods, (Activating the mods in NMM puts in the asterisks for you)

To find the plugins.txt C:\users\Your user name\Appdata\Local\Fallout4\ Right click,on plugins.txt, left click on Properties and put a check in the box that says read only then click apply and then OK

krwada wrote: I tried this ... The game still does NOT recognize that there are MODS installed. It runs OK, but NO MODS!

Version 1.4 did not have this problem.

I wish I could roll 1.5 back to 1.4

I cannot do this... or at least, I do not know how to do this.
TylersInsanity wrote: I'm having the same problem. I usually know how to handle modding issues but right now I'm at a loss.
scarab77 wrote: Negative. This does not appear to work at all.
MorganEriksson1 wrote: i tried it and it kinda works still gives me the theres content that can not be blah blah but it dosen't say any mods names only a # or something but i load it and it works but everytime i start nmm i need to do the same thing again it hasen't been like this before nmm always did it for me i am also getting fps drops now witch i haven't got before even with ultra settings andd also for people how dont find the appdata folder try to type this in the windows search bar %localappdata%\Fallout4 it works for me could not find the C:\users\Your user name\Appdata\Local\Fallout4\
cormell wrote: Where's appdata? Must be in a different place in Windows 7 Can't find plugins.txt either.

Thanks Morgan. I should have read all of the 379 posts. lol

RaffTheSweetling wrote: appdata is exactly where described by bben46. On my computer it is in C:\users\Administrator\Appdata\Local\Fallout4\

Inside this folder I currently have:


(edit - sorry for confusing some names in earlier edit of this post.)
VulpineWolf wrote: @cormell
It's a hidden folder, you can get there by going to %appdata%.
Basil_oz wrote: The appdata directory & plugins.txt file are hidden on a lot of systems. You need turn your options to "show hidden folders/files" in the control panel. Best to google this to find out how to do it on your system.
bubinga64 wrote: Just to help, on my system Windows 10 automatically undoes the changes for whatever reason even after saving. Once you asterisk the plugin names, save, close and reopen to make sure it stays.

I have to copy the file, make the changes, then overwrite the original file for the changes to stick. I'm not sure of the root cause. I've had odd problems with win10 since it launched. It also borks the NMM config file on me every time win10 updates so I have to go in and delete that just to get NMM to open. NMM makes a new one when you delete it.
rayhne wrote: I activate all my mods through NMM and it always removes the *.
bubinga64 wrote: Question to bben46,

NMM has prompted me every time if I would like to allow it to set the file to r/w instead of read only while NMM is active. I haven't verified that it actually works because I've been manually managing the plugin.txt file. Is that a beta option that doesn't work yet? I'm asking due to your post.
Claysson2 wrote: Happened to me, turns out I needed to update my F4SE Version to 1.13 . The F4SELoader.exe starts the game before the Fallout4launcher.exe has a chance.

Augusta Calidia wrote: @bben46 - Does NMM automatically convert "plugins.txt" to "read only" if you launch Fallout 4 (or Skyrim or Fallout NV or whatever) using NMM?

I ask this question because every time I've inspected the Appdata "plugins.txt" file, its properties were NOT set to "read only." Furthermore, I have not myself reset the properties because Fallout 4 has run quite well without me doing that. Yet everything I've read indicates that the "plugin.txt" file must be set the "read only." Hence my question - does NMM reset the properties automatically to "read only" when the game is launched through NMM?

Thank you in advance for helping me in my confusion.
jake1976 wrote: I been finding that I have to set the file from read only, manually put in the *s then save then set it back to read only, as every time I activate something thru NMM everything gets de-activated...

Knock on Wood this has been only way I can keep my mods running... its a pain, and I got a shortcut to the folder with the plugins text but it works...
DPnavpoc wrote: I tried this and looks to be working for me. My fingers are crossed that it stays this way.

It doesn't. Installing or unistalling mods will reset it, then you'll have to reactivate all the plugins then set Plugins.txt back to read only. Hoping for an update to NMM soon.


