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Launching game takes 5+ minutes after 1.5 update


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The game always launched in about 15 seconds prior to the 1.5 update, but with 1.5 installed it takes over 5 minutes to launch. It happens even with all mods disabled, using the Bethesda launcher, so it isn't related to mods or NMM. The game runs fine once it finally loads, and load times within the game (fast travel, entering or exiting an interior cell, loading a saved game, etc.) are the same as they ever were. The problem only occurs when actually launching the game.


I know some people had a problem with unreasonably long load times before the 1.3 update, but I never had that problem. Unfortunately, they now seem to have created the exact problem they supposedly fixed earlier. Good job, guys.


Anyone else seeing this issue, and if so, any suggestions for a fix?

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How many saves do you have? You might try removing all older saves from your saves folder which is located in the same place as the ini files and see if it helps speed up your game load speed. Also have you tried starting a new game to see if it loads quicker?

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Well you might need to do a re-install of the game. But first maybe try deleting the ini files in your documents folder and then launch FO4 either via steam or from the FO4.exe itself. You will be asked to select what resolution you want to run at. Also make sure that the games video resolution matches whatever your desktop resolution is set to. Then click ok and continue launching FO4 and see it loads any quicker. If not then I'd maybe go into steam and validate your files to see if it finds anything missing. If it does it'll install whatever was missing. Then see if the game launches ok. If not then it just might be time to re-install FO4. Unless somebody else maybe has any additional suggestions.

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One more piece of potentially relevant info. During the launch sequence, if I go into the Settings menu, the Audio option is dark and has a little spinning "please wait" icon beside it. As soon as that goes away and the Audio option lights up, I can load a saved game almost immediately. The interesting thing is that the main title theme plays while this is happening, so there isn't actually a problem with the audio.

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Finally figured it out. Having SOUND\ in the parameter list for sResourceDataDirsFinal in Fallout4.ini was causing the launch delay. I assume this has something to do with the change in how mods are handled with the release of 1.5 & CK. Anyway, I set sResourceDataDirsFinal in Fallout4.ini back to the default:


Added this to Fallout4Custom.ini


and all is well.

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