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fallout 4 1.5 patch - problems with game loading


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Hi All,


So i've updated to beta build 1.5 today and after few hours I can not figure out why my game dont want to load.

I checked the mods in game and it seems im not missing anything but when i try to load the game, it crash just before the loading screen disappear.


is there a way to check which mod may cause it?

I tried to disable all mods and start new game and got the same thing.


if this is not possible is there a way to roll back to 1.4 patch ?





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I'm in the same boat!


My Fallout 4 auto updated to v1.5 via steam and now my save will not load.


I tried disabling and renabling all mods via NMM and also removed my .inis and still it CTDs when loading saves.


These updates should be promted if you ask me as now my Fallout 4 is dead as the mods appear incompatible.


Sad times

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Same here :(


I disabled all plugins for mods in the nexus and deleted my inis. I can now load old saves and start a new game without mods.


When i set up my Fallout4Prefs.ini and Fallout4Custom.ini for modding with all mod plugins still disabeld in the nexus i get a ctd with my old save and new game.


F4 1.5.157 (Steam)

F4SE 0.1.13

NMM 0.61.20



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Please share if you suss out roll back as my fallout auto updated but I cannot suss out roll back.


I read that it's UI mods that are the cause but I have no UI mods :(

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Okay. I created a Bethesda.net Account.

I enabled my mods in the Nexus an checked all mods in the Gamemenu. I can now play my old save with no problem so far.

do u use f4se ?


did u run your game via nmm or though the actual game launcher ?

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