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Recipe Modding


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Hi all

When I scrap the radios in the game I get rubber and that's it. I see in the Recipe that there are 4 components, do I need a perk to get the other 3 or is that not the right recipe/ place i'm looking at or? Anyway I want to change the recipe as my first mod since fallout NV was new,:(), and i don't want to screw it up!!

Anyone know how to mod the radio (the object) recipe in the Geck, and willing to help me do it?



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Here's what I'm looking at:

In the CK under: ITEMS / Constructable Object / workshop_co_ScrapRadio, click on that and open the Contructable Object Window that shows:

Editor ID:WorkShopEditorFilterScrap


Required Item List:

Count: Object Component:

1 Circuitry

1 Copper

1 Crystal

2 Plastic

2 Rubber

So if that's not the scrap recipe, where is it?

And is there a random component in the game for what you get when you scrap something, as I said there are 4 more components listed and I only get rubber..

Sorry for the Ignorance on my part but it's been years since I did this so I'm worse than a noob, I have memories of what I did and they're probably a bit off :/

Thanks for the help

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  On 4/28/2016 at 1:01 AM, speedynl said:

scrapper perk i ques, give more rare stuff, rubber prolly just standard, then with scrapper lv1 lets say it give 3x, scrapper lv2 give all

Well I took my lvl 50 non survival player and added the Scrapper perks lvl1 then lvl2. Lvl 1 changed the scrap to rubber and plastic, lvl2 made no difference. I added all 4 Scrounger perks but nothing changed...


  On 4/28/2016 at 1:28 PM, ShadowMage016 said:

I thought Scrapper only affected the components you got back from scrapping weapons (?and armor?).

The description in the perk screen does say armor and weapons but I found it to affect more, but not all, of the scrappable items. NOTE* I am using mods for scrapping so I'm not sure what effect they are having other than allowing more than the default items to be scrapped, but I don't see any change in the recipes for the default items....

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Scrap recipe is not right. It should have scrap items in it, not regular.


Compare the build workshop_co_Loot_Boss_Trunk with workshop_co_ScrapLoot_BossTrunk


Build requires 4 c_Steel scrap gets 2 c_Screws_scrap and 3 c_Steel_scrap



radio uses non scrap material in the scrap recipe. oops.


That's a bug I think.


EDIT: I just posted this to the CK forum on bethsite.


We can easily fix the recipe, but that's something they should do as a bugfix.

Edited by skubblebubble
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