As ZombieArron said, it don't help with having the plugins.txt opened, but it has helped me slightly though, as explained below.


Hopefully this helps someone though. I have made the plugins.txt file in AppData/Local/Fallout4 to readable, each time (only 2 so far) I installed a new mod I check the plugins tab, they all showing they are ticked but opening the plugins.txt file they are not showing the * infront of each ticked mod. All I have to do is untick the mod I just installed, then retick it and all the mods are ticked back as it should be for me.


Incase it matters I using the latest NMM, v0.61.20 and F4SE 0_01_13. Have played a couple hours and so far all good. Ohh and not playing on Survival Difficulty either, incase it makes a difference.

ZombieArron wrote: I do the same, Ill keep it open in Note++ then copy and paste the Fallou4.esm, ect. ect. at the top, save it and exit - AFTER using NMM. Opening NMM and tweaking the loadorder also disables everything, so you'll have to rinse and repeat. Just export your load and keep a copy of your plugins.txt for quicker process til NMM is sorted out.

I got all my mods enabled by simply making a Bethesda.net account, logging into it on the MODS page on my Fallout 4 Game (Ingame) then I pressed X to get onto Load-Order and I just installed it using the Bethesda Mod Manager.
It got it working at least.

Basically, in more detail:

Make a Bethesda.net account on mods.bethesda.net
Boot up Fallout 4
Click on where it says mods (It should prompt you too log in to your Bethesda Account)
When you get to the page, you should see two lines of mods, the top one labelled as "Your Library" and the bottom one as "Mods" or "Latest mods" or something. Then right at the bottom of the screen, it should say
This should bring up your ESMs and your ESPs that were downloaded.
Then just click on them and press "Download" or "Load" or whatever.

Once again, I downloaded all my mods manually and this worked for me.

Good luck!

(EDIT: Every time you load Fallout 4 You need to repeat this process, they untick. RIPPerino.
Someone's already posted this already but meh, the more the better)
Edited by Elliemp12345
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In response to post #37188950. #37189485, #37191705, #37192225, #37192780 are all replies on the same post.

RaffTheSweetling wrote: A quick question regarding nmm disabling mods - I know nmm disables all of our mods when the new update is initially added, it happened to me too and I used my 'import load order' to set it straight, but does the problem of nmm re-disabling mods happen after installing any new mods? or is it happening to players regardless of not adding new mods since this update rolled out?

Hopefully my question makes sense.

I am asking because I haven't had this happen to me yet, but I have not yet added new mods via nmm since this fiasco began, and am incredibly reluctant to do so for that reason.

Could someone clarify this so that I can keep adding mods, or so I can know to keep waiting. Cheers!

NoSkoolThrasher wrote: I installed a mod and that immediately caused NMM to disable everything, not sure if anyone else is having this problem.
RaffTheSweetling wrote: That clinches it then; I'm not adding one single mod until this is fixed.
Augusta Calidia wrote: In regard to new mods, I have installed six mods (two new and four updates) since the v1.5 update. In no case did NMM disable anything. However, after installing a plugin, I did have to take the following extra steps to ensure that the new and/or updated mods appear properly in the now infamous "Plugins.txt" file.

1. Open the NMM plugins tab to verify that all boxes are checked.

2. If any or all are unchecked, click on the green check mark icon in the left margin to re-enable the unchecked plugins.

3. Export the load order and save as a text file (use the export tab in the left margin).

4. Disable all plugins by clicking on the red circle icon.

5. Import the new load order that you saved in step 3 (use the import tab in the left margin). The importing process should place check marks in all the empty boxes.

6. Check the "Plugins.txt" file to see if the above changes have been registered and to determine if all plugins are prefaced by an asterisk. (I created a shortcut to this file so that I could quickly inspect it.) If all is well, then close the file and play your game.

7. If the plugins and load order do not match the plugins and load order in the NMM plugins tab, then once again disable all plugins in NMM by clicking on the red circle icon.

