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IC Waterfront crash.


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I am continuing to experience constant and consistent crashes in the Waterfront, and I have reason to believe BC is not causing it because it still occurs even with BC deactivated. It's so bad that I cannot do ANYTHING in the Waterfront, I cannot access a number of quests I want to play (including the Thieves Guild). I've been messing around with this for day and wasting so much time, please can someone help? I've used Wrye Bash, I've tried deleting the distantLOD files, etc etc I just don't understand it, it's wasted so much of my time trying to get this working only to be disappointed EVERY time. I swear there was a time it never used to do this but I cannot remember when that was. :(


I have a number of other mods, including UL and roads and bridges, but I'm positive I have all the necessary patches for both. :(


I just can't seem to fix it. Nothing is working.

Edited by Lehcar
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When you deactivated BC did you also completely uninstall it (meshes, textures, esp etc.)? My understanding is that Oblivion will still load the resources if they're in your Data subfolders (so the conflict could persist after you've deactivated in Data Files).
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Try disabling UL Imperial Isle and anything else that adds stuff to the waterfront, and reduce your graphic settings (turn off detailed water, external shadows, view distance, specular distance, object fade, for instance) as a troubleshooting step. The IC Waterfront is a graphic intensive area even in vanilla, and with lots of mods installed and graphics on high it can kill machines that are borderline or below on the graphics front. If you take these steps and can access the waterfront OK, then you know that your machine is struggling. Without these steps you will be guessing and running around in circles.
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Well, good news, it suddenly works perfectly with BC totally uninstalled. Guess I was wrong.


Sigh, now I'm sad. The only real reason I wanted BC's waterfront was because of those awesome little non-owned cellar spaces it adds that I can sleep in. :(



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Did you try installing the FPS optimizers for the IC? That area is definitely tough on many users' machines. You can also turn down or off the various water-related settings.






Edit: BC's resources are packed in BSAs, so if you just uninstalled the Imperial City component, your game should be okay...or at least now worse than the vanilla water front plus whatever else you've modified it with other than BC.

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