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Does anyone know the exact formula for how fire rate is calculated? I am trying to make real world fire rates for real world guns. An automatic weapon that fires 550 rounds per minute fires around 9 shots per second and empties a 30 round clip in approximately 3.3 seconds.


For example if a real world automatic weapon has a fire rate of 550 rounds per minute (excluding reloading) I am unclear how "attack delay" and "fire speed" under DNAM values in weapon properties in FO4edit actually relate to fire rate. Why are there two variables and how do they relate to one another?

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Does anyone know the exact formula for how fire rate is calculated? I am trying to make real world fire rates for real world guns. An automatic weapon that fires 550 rounds per minute fires around 9 shots per second and empties a 30 round clip in approximately 3.3 seconds.


For example if a real world automatic weapon has a fire rate of 550 rounds per minute (excluding reloading) I am unclear how "attack delay" and "fire speed" under DNAM values in weapon properties in FO4edit actually relate to fire rate. Why are there two variables and how do they relate to one another?

I don't understand how speed works, but I know that if you enable repeatable single fire in the F4CK you can use attack delay to set the ROF in an easy to understand way. Repeatable single fire makes semi-automatic guns fully automatic without increasing the rate of fire or disabling the attack delay parameter.

I have no idea why they have that and also automatic mode that increases ROF and uses the speed parameter. It makes no sense.

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OK, I did some more testing and I've figured out some new things. I've added what I found to the Talk section of the Weapons article on the F4CK wiki. From what I can see, you get more control overall and fewer bugs by keeping weapons semi automatic and using the Repeatable Single Fire flag when you want a weapon to be automatic. Some weapons have animations for the Automatic and Bolt Action flags though. Melee weapons can't use the Repeatable Single Fire flag, so use the Automatic flag instead for them. Speed doesn't seem to work for melee weapons.



Speed affects the maximum rate of fire and speeds up the firing animation (normally). Higher Speed values than 1 divide the Attack Delay and lower Speed values than 1 multiply it.

For example:

2 Speed and a 1 second Attack Delay makes a semi-automatic weapon fire a shot every 0.5 seconds.

0.5 Speed and a 1 second Attack Delay makes a semi-automatic weapon fire a shot every 2 seconds.


Attack Delay limits rate of fire by requiring a specified amount of time to pass before the next shot can be fired. The Automatic and Bolt Action Flags disable Attack Delay.


With the Bolt Action flag enabled, Speed only affects the the speed at which animations associated with the Bolt Action flag play. Instead of restarting the firing animation with each shot, the firing animation and any animation associated with the Bolt Action flag must finish for the next shot to be fired on weapons with the Bolt Action flag. God mode disables Bolt Action, so don't use it when testing weapons with the Bolt Action flag.


The Automatic flag seems to allow a weapon to fire as fast as the firing animation will play. Some weapons such as the .44 Revolver change firing animations when the Automatic flag is enabled.

Edited by noahdvs
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  • 5 months later...

When I set a weapon to repeatable single fire, it uses the semi-auto sound effect, and the firing sound plays pretty inconsistently. Like with full auto you expect an even fire rate, but instead it kind of slows down and speeds up while you're holding the trigger.


Automatic flag makes a weapon use a different, looping animation and sound effect, but I notice this too can be inconsistent, with the bolt cycling an extra time, and firing sounds playing once but using two bullets.


Does anybody else notice any of these odd behaviors, or is it just my imagination?

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