8. Then re-enable all plugins by clicking on the green check mark icon.

9. Return to the "Plugins.txt" file. You should find that everything now aligns with the plugins and load order in your NMM plugins tab and that all plugins are prefaced by an asterisk. Close the file and play your game.

This procedure has worked in every case for me. Whether it will work for anybody else, I don't know. But I sincerely hope that it will work.

Furthermore, I do not have to repeat this procedure every time I open NMM because of disabled plugins. Except for the initial disabling after the v1.5 update, I have not had a single instance where NMM disabled my plugins when I opened it. I need to use this procedure only when installing mods or manually adjusting the load order.

Good luck!

vlaka wrote: it continues to disable mods and often crashes when moving newly installed mods through your load order.
This is beyond frustrating.

I am having this issue also. Just moving a plugin up or down in list will also cause all to become unchecked.
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what's interesting about this update vs normal fallout 4, we don't have to put asterisk anymore by enabling manually ingame mod manager it will be automatically loaded when you download mods on nexus too, just don't enable mods on nexus manager download regularly and find new installed mods on nexus mod manager from there you can download nexus mods it will automatically detect as esp downloaded from bethesda.net you can enable manually on nexus mod but you need check if the asterisk already put there on local data.


if you dont have internet to sign in bethesda.net and use their manager, you have to put asterisk manually.

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In response to post #37233185. #37233780, #37234860, #37235730, #37236685, #37243285 are all replies on the same post.

ravernware wrote: ouch!! Anyone else using Bethesda.net for mod management? I am def NOT installing the latest update until all this dust settles. Hmmph.
jdaacv wrote: May you explain?
ravernware wrote: I do not need the drama. Therefore steam will be offline until this latest 'Bethesda: we love you modders' update screw up is sorted out. Ergo.. no more buying games via steam. I will buy direct or from other sites. Besides.. I have been finding FO4 rather boring so far anyway. These latest update issues certainly do not help. Remember...Bethesda stated they want to support the modding community. Could it be if only the modders post exclusively to Bethesda.net???? But then other posts seem to indicate even their mod manager is messed up. WTF over?
Plus I wanna give the modders some time to really create, provided their works will be allowed to actually work.
So again.. HMMPH! ;(
ZombieArron wrote: Unfortunately, This is the process of getting everything to play nicely together. Beth has been cool with what we do to their games. They also see that its becoming more mainstream and they, like any smart company, want to be a part of it too. The bad thing about this is that Nexus has to dance around them, Bethesda isn't gonna go out of their way just to satisfy us; they also have their cashco- i mean, console players to worry about. They have their priorities and almost leave us to our devices.
ravernware wrote: ZombieArron.. You are so right. Consoles.. my PS3 has like 2 inches of dust on it (it was a gift, bleh).
But consoles are were the corporate money is at.
Yet imo no console will ever match the gaming power of a PC. Never.
PC forever!! Nexus Forever!! Ravernware out (drops mike ala the Pres did tonight at the WHCD).
whawahhh wrote: I just used the bethesda.net to enable my mods took like a minute to make an account, just your basic username and password shiz, then while in game there's a mods section in the main menu now and you just enable your mods from there, or of course if you don't want to use bethesda.net you can just add an asterisk to your mods in your plugins file. there just giving console players a way to enable mods and a place to download mods, it's not really for pc players and i don't see how it would effect nexusmods.

I'm still using mods via NMM. I just updated it and everything works like before. I don't even have a Beth.net account
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Ok I have a strange problem, I updated NMM and Fallout 4, and have all dlc. Every time I play the game, it gives me this message "there is new downloadable content, do you want to enable them?"

I click yes but it just restarts the game without going to desktop then says the same thing like nothing happened..

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When I try to add * to the file names it says "A file name can't contain any of the following characteristics" * being one of them and I can't figure out how to fix this. Help please?


UPDATE: Nevermind, found a fix. For anyone still having trouble, even after the NMM update like me, start up the game, go to mods, click "Load Order" and select the mods you'd like to load. Go back and exit out of the mods, hit okay with the box that pops up, everything will reload then start playing the game. Everything should be there.

Edited by FallenAngel460